Beware Of Skunk Goddess. (NSFW)

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  • #32855

    A fanart on one of Angel Uriel's Female Muscle Goddess Milya Zi an extraordinarily muscular female skunk, with her physical strength reaches astronomical levels she has enough strength to destroy any planet with a single tap of her back pinky finger.

    HT: 11'3"
    WT: 40 Tons,
    Age ? belived to be over 120,000 years old

    Think you can handle her?^_^

    BTW drew her all on Gimp and mouse only art.

    Angel Uriel's CG Art Gallery –
    Angel Uriel's Art Of Milya Zi –

    ze fly

    😀 I have already seen the last version on Angel Uriel's site, but thanks for the 2 others. 
    I'm geting better at recognizing styles, since at that time I instantly saw it was you who draw the piece…  😉
    Great as always, keep drawing…  🙂


    Can I handle her?  Hmm…  The height?  I think so.  The muscles?  Yeah.  The fur?  Might be fun.  The SMELL?  I don't think so.

    ze fly

    Can I handle her?  The SMELL?  I don't think so.

    I wouldn't be the one to say that to her. I don't know why, but I tend to think that it wouldn't be…  wise, and rather perilous 😀

    And you forgot the weight: 40tons (another tricky subject with women). She will sure be difficult to handle in all the meanings of the word!!


    Im always very very happy when I see your name next to a topic title.
    Means i get to see more of your great work. ;"o
    Awesome sir. I make with the big smiles at this.

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