Big All Over part 1

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  • #70504

    Hello all, I haven't seen as many stories floating around on the forum as I used to, so I thought I might try and contribute. This is the first story I posted here.
    This was going to be one story, but the character limit got me by a couple thousand so I broke it up into the 2 parts and added even more to it. Here's part one. Enjoy.

    Big All Over part 1

    Coming home was the favorite part of Roger Macmillon's day.  He enjoyed the freedom of being on his own time.  He enjoyed the elevator ride up to his twelfth floor apartment, and most of all he loved walking in to see Addison, his girlfriend of six years.  He would always look at her and somehow she could make him feel all right.  No matter what had happened at his boring as hell job, Addison seemed to be the cure.  Out of college, Roger'd had aspirations of going to law school to become a tax attorney, but one procrastinative thought after another had lead him into settling for a job at a health care company.  He did the normal office shuffle.  Always the same shit, only the dates were changed to protect his sanity.  It didn't matter.  Addison brought home enough bread for both of them.  She did go to law school.  He told himself that supporting her emotionally and financially while she was in school was his gift to her, and worth his not going.  He kept telling himself that it wasn't too late, but he and Addison knew that he would never see the inside of a law class room.
    Roger stepped off the elevator and could almost see Addison's tight body bathed in the sunlight coming through the large patio doors and the large windows that had no blinds or curtains.  Addison loved light, and the light loved her.  In his mind he could picture Addison's tight body in those tight workout pants that she loved to wear around the apartment.  Every bit of her was covered with the long hard muscle of a triathlete.  She had been competing for the last three years and did quite well.  Roger's hands itched in anticipation of feeling every contour of her.  In normal clothes she looked slender or even skinny, but close inspection revealed that her body was sharpened to a razor's edge. Roger and Addison had both been active in high school but had let themselves go just a little while in college.  They had started training together.  Six years later, they still trained together sometimes, but Roger didn't go to the gym as often as he used to.  Roger had helped Addison get her body where it was now, but she had passed him by.  He couldn't run as far or bike as fast, but he didn't care.  He loved her.
    Roger smiled and rounded the corner towards their apartment.  He closed his eyes and pictured Addison's shiny blond hair and beautiful green eyes.  It was those emerald green eyes that had caught Roger's attention back in their college days, but quickly he had been attracted to her wonderfully soft and smiling face, but these days she wore a frown or serious expression more often than not.  Around him her gaze was much softer, but Addison was a driven person and didn't tolerate mediocrity or anyone who she thought was wasting her time.  Roger shook his head.  If people only knew her as well as he did, they would understand what a wonderful person she was.  Roger slid his key in the lock and pushed the door open.  He had a smile on his face, and in his mind, but they turned to confusion after he stepped inside.
    Addison was in their living room dressed in those tight exercise pants that Roger loved so much, leaning over lifting a box.  He could see her hammies tighten under those pants as she stood up straight and placed this box atop another.  The room was full of boxes, big boxes and small ones.  Everything was packed and sealed and there was a stack of things behind their white leather sofa that Roger couldn't see.  He could see though that Addison looked a little tired.  She must have really been working hard because it took a lot to make her tired.  He could also see that she had made her mind up about something.  She had a certain look once she had figured something out and had set her mind to doing it.  Once Addison had made up her mind, it took an Act of God to keep her from achieving it.
    "What's going on?", Roger asked.  The confusion changing the pitch of his voice.
    Addison looked up at him, but didn't say a word.  She lifted a box and put it down, starting a new stack.
    "Wh–What?  Are you leaving me?", Roger managed through the suddenly blinding headache.  This couldn't be real.
    "No", Addison said after a moment.  "You're leaving, Roger.  This is all your stuff."
    Roger dropped the nearly empty briefcase to the floor.  "You're putting me out?"  He couldn't believe it.  His throat had gone dry, and his head was growing with every beat of his racing heart.
    "Yes, Roger, I am.  And don't tell me that you didn't see this coming.  I was hoping that you would stay late at work, and I would be finished before you got here, but it doesn't matter."
    "Why are you doing this to me… to us?"
    "I have to Roger.  You're a decent guy, but you're holding me back.  I can't keep supporting you like we're still fresh out of college."
    That raised Roger's hackles.  "Wait a damned minute.  I supported you when we were fresh out of college!"
    "And what have you done since?  You have the same job, and you haven't even been promoted.  Its been all this time, and you still have the same fucking chair for pete's sake, Roger!"  Her face softened, and she stepped towards him.  "I can't do this anymore."
    Roger looked at her stone hard body as she stood in front of him, but looked back up.  "I still don't understand."
    Addison shook her head.  "Roger, I'm about to be made a junior partner at the firm.  I'll be the fastest one in the history of the firm, and the first in my class to make it that high at a major firm.  You on the other hand…  I don't know how to put it, Roger, but I'm not doing this anymore."
    Roger took a step back and his face went red with anger and embarrassment!  She couldn't talk to him like this!  He had prospects!  He wasn't a bum!  He had pride!  He'll show her!  "Well you see how great you do without my support then, Addison.  You just see!  'Oh, Honey, could you do this for me, I'll be late in the office'.  Or, 'Could you take this to so-and-so?'  I'm always there for you, and you do this to me because I don't fit your little high price lawyer mold."
    Addison didn't say anything.
    Roger felt like he was on a roll.  He reached down and snatched up his briefcase.  "Yeah, I don't need this relationship either!", he yelled.  He put his finger in her face.  "And I'm going to stop payment on my check for half the rent!"
    "You only pay a quarter of the rent", she deadpanned.
    Roger's entire being shrunk.
    "You can't afford half.  Most of the time I put your little rent money back in your account to keep you from getting overdrafted."
    Roger had nothing left to say.  He turned and walked outside into the hallway.  He still had his key, but it didn't matter.  He was sure the locksmith would be there before the day was out.  Addison was thorough.  She had even organized all his belongings, catalogued them and labeled the boxes that she had put them in.  She was better than he was a packing his own stuff.  Roger felt more than defeated as he trudged towards the elevator.  As he stood there waiting for the stainless steel doors to open, he didn't know what to do.  He had a few bucks in the checking account and a few more in a savings account, but not much more than that.  He had nowhere to go.  He pulled out his cell phone and dialed the one person who he knew wouldn't let him down.  There was an answer after a couple of rings.
    "Hello, Mom", Roger began.  "Is there any way I could stay there for a couple of days?  And can I borrow Dad's truck?"

    A couple of days turned into six months, six months of sleeping in the same bed he had slept in while he was in high school.  Now though, Roger was once again on his own.  It felt good and bad to be out of his parents' hair.  Good because that nagging feeling of being a complete failure was gone, but bad because all he could afford was a one bedroom flat in a questionable part of town.  To make matters worse, Addison had been right.  In the six months since she had dumped him, not only had she been made a junior partner, but she had also won two high profile cases.  Her name was all over the place.  There were people even talking about her running for district attorney, or being made a federal prosecutor.  It was one thing for Addison to tell Roger that he was a stone around her neck, it was quite another for her to prove it true.
    Roger went on with life, though not the same as he once had.  He didn't get out much, and he wasn't very social at work.  He had become the invisible man, able to slip in and slip out without anyone noticing him.  No one even thought to notice him, but Roger understood.  He figured that there was nothing to see anyway.
    The only outlet that let Roger be himself was when he would occasionally chat online.  His screen name Easygo was pretty well known in chat circles, and he had a list of friends that he chatted with on a regular basis.  They thought that he was a funny, witty guy, who always had time to listen to their problems while never mentioning his own.  Roger figured that there was no need to chat about his problems, because there was no need in letting the online community know what his regular acquaintances already knew.  Roger wasn't quite a loser, but his life was permanently stuck in low gear.
    One day, he was trolling around looking for someone to talk to.  Some of his friends were online, but he didn't feel like talking about chinachef's cat, or about mixnmatch's teenaged son.  He kept searching when he got a message out of the blue.  He didn't look at it right away.  He hated unsolicited messages, but finally he looked.  It was from some calling themselves BAOGirl.  The message simply read "Can I ask you a question?"
    "Sure", Roger typed back.
    "Oh, thanks.  I was just wondering if you knew a good gym in town?  I just moved here and I saw on your profile that you like to work out."
    Roger frowned.  He really needed to update his profile.  He used to love to workout, but he had gotten out of the routine.  He hadn't seen the inside of a gym in quite a while.  He still knew some good ones though.  "Are you a casual aerobics type of person, or more hardcore?", he asked.
    "I'm pretty hardcore", was BAOGirl's reply.
    Roger nodded.  He had always liked a girl who kept in shape.  That led his mind back to Addison.  He sighed and pushed her away.  "Go to Steele's Fitness, and talk to a guy named Ronnie.  He'll set you up.  Its a place for people who like their workout without lots of distractions."
    "Perfect… Are there a lot of bodybuilders there?"
    "Several, some men and some women and some powerlifters too."
    "Ah Cool!  Sounds like a nice place.  You've been a big help."
    Roger closed the little boxes and went back to looking for new people to chat with.  He thought about updating his profile, but what for.  He had been more interesting back in those days.  These days his profile would be blank.
    A couple of days went by and he hadn't bothered to chat, but one night he got on and soon after he signed in, he got a message from BAOGirl.
    "Thanks.  The gym is great.  I just got home from a good workout."
    "Glad you, liked it."  Roger didn't want to get into this.
    "Do you go to Steele's Fitness?"
    "Used to", was Roger's quick reply.  "I used to train there with my ex-girlfriend, but then we switched gyms, and I don't really train like I used to."
    "Aww too bad.  Working out is so much fun.  I think I'd go crazy if I didn't hit the gym.  You can't tell me that you don't miss it."
    Roger thought about it.  "Not really"
    "Liar.  You miss that high when your muscles are pumped and your blood is flowing and you feel so alive that you could fly."
    Who did BAOGirl think she was telling him how he was feeling, but she had a point.  "Ok, so maybe I miss it a little."
    "There.  Admitting it is the first step.  Now what's the second step?"
    Roger smiled and pulled the keyboard closer to him.  "Maybe I might make some time to workout a couple days a week."
    "You'll thank yourself", BAOGirl told him.
    They chatted for a couple more minutes, but Roger had a some work to do.  As he prepared for sleep, Roger thought back on when he had been more active.  He took his shirt off and stood in front of the mirror.  It looked like his father's body with his head on top.  That wasn't going to work.  He made up his mind then and there.
    It was a week before he ran into BAOGirl online again.  He had admitted to himself that he had been looking for her.  "Hey, I joined a gym.  And I worked out four times this week", he messaged her.
    "Great!", was her quick reply  "Get ready though.  You haven't worked out in a while and your body is going to be really sore."
    Roger laughed.  "I'm already going through that, but even the pain feels good.  It felt so great to get back out there and get the muscles worked up.  Thanks for the encouragement."
    "No problem", BAOGirl told him.  "Did you join Steele's again?"
    "No, I picked one closer to where I live now.  Not nearly as hardcore as Steele's, but not bad.  This gym has lots of posers with no muscle who constantly stare at themselves in the mirror."
    "LOL, doesn't every gym have those?"
    "Yeah, but most of the folks at Steele's at least have something to flex", Roger typed.
    "True", BAOGirl allowed.  "But most of us aren't as ugly or as pretty or as strong or as weak as we think we are.  Like right now, I feel like I could do anything, but not really of course."
    "So you just finished a workout?"
    "No, not today unfortunately.  My poor muscles feel neglected, and I think my biceps are really revolting more than the rest of them because this was supposed to be their day."
    "LOL!  Tell your biceps to behave themselves, or somebody'll have to teach them a lesson."
    "I don't know, Easygo.  My arms are pretty strong, and I'm scared of pissing them off.  I'll work 'em extra hard next time to make up for missing today."
    Roger laughed.  The subject changed after a while, they chatted for more than an hour.  He learned that BAOGirl was 25(going on 26), and that she had just finished grad school.  She didn't give much detail, but he did find out that she worked in education.  Roger had contemplated lying about his job, but instead he told the truth, but tried to make it seem more fun than it actually was.

    "You hate your job don't you?", BAOGirl asked him during a conversation a month after they had first started chatting.
    "What makes you say that?"
    BAOGirl laughed in her bedroom.  "Because every time you mention it, you feel compelled to give me some sort of adjective telling how 'fresh' it is, or how 'wonderful' it is.  Just admit that you hate it."
    "Ok, fine.  If it makes you happy, my job has to be the most boring, tedious, insanely monotonous job put on this earth by the devil himself to crush all beneath the mighty weight of its banality!  Furthermore, I am a lesser man for having this job and allowing it to keep its greasy brain killing tentacles wrapped around me!"
    "I bet that felt good.  You probably feel like new money."
    Roger chuckled.  "I feel old money freshly pressed by a steamy iron.  Crisp to the eye and limp to the touch"
    "LOL, you're crazy.  I wonder what you're like in real life?"
    "Not nearly as interesting as I am online I'm afraid", Roger typed the unfortunate truth.
    "I don't believe you.  I bet you are the same, just keep everything tucked under a tortoise shell."
    "You are like my little online Freud, but before I go to far I don't have to pay for this do I?"
    "Only if you want.  I'm not rich, so I will take tips."
    "Tips eh?"
    "LOL yeah.  I still have student loans to pay."
    "I already told you about my job.  It sucks, and I suck for having it.  The only tip I could give you is not to plant your corn early." 
    Roger expected an immediate reply, but it didn't come.
    "Your job isn't keeping you down.  You're keeping your job down."
    "I don't know what that means, but I'll take your word for it."

    A couple of weeks later, Roger sent BAOGirl a message that didn't get a reply for nearly half an hour.  It showed that she was online.  He shrugged his shoulders.  He was about sign off when he saw a reply.
    "Sorry, I was a little busy."
    "Its cool.  What were you up to?"
    "I hate to admit, but I was looking in the mirror."
    "Forgot what you look like?", Roger typed with a chuckle.
    There was a pause.  "I am so pumped right now!  I can't believe it.  I just had a workout, and it seemed like everything just clicked.  I know what I normally look like, but right now I feel like I'm a goddess or something.  I apologize if I type slow.  I'm typing with one hand and feeling my muscles with the other.  This is just so much better than it is normally.  I just don't get this big all the time.  Might not be everybody's thing, but to me this is about as good as it gets.  I feel so strong!"
    Roger paused, and he saw Addison in his mind again.  He missed her so much still.  He had seen her from a distance with her new boyfriend a few weeks earlier.  He was an investment banker, tall, handsome, and rich.  There were rumors that they were going to get married.  She looked as happy as Roger could remember her being.
    "I had a girlfriend with muscles once", Roger typed.
    "I bet she doesn't have muscles like mine."
    "I don't know maybe."
    "I've never met her, but I doubt it.  My muscles are pretty big, and oh so cut right now.  I'm flexing my left arm, and man I think my skin is hurting the muscle is peaking so much.  Its like a hill in the middle of a prairie.  Just rising up from nowhere."
    "Don't believe me?", BAOGirl sent back.
    "No, I believe you."  Roger didn't want to hurt her feelings.
    There was no reply for a few moments.  "I feel so narcissistic, but man this is amazing.  The separation in my chest is just phenomenal.  I can feel the pecs tightening up and all that.  I don't mean to bore you with it, but right now I just feel really big.
    "Big eh?"
    "Yeah, Big All Over", she wrote.
    "Ah ha, so that's what BAOGirl stands for."
    "Yep, that was my nickname when I was younger for different reasons, but I keep it as a screen name."
    "I've always liked a girl with muscles, I don't know why more girls don't build their bodies up.  Of course I haven't seen you, you could be putting me on."
    There was a long pause.  Roger wondered if he had pissed her off.  He started to type something to fill the void, but a message came before he was finished.
    "I don't send pics over the net, but we can meet up maybe."
    "Really?"  Roger frowned.  "I've never done this before.  You know meet up with someone I met online."
    "Me neither, but you seem like a good guy.  It doesn't have be anything official or anything, but I would like to meet you face to face."
    "Ok", he agreed quickly.  They settled on a place after a few suggestions.  "My name is Roger by the way.  How will I know you?"
    "I'll be wearing a blue dress I think, and I'll sit near the front.  My name is Megan."
    Ok, Megan, I'll be there.  Please don't stand me up, I don't think my fragile male ego could take it."
    "I'll be there."
    "Cool, and make sure you bring your muscles with you."
    She laughed.  "They go everywhere I go."

    Roger had thought about bringing a gift or something, but decided against it.  This wasn't a date after all.  He put his hands in his pockets as he walked inside the market.  The place felt like it was competely open with the sun streaming in, but it was covered with a glass ceiling.  There were shops lining both sides of the long thoroughfare, and there were people filling most of the seats in the area next to a couple of restaurants.  Roger scanned the area for a woman sitting alone, and he didn't have to look for long.
    Megan was sitting at the second table from the front wearing a airy cobalt blue dress.  Roger couldn't recall what had caught his eyes about her first.  It could have been the radiance of her bronzed skin, or the shape of her body beneath the dress, but most likely it had been her entire physique.  She hadn't been lying about any of it.  Roger saw her bare arms, and his eyes traced the roundness of her delts that swept down then his eyes fought with one another.  His right eye wanted to trace the shape and contour of her triceps muscles, but his left eye could not be torn from her resting, but still perfectly shaped biceps.  He could see a hint of a vein running over her peak.  Then he went down her forearms, but his eyes wandered over to her chest.  Her breasts filled the dress up pushing it out away from her skin a little.  Her breasts were backed and flanked by hard muscles.  He could see her muscles flex slightly as she moved in her seat then checked her watch.  He watched the muscles and sinews of her arm bulge ever so slightly just with that little movement.
    Then she uncrossed her right leg from the top of her left and switched putting her left leg over.  Roger could not take his eyes off her.  She reached down and slid her sandal back onto her foot before it slipped all the way off.  Roger's eyes once again fought with one another as he made his way up her legs.  Her calves looked oh so hard and he traced the artery that ran from the inside of her ankle up her calf and branching out and continuing up her leg and under her blue dress.
    He didn't know what her best body part was, but he knew what held his interest the longest.  Megan's body was the ideal vision of female muscle, not too big to look anything other than perfectly healthy and natural, but big enough to see that she had put long hours of work into her physique.  As perfect as her body was, Roger's eyes lingered on her face.  He felt like he needed to squint to gaze upon her.  Megan's face shined like a light.  Even though he could tell that she was getting nervous that he wouldn't show, her face looked so caring and sensitive and yet at the same time he knew that there was a wit and a bit of a cut-up inside her.
    Roger tore himself away and walked from behind the hotdog stand that had been shielding him.  When he came out into the open, she saw him and her face lit  up.  She waved.
    "I was starting to get worried that you wouldn't show", she said to him as he got closer.  She stood up from her chair as he came over.
    "Oh, no.  I wouldn't do that to you.  I was coming.  So, Megan, we meet at last."
    There was a moment where both just stood there.  She leaned over then and hugged him.  Her skin was so warm and soft and vibrant and smelled so nice.  He could feel the hardness and the suppleness of her body as she held it against him for that brief moment.  "I feel like I know you already", she told Roger.
    "Yeah me too."  He tried to say in as natural a manner as he could manage, but he already suspected that he didn't know her as well as he wanted to.
    They sat down and the waiter came out and took their order.  "So, Roger.  Do you think I was lying about the muscles?"
    Roger laughed.  She loved his smile.  "No, Megan.  You weren't lying.  My ex-girlfriend has nothing on you.  How long have you been working out?"
    The waiter came and brought her water with lemons.  She talked as she squeezed.  "Since I was 16."
    "Did you start for sports?"
    Megan shook her head.  "No, I didn't play any sports in high school.  Like I said earlier my nickname was big all over.  My butt, my hips, my thighs, my breasts, and my belly.  I tried basketball once, and I got tired running the lap around the gym so I gave up on that.  The last straw was when the new high school councilor sent me a flyer about teenaged pregnancy.  I wasn't pregnant then nor have I ever been, but I couldn't take it anymore.  So I started working out at the end of junior year."
    "Ah man, you didn't tell me all that online."
    Megan shrugged her shoulders causing her traps to harden and then relax quickly.  "Never really came up. Besides the past is the past.  I don't have any negative emotions about it.  I'm happy with my body now, and I don't even worry about those days."
    "Damn.  I wish I could be like you when I grow up!"
    Megan laughed.  It was the first time Roger had heard it, and it rang a chord within him.  "You are crazy aren't you?"
    "Maybe a little, but my shrink says that I should make a full recovery."
    Megan laughed again and this time Roger saw the outline of her abs under her dress, but his eyes quickly went back to her face.  It was so expressive and vibrant.  As Roger sat there, he felt like he was looking at a woman who represented all that was good in life.  That first meeting lasted so long that Roger called into work and took the rest of the day off.  He had chosen to meet Megan on his lunch break as a precaution against a terrible and awkward waste of time.  If she was horrible in real life then he could always use work as an excuse to get away, but as he sat there at the cafe, work was the furthest thing from his mind.  Somewhere between the sandwiches and a second refill of drinks, their meeting became a date.
    Megan talked and laughed with Roger, finding him as easy going in person as his screen name suggested.  As she had been sitting there waiting, she had been all nerves, but he could make anybody feel… well at ease, just like him.  Their meeting/date ended finally, but Megan hadn't wanted it to.  She wanted it to last and last because she wasn't sure if she knew a guy quite like Roger.

    Roger and Megan began officially dating shortly after that first meeting.  He found himself at her apartment all the time, and she was just as often at his.  They loved each other's company, but were slightly surprised at how much they loved it.  Roger always had a wisecrack and Megan always seemed to have some sort of sage's wisdom that defied her youth.  Their personalities just meshed somehow.  Roger was changing the longer he stayed around Megan.  Her optimism was completely contagious.  That part of Roger that Addison had killed was coming back to life and everyone around him was seeing it.  Roger didn't think that deeply about his situation.  He just knew that he was happy, and Megan was happy.  She excited him in every way that a woman could excite a man. 
    Roger loved the feel of her body as they lounged on the sofa.  He loved her to lay against him.  The feeling of being around her was something like he had never experienced.  His ex had a nice body for sure, but Megan's muscles were lush and thick, and when she flexed them hard as granite.  She didn't flex for him because Roger hadn't asked her to.  Roger had to be content to just watch them flex while she used her body to do mundane things.  He loved her muscles, but he didn't want to let on just how much they excited him.  He didn't want to come off as a creep.  He told her how beautiful she was, but left it at that.  Of course, Megan was more perceptive than he gave her credit for.

    Sometimes Roger's useless job actually forced him take work home.  His boss, Mr. Howlen, had given Roger a load of accounts to go over because he had pulled several members of the staff off to do some special project.  Roger wondered what sort of project it could be, but it didn't matter.  People like him didn't get picked to do special projects.  Instead he got left with the crap after the more important office staff got picked.  Roger didn't let it get him down though.  He sat at his little home desk and tried to do the best he could.
    He was working when he heard a gentle tap at his the door.  He was pretty annoyed, because he had just gotten into a rhythm on his work.  He looked over at the clock.  It was nearing 10 pm and no decent people moved around this late in his neighborhood.  He stood up and went to the door.  He thought about pulling his baseball bat close, but shook his head.  He looked through the hole, but didn't see anyone.  He opened the door partially and stood in the opening so he could look both ways.  He turned to his right, but the pair of hands came from the left.  They took him by his t-shirt and pulled him a little before pushing him back into his apartment.  The push wasn't hard enough to make him fall, but he did take several steps back.
    Roger regained his balance and looked up to see Megan darkening his doorway.  For the first time since he'd met her, she had pulled her hair back and it made her normally sweet face look a little more stern and serious.  Her eyes bored into him and her demeanor left Roger more off balance than her push had.  She was wearing a long winter coat.  The weather was starting to get cool, but this coat was a little much.  She had it wrapped tightly around her as she stood there looking.
    "What's this?", Roger asked as Megan closed the door behind her.
    She sighed before she spoke.  "You're a good guy", she began.  Roger didn't like this already.  "I think I like our relationship and all, but it needs to go to the next step, Roger."
    She came forward and to him she seemed less like the person he had fallen for and more like a panther hunting her prey.  "I don't understand", Roger bumped into his chair and had to use its back to steady himself.
    Megan stopped advancing.  Her chin was low and her beautiful brown eyes peered up at him through her lashes.  "Roger, I know my body excites you no matter how you try to hide it."
    "What?"  Roger tried to swallow the lump in his throat.
    "Everytime we cuddle you feel my arms and my chest.  When I move you look at all the details of my body, but you always pretend that you don't."
    "B–but but–"
    "But nothing, Roger.  I'm so proud of my muscles."  She came towards him.  Her stilettos clicked against the floor as she came closer.  She took Roger by the shirt again and pulled him close to her.  Usually it was he who took a whiff of Megan's scent, but this time she flared her nostrils and inhaled deeply.
    "Megan, what are you doing?"  Roger raised his hands from his side, but didn't touch her.  She seemed electric.
    "I'm going to make sure you know all about me, Roger."  She pushed him down into the chair and went to his stereo.  She slid in a cd then turn to face him.  Before the music started, Megan began to untie the sash of her coat.  "You know most of me, Roger."  Her grin made Roger's loins stir, but then her coat fell away and Megan's wonderful body was displayed in all of its glory.  She wore only the thinnest bikini top with a nearly invisible bottom.  Her skin was oiled and every curve and shape of her sculpted body seemed to project from under her skin.  She put her hands on her hips and almost imperceptibly she flexed her lats causing her back to flare and widen.  She tightened her pecs then, reveling in the feeling of the muscle separating and flexing out making her already nice chest into something breathtaking, literately.  Roger's body had to force him to cough to make him breathe.  He felt himself stiffen from the sight of her. 
    Chris Isaak's Wicked Games started playing on Roger's stereo and Megan slowly brought her arms up.  While still keeping her lats flexed, she stretched her arms out to her sides.  The anticipation on Roger's face looked like it was killing him.  She curled her arms up agonizingly slowly.  The rising peak of her biceps was almost unnoticeable.  The fibers of her lush arms gathered and bunched until they began to rise and rise.  The fibers of her biceps etching themselves under her soft skin until the striations completed themselves like acolytes serving their purpose beneath the towering peak of Megan's biceps.  He biceps' peak rose the more she brought her arm up until her forearm was at 900.  She had been watching and admiring her own arm, but she turned her head and looked at her man.
    Roger didn't have to say a word.  His thoughts were plain on his face and in his boxers.  He made no attempt to hide his erection.  The tip of which was already starting to appear from the boxers.  His eyes were glued to Megan's body.
    She held her flex and smiled just a little.  Her cute little face scrunched up, and she squeezed her fist tight.  Her flex had looked complete, but it was nowhere near.  Her peak rose again and thicken with hard muscle.  A trickle of sweat ran down her shoulder and down the groves and shapes of her body.  The vein atop her peak throbbed in time with her beating heart, sending fresh blood and fresh strength to Megan's swollen muscles.
    "I worked out for you today, Roger.  I made my muscles so hot and sweaty, and pumped just for you!"  Her voice was heavy with the growing passion within her.  "Do you like them?  Do you like how pumped my muscles are?"
    Roger nodded his head like his neck was broken.
    Megan grinned again, and brought her arms down in front of her body.  She pressed the heels of her hands together and flexed her pectorals until each head of the muscle defined and tightened.  "Oh they're so big, and hard and I can make them harder for you, Roger."  She closed her eyes and began pumping her pecs, releasing the flex and extending her arms only to bring them back down and flex harder.  She thrust out her left leg close to Roger and flexed her chest at the same time tightened her quad causing cords and ropes of muscle to tighten and wrap themselves into a perfectly formed female muscle.  Roger's hands itched to touch her, and his loins burned with the lust of it all.  His member was more than fully erect, but he sat there completely entranced by Megan and her muscles.
    "Tell me to flex harder!  Tell me, Roger.  Make my muscle flex harder for you!"
    "Harder", came Roger's coarse whisper.  "Flex as hard as you can"
    Megan set her teeth on edge and a soft grunt escaped her glossy lips as she flexed her body only a foot from Roger.  She pulled her leg back and crunched down on her abs.  She twisted her hips in Roger's face.  Her razor sharp waist and the muscles under her smooth skin caused Roger's body to tingle.  She snapped her arms up and flexed.  Her grunts grew louder as she flexed harder.  Her fist shook and veins popped to the surface of Megan's skin as her muscle fibers bunched and gathered, making her muscles bigger and harder.  Her soft grunts had deepened.  Sweat poured from the top of her head, but she flexed for Roger, harder and harder.
    She turned towards him.  Her beautiful, sweat covered face, was still twisted in the effort of her flex as she looked at Roger.  "Is that hard enough for you, Roger.  Does that turn you on?"
    She turned back to her muscle and willed it to flex even harder.  It was all more than Roger could take.  His hardon was raging and it began to spew as Megan's bicep peak reddened and grew.  One shot after another came from Roger's dick.  He threw his head back as the orgasm flowed through his body.  Finally he was finished.  He slowly raised his head.  His eyes focused on Megan.  She was no longer flexing.  Instead she was smiling.  Just before she giggled.
    "I haven't been able to do that to a guy since freshman year in college."  She put her fingers in front of her mouth and looked up at Roger who suddenly felt a little embarrassed.
    "Yeah, but that kid could probably get it right back up so he could have some real fun."  Roger looked down at the mess he had made of himself and of his floor.  He must have been a little backed up, he thought.
    Megan got down on her knees and put her hands on his thighs.  She looked up at him.  "Yeah, he got it back up, and I bet you can to."  Before Roger could say a word, Megan leaned forward and took his entire length in her mouth.  He stiffened almost instantly.  All Roger could do was moan as Megan brought him to another even stronger climax.
    "Oh my", Roger began through deep breaths.
    Megan stretched up and kissed him.  Roger leaned forward and reveled the moment when their lips touched.  She pulled her lips from his and she stood up.  Her chest and stomach were in Roger's face.  He reached out and pulled her to him and buried his face into her abs while Megan pulled off her top.
    "That's twice, Roger", Megan said.
    "Yeah, I know."  Roger felt so proud of himself.
    She took a step back and pulled down the bikini bottoms.  "Now we can have some real fun."
    "Umm, Megan, I don't know about three times."  Roger looked down at his little fella.  It was still completely limp.
    "Three?"  Megan laughed.  She leaned down and flexed her arm in Roger's face.  Her muscle was so hard and round and perfect.  She pushed it to Roger's face.  "Kiss it!", she ordered and Roger obeyed.  "Feel it with your tongue!"
    Roger's wet tongue started at her beautiful peak and worked his way down.  Before he knew it, he was hard again.  Megan pulled her arm away and stepped over him.  She lowered her self onto his lap.  Feeling her body against his made him tingle all over again.  Her body warmed him.  She raised her hips, and Roger entered her for the first time.  It felt like his head would pop off his body.  Megan worked him as expertly as she worked her own body, and Roger was in heaven all night long.
    "So, do you feel like new money now?", a very tired Megan asked as she and Roger lay next to each other in bed.
    "No, I feel like a smoked joint."
    Megan laughed and hugged him close to her.  Roger could feel her nipples pressing against him under the sheet.  "Don't worry.  I won't throw you away though."
    "Thanks.  I've been thrown away before."
    Megan propped herself up on her elbow and the cover slid down uncovering her top.  "Roger you have to let that go."
    "Its hard to do that, no matter how happy I am at this minute.  It just doesn't go away just like that."  He snapped his fingers to make his point.
    Megan just laughed.  "Sure it does.  Don't you know that human beings and grudges are polar opposites?  Why do you think its called 'holding a grudge'?  Because if you let the grudge go, it'll leave and never come back."
    Roger shook his head and kissed her sweet lips before letting his head fall to the pillow.  "I'm convinced that you're some ancient oracle reincarnated."  Roger didn't say much else that night.  He was too tired.  He eventually fell asleep with his arms wrapped around his new girlfriend, but his mind was active.  He thought about all the things she had told him over the couple of months that they had known each other.  Little by little Megan was having an affect on Roger.  She was taking the best of what he was and enhancing it.  It would bear fruit very soon.


    That's one hot story. All those images you described are burnt on my brain. Makes me want to start drawing again.


    Wow, this Addison is one conceited, arrogant bitch. He should be happy, that he's rid of her.
    Great descriptions and plot. Can hardly await the next part.


    (Absolutely brilliant)3.   


    Fantastic build-up and execution.  I look forward to the next part!


    WOW!  😮

    This is a seriously impressive story.  Looking forward to the second part
    very much!!  😀


    I second all of the above comments.  Awesome story!!!

    I can't wait for more…!  ;D


    I loved this story.  Great characters.

    Thanks for sharing.



    Thanks for this fine tale.

    Addison was a well developed character to the point of me merely disliking her for the somewhat decisive way she turned Roger out of her life. The emotional antagonist was written with such skill and clarity of motivation that the ones more focused are all the more convincing.

    Can't wait to see where you take this. It's nice to see that Roger is able to accept another's kindness while Megan finds someone that can take some of the Type A out of her day.  8)


    Amazing story there. The plot the setting and the characters are well described. Such a work of art like Megan.

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