Black Sheep by TC2

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  • #66204

    Chapter 3: My only companion

    Someone’s knocking at my door?  Well as much as I wanted to write a bit more I had to put my journal away, I put on a white sheer top, slipped my toes into my fuzzy pink slippers, and walked towards the door with my hello kitty panties facing whoever was going to be in front of me.  Considering the fact that I’m not expecting any guys, I can handle myself if things get nasty, I don’t really care who sees me in this outfit anyway.  I opened the door and smiled joyously as my best friend Nina Viera stood at the door.  The first thing she said was, “Hiiiii!” As I opened my arms, we gave each other a huge, wonderful hug.

    “I brought you some groceries!” she said cheerfully, “YAY!” was the first thing that came to my mind as I screamed it out loud.  She picked up the bag and I told her to stop standing outside and to come in.  I helped put the groceries on the counter and I asked her, “What did you bring?”  She said,

    “Wait, why are you walking around in your underwear?” 

    “I didn’t feel like getting dressed.” 

    “So basically you’re dressed all scandalous to impress me Maris?” 

    “Pretty much!” 

    She always called me Maris with an emphasis on the I sound, making it a short I, Mah ri’s. I started pulling out random things from the grocery bags to see what she brought.

    “You’re so nosy.”

    “I want to see what goodies you brought me, let’s see yogurt, bananas, chocolate, whipped cream.  Jeez, are you expecting a romantic dinner or something?”

    “No but I figured you’d be craving sweets and all sorts of delicious things.  I’m still amazed how you manage not to get fat eating all the junk food you have.”

    “That’s the benefits of working out Nina.”

    “Lifting the remote control is not working out.”

    “Some people need less exercise than others.”


    She plopped herself down on the couch and turned on the TV.  As she was reading through my TV guide to see if there was anything on I looked at her.  There was a bit of guilt I felt around her because she is my best friend in the whole world, but she doesn’t know about my secret.  I’ve wanted to tell her a lot of times, mainly, since we’ve been friends since high school; but I just can’t find the courage to do so.  I’m afraid of what she’d think of me if she knew I was the girl who liked to randomly rampage whenever it suited her fancy.  This is one of those few and only times where I actually regret playing around like I did.

    I don’t even know why she hangs out with me still, there’s something about her… but anyway, she is definitely a terrific friend who has always been there for me.  I guess it makes sense maybe, physically she’s just like me only blonde and blue eyes with smaller breasts and a smaller ass, so basically she’s skinnier than me.  Neither of us have an ounce of muscle on our bodies… well… one of us doesn’t have an ounce of muscle on their body.  I’m about as smooth as snow when I’m not big, Oooh, just thinking about it…



    “Off in your own little world again?”

    “Sorry, I was just thinking about what I was in the mood for.  Do you want chocolate, ice cream, or yogurt?”

    “Give me the yogurt baby.”


    A nice quick toss and the yogurt manages to land safely on Nina’s head.

    “Ow!  Moron!”

    “Sorry!  I’ll just bring the spoon over to you, sound good to you?”

    “Yeah, I don’t need a spoon sticking out of my head.”

    I walked over to sit down on the couch next to Nina with my own yogurt in hand, gave her the spoon GENTLY!  Popped it open and watched whatever the hell she put on, which just so happened to be American Gladiators.

    “You like this show Nina?”

    “Yeah, it’s a pretty funny show.  I like watching the contenders get tackled by the gladiators.”

    “I could probably win it.”

    “Yeah… uh… last time I checked the female gladiators have bigger biceps than your head.”

    “But the blonde one isn’t that tough at all, she’s been beat in almost all the events.”

    “I like the Fury one, she’s pretty bad ass.  You wouldn’t be able to beat her.”

    “Sure I could.  You know, the blonde one kind of reminds me of you.”

    “Me?  With muscles?  Ha!  I don’t think so Maris.”

    “She’s not even that big Nina.”

    “I don’t know, I think you’d be better off with muscles.  You have more of a face structure for it.”

    “What does THAT mean?”

    “It means that if you got a big muscle body, you’d still look kinda cute, like Fury.  Kind of gross with all the big muscles but at least you’d still look pretty.”

    “Thanks I guess?”

    Well it’s obvious from Nina’s negative reaction that I definitely shouldn’t tell her about my secret.  There’s no way she’d be able to understand.  When the commercials came up I started smelling something strange in the air, it smelled kind of like smoke but I know I didn’t leave the stove on or turn on the oven.

    “Do you smell that?”

    “Smell what?”

    “Like smoke or something?”

    “Yeah, kind of like burning wood.  Did you leave the stove on?”

    “No it’s off.”

    “Maybe it’s outside?”

    “Let’s go look.”

    “Aren’t you going to put some clothes on?”

    “Nah I’m not planning on going anywhere.”

    “Okay but if you get raped don’t blame me.”

    “I’m sure you’ll protect me.”

    “I’ll try, but my little body isn’t going to do much!”

    We walked outside of my apartment and looked around inside the corridor.  I was all the way at the end of the hallway so I usually have to walk straight down to the two way split in order to get out of the building.  We definitely noticed some smoke up on the ceiling so we walked together towards the end of the hallway, everything looked normal except for the smoke that was starting to crawl across the ceiling.

    Everything looked OK to me, my guess was someone left the stove on.  I walked over to the right to take a little peek so I can se—


    What the…?  Before I could even react all I heard was this loud crash behind me and I felt myself knocked backwards into the wall.  I shook my head and looked towards the crash and saw a big ass roadblock of fire and wood in front of me!  The room started to glow red and orange and I could hear Nina saying “Marissa!  Are you okay?  Marissa!”  I yelled back, “I’m fine!  Are you all right?”  She said,

    “I’m OK!  We need to get out of here!”

    “Well this damn thing is in my way, you find a way out from there Okay?”

    “What about you?  I can’t just leave you there!”

    “There’s another way out from here, I’ll be all right!”

    “Are you su—“

    Another crash fell close by which scared the crap out of me.  I told Nina to just go and she said “Okay I’ll meet you outside!”  I started heading my way down towards the alternate way to the exit, the more I walked down the more I realized that I was getting close to the source of fire.  It was getting hotter and brighter and the light smoke started turning into black clouds.  I could feel the smoke starting to enter my lungs and I started coughing.  The coughing got so bad that I was having difficulty walking correctly.

    More pillars of fire started falling in front of me and it wasn’t until the passageway in front of me fell that I realized that I was trapped with no exit!  Oh shit… now what do I do?  Oh man, oh man!  I’m starting to panic, I don’t know what to do!  Oh crap!  I just remembered I left my journal in the apartment!  I need to go back to get it!  But it’s blocked!  Maybe I can cut through this person’s apa—UGHNN!

    Suddenly I felt a burning stinging heat on my back and a very heavy weight on top of me!  What the hell is on me?  Ughn!  It’s so heavy!  Aaah it hurts, it hurts!  It’s burning me!  IT’S BURNING ME!!  UUURRRGGHH!!!  Sss…. AUUURRRGGHHH!!

    And just like that, I snapped…

    Deadly Pixxxie

    Oooooh. More!!  ;D


    Chapter 4: The Real Me

    Now… ungh… now the real me is going to come out and play.  Ughn, Jesus… I can feel it happening.  The familiar dull aches, the tingling sensation, my heart pounding, the flow of adrenaline, the immunity to pain, the tightening of my skin.  The problem was I wasn’t turning into mega muscles Marissa, I was turning into the big, grey, mean, uncontrollable Grey She-Hulk Marissa.  I am the only one capable of changing into this form, no one else can.  I can feel it… I can feel it ever so subtle yet ever present and at certain, specific moments even pleasant.

    My fingers start to lengthen, I can hear the bones popping inside as my skeleton re arranges and lengthens itself.  I don’t like turning into she-hulk as much as she-titan only for the simple fact that She-Hulk hurts a hell of a lot more.  But in this case I really don’t have much of a choice, I notice that the weight of the wooden pillar sitting on top of my back is getting lighter and lighter.  I’m still not able to move completely but I can nudge it a bit and get it to move around.

    I started wiggling my toes, rubbing them close to each other and each time I rubbed them I could feel them getting bigger.  I reached over my fingers to touch my arm as I felt the pain shooting up from it, God it hurt like hell!  My fingers grazed the surface of my skin and I pressed down into the fleshy fat that was my arm, I kept my hand there so I could feel the muscle form underneath my fingers.  As the muscle underneath my skin became harder and harder I felt my biceps literally pushing my fingers upward as they expanded and grew, the large vein stretching across my growing bicep like a python.  My forearms starting to explode outwards as the once invisible muscle tone began to melt into view, rivers of veins marked the contours of my forearms like a little roadmap of pure energy, as they began thickening with powerful bars of muscle.

    I could feel my legs growing and thickening, my short 5’4” stature wasn’t going to last long at all, my quadriceps started forming mounds on the sides of my legs, slowly but surely growing larger and larger.  The skin stretched and stretched beyond normal limits and as it did the amount of muscle that started to “hang off” from my legs became more and more apparent as it was almost like an umbrella covering over my knee caps.  It’s also usually the part where my pants split open but alas I wasn’t wearing any, mmm… maybe next time.  My hello kitty panties started feeling tight around my waist, I can only imagine that, that little kitty was starting to form a little crease in the middle of its face, from my you know what.

    The thin spaghetti straps of my top started slowly getting pushed off my shoulders as my neck muscles started to bulge and grow to mammoth sizes, I could feel the muscles literally pulling my head upwards as the trapezius muscles form something that always reminds me of two rocky loaves of bread.  With my neck growing to such a huge size I could hear my voice getting deeper and I could feel the straps sliding down to my exploding deltoids getting stuck between where my delts, triceps, and biceps meet.  My once tiny arms were starting to swell with power and mass as it went from flabby skin to raw, tight, rock hard muscle.  They looked as though they could support the weight of mountains, and judging from how I was feeling I most certainly could.

    I could feel the wooden flaming pillar moving behind me, but it wasn’t because I was moving, it was because my back muscles were growing to such an enormous size that the two hundred pound block of burning wood rolled off of my back as several groups of my muscles popped up from my back, they grew with such a force and strength that I could literally feel my entire body deform to its massive size.  I could just imagine the dark shadows being cast by my incredible muscles and God… did I love growing, the clothes ripping, the muscles, everything!  When the muscles start ripping out of me like that, it’s so exciting and empowering.  But my favorite parts were yet to come, the parts that really got me going.

    When I feel my breasts pushing up against my sheer top and my butt being rubbed against by my panties, oooh… that just really lights my sexual fire.  It’s the part of me that reminds me that I am a woman and I am going to be one bad ass bitch when this is all done.  Unfortunately, I could feel my vision changing color and my instincts getting ready to take over, so I had to enjoy this while it lasted.  I already noticed that my skin color was starting to change and I could feel my hair start to scrape across the lower part of my back, me the one with shoulder length hair.  I placed one of my hands on my breasts and gave it a gentle squeeze and held it there as I literally felt my breasts growing inside of my hand.  It was like trying to hold back a balloon that was gaining air except this was obviously way better than any balloon and much more resilient.

    My nipples, which were becoming stiff and erect grew to such a thickness that they pushed between my fingers and started making a break for freedom.  My panties, which once covered my entire rump started slowly sliding inwards as my butt slowly became more fuller, very reminiscent to a rising sun, except the light rays were going inwards instead of outwards.  The fabric of my panties gently skated across the skin of my rear making me feel sexier than ever!  God it was such a turn on!  I could feel the panties getting tighter and tighter, I felt the red marks forming on my waist by being bitten by the elastic on my panties, I could hear the tears starting to appear all over as my panties turned into a hello kitty thong.

    By now my body was freaking huge, I’ve definitely turned into a body builder by now, but the point of turning into She-HULK is that I turn into a HULKING beast of pure muscle.  It’s usually around this point where I start losing control and consciousness, when the clothes ripping starts, that’s when I start grunting, growling, and roaring.  For the moment I gently brush my nipples with my hand for a brief second and ‘assume the position’ as the REAL growth starts.  This is where it really starts hu.. Aaah!  AAAAH!  Uhnn!  Oh God!

    I could feel it!  Ungh… Start… Starting in my feet!  ARGH… everything hurts so much!  I could feel the tips of my toes pushing against the ends of my fuzzy pink slippers.  Just knowing that they’re going to rip through pisses me off because these slippers were just so damned cute!  But it was happening and it wasn’t long before my toes felt the warm tile floor and I heard the soft sound of gentle ripping.  I wiggled my toes a bit as they continued to expand out of the slippers to remove the initial stiffness that comes with a growth transformation and before long I felt my foot literally push open my slippers completely letting the pieces fall to the floor.

    That only aggravated me though, those slippers were hard to find and once I felt that aggravation seep in my anger jumped to the next level which in turn forced my body to Gr.. GROW TO THE NEXT… AARRRRRGHHH!  My arms!  Feels like they’re ripping apart!  But I know… I know it’s just my muscles becoming even more enormous than ever before.  Ungh, the bones are cracking I could hear my skin stretching, things popping inside my body that I didn’t even know existed, feeling myself grow, not something growing on me but ME my actual self growing, God!  I looked at my arms and hands, which had stretched and swollen to ten times the size it was before!  I balled my hand into a fist and smashed it onto the floor as my fist began to enlarge and transform into more hulk like hands with a feminine touch.

    My neck kept pushing my head higher and higher stretching everything to its limits, it almost felt like someone grabbing my head in order to pull it off of my body, when I rocked my head from side to side it felt weird not going back down to where it belonged, I could feel the muscles touching the sides of my jaw and they were THICK!  My breasts started heaving, pulsating and growing with each of my deep breaths becoming larger and larger, my nipples shooting outwards escaping like convicts from prison, I could feel my top stretching across my massive breasts which most likely was sprinkled with a slight hint of my veins.  My stomach was hurting so badly as it felt like rocks were being pushed out of the lining of my stomach and it would feel weird when I’d touch my stomach and realize that it wasn’t flat and pudgy anymore, but rather tight, strong, and rocky.  I could hear the sounds of my top starting to rip! I noticed that it was having a hard time stretching further to conform with my constantly growing body, shaking vigorously the more my breasts and muscular torso began pushing against it.  The middle of my top, which was trying to hide my gigantic cleavage was starting to tear completely!  The more I breathed the more my top would rip further and further and just when I thought that my top would completely rip from the front.

    A sharp pain shot up my stiff back, the force of my back muscles firing up like pistons pushed my body downward and I could feel all the muscles engorging themselves with dense flesh as it bit onto the back of my top and tore it to shreds creating a long rip down the middle.  My body continued to explode with massive amounts of muscle and before long my body was brimming with powerful muscles all over my upper body.  My tattered top fell down onto the tile floor as I felt the heat from the flames warm my naked upper body.  My legs finally started following in succession and began spilling outwards making my thighs thicker, my butt rounder, my legs wider, it felt like I could squeeze a melon between my voluptuous legs.  My panties tightened further and further almost burning my skin as the cleavage between my rear started sucking the underwear in like a garbage disposal.  My waist, thighs, butt, and groin became too big for my panties and in that instant the elastic from my hello kitty panties snapped.

    The remaining cotton dangled and rested off my firm growing butt and finally slid off before making a last desperate attempt to hang onto my body, not letting go of my unmentionables.  I looked at my skin, which was turning grey, I could feel that hair was now fully grown in an area that I usually keep cut, and no it’s not the armpits or the legs.  I could feel my eyes turning red as my vision was starting to change color, I could see the veins pulsating in my gigantic biceps, I could still even hear the stretching of my muscles growing bigger and bigger, I could hear my soft whimpers turn into deep, frightening growls.  I could feel even my facial features change slightly to make them more resistant to blunt damage, at the expense of some of my distinguishing facial features.  My body started to shake violently as the final surge of muscles began to sprout out through my entire body, I let out a loud roar as my heart began beating with the fury of a thousand war drums and I began to stand.

    The last muscles popped out of my arms and shoulders, my quads filled up to its maximum proportions.  I grabbed the torn edges of my top and pulled them backwards over my heaving chest ripping it asunder like a mighty goddess breaking the chains, which held her strength back. My breasts bounced slightly with my nipples being forced to follow in their erect state as they filled to their final size.  I raised my arms towards the ceiling fists clenched as my majestic, muscular, and naked body glistened in the fire and just simply let it all out… freeing myself as I slowly succumb to a loss of control and consciousness… So primitive yet, so free…

    *deep breath*  ROOOOOOAAARRRGGGR!


    Excellent growth sequence!  Just wish she didn't lose consciousness!


    Chapter 5: You’re Not The Only One With Problems

    There’s so much smoke and fire, I can barely see where I’m going.  I see people running out of their apartments half naked and in their underwear, a lot of ugly people living in this place, but there were some sexy bodies if I looked hard enough.  I just followed the crowd and looked for all the signs that said EXIT on them, I can’t believe that I finally found a use for them after all this time.

    I’m worried though. I don’t know if she’s going to be there at the entrance.  Now that I’ve made it this far, is she going to be there waiting for me?  I don’t know what I would do if I left her behind.  I couldn’t shake the feeling that she’s not going to make it out on her own.  I could see that the exit was getting close but I don’t know… I just… I had to see if she was out first, because if the police are waiting at the entrance they’re going to take me to the nearest ambulance and I won’t be able to find her.

    I ran back upstairs… I just couldn’t do it.

    I was scared, the heat was getting worse and the fire was spreading further and further.  I went to the other entrance past the crap that was on the floor, to see if she was making her way out but the route was blocked.  There was a huge pile of rubble and fire blocking the way, there would be no way she would have gotten through there.  I went into the apartment next to the rubble, didn’t find any holes I could go through but I did find a lot of fire!  Now I was trapped, because when I went through the door fires got worse and blocked the way!  There was no way for me to turn around!

    So not only did I not find Marissa but now I’m trapped in an apartment with no escape.  I looked towards the window with the fire exit but there was wood and fire blocking the exit.  Jesus Christ… I really AM trapped in here! Time to panic!  “HELP!  HELP!  SOMEBODY PLEASE!  MARISSA WHERE ARE YOU!?” While I was starting to freak the fuck out I heard some strange yelling or screaming in the background.  It sure as hell didn’t sound like regular people screaming, because I was listening to that downstairs.  The one I was hearing sounded more like an animal, but a human animal with a serious attitude problem.  But the worst part was that it was getting closer!

    I ran away from the wall just as it exploded in my face and I heard the loud ass roar of something freaky!  I stood with my back up against the wall on the other side, because maan… I was scared.  Walls don’t explode for no reason, but I found out what made that wall explode.  It’s not everyday you see a gigantic, muscular, naked, grey chick standing in front of you.  Not only that but she was MAD!  It only got worse though! The “grey she-hulk” I’ll call her, actually saw me and made eye contact with those red eyes of hers.  She started screaming like I just freaking broke her expensive vase or spilled milk all over her new carpet and I almost pissed my pants.

    I didn’t know what to do so I dropped down to the ground and pretended that I was dead, that’s what you do with bears right?  Yeah, well apparently this chick is smarter than a bear.  I saw her big ass foot land next to my face, and when I say big I mean she’s freaking huge, her toenails were as big as my hand!  So you could imagine how big the REST of her body was, especially the biceps, I mean seriously holy shit, that’s a lot of steroids!  Anyway, my plan didn’t work and she ended up wrapping her whole hand across my ENTIRE HEAD!  She was so big that she could squeeze my head like a damn grapefruit!  She picked me off up the ground and I won’t lie, I was so scared that I was ready to die.

    She tossed me in the air and caught me again this time with her hand wrapped across my body and looked at me directly in the face.  This grey woman, whoever she was looked pissed ALL the time! But when she looked at me, she looked like she was curious or something… like she knew me.  So even though she looked pissed, she wasn’t hurting me or squeezing me.  I stupidly started saying to her, “Please don’t hurt me, I’m just looking for my friend Marissa!  I didn’t even know you were here I’m sorry!  I’m just looking for Marissa!”  She growled at me when she heard the name Marissa but she didn’t hurt me or do anything like that.  She pulled me towards her big ass tits and no lie, stuffed me… between… her cleavage.

    I know the backs of my shoes were touching her stomach, and damn were her abs strong.  But I was having a hard time believing that my entire body was literally CONSUMED by her tits, breasts, whatever.  I didn’t know what she was going to do, I was damn near ready to pass out, but surprisingly her breasts were really soft.  I thought they’d be as hard as her muscles, but anyway all I knew was that I was in between this chick, she was mad, huge, and the building is still on fire.  So what does she do next?

    Well she seemed to remember that the building is on fire and so with me firmly in place she started smashing through walls like she was looking for something.  Every time we smashed through a wall she would stop and look around, so I got to see a lot of people’s apartments.  One guy had this weird shrine to She-Hulk, which obviously reminded me of this Grey chick.  Then another one had this big ass video game collection, then another had a really nice TV that probably cost 5,000 bucks.  She punched it because it was still on.

    I finally figured out what the heck she was looking for, she was looking for some way to put out the fire.  I said, “There’s a water tower on that building over there.”  She was like ‘huh?’ and then I gestured with my head to the tower I saw through the window on the other building.  I was just joking to calm my nerves, but this chick took it seriously!  She jumped through the wall, onto the roof where the water tower was!  Those things obviously must by heavy as hell but NO! She picks it up with her bare hands, rips the steel things that are holding it up.  Jumps BACK to the apartment building, punches a hole through the roof that’s right over the fire.  RIPS OPEN THE TOP OF THE WATER TOWER!  Flips it over and pours it into the hole she made in the roof!  Holy shit this bitch is strong!  Strong isn’t even the right word, this woman is mighty!  Not even mighty, she’s GODLY.

    The water starts flooding through the place, she drops down as the water tower emptied and started punching out places where the water wasn’t getting through until all of the water had gone through the building and got rid of all the fire.  But she still kept on looking around if there was more fire, she took me out of her breasts, put me down and started going downstairs to see if there were anymore places on fire, and all I saw was her big ass back and naked butt flexing as she jumped down to the lower floors.  Since the fire was out I ran back to Marissa’s room and found that a lot of things got burned, but some of her stuff was still intact.  I grabbed one of her gym bags and stuffed, as much clothes as I could into it and I also managed to find some book, which I figured was her journal.

    I respected her privacy and resisted the urge to read through it and put it inside the bag.  I grabbed some cash and any checks or credit cards she had and threw it all in the bag.  I was going to head out and back downstairs to get away from the woman, but she had already come back.  She saw me, grabbed me by the head again, and put me between her breasts again EVEN WITH THE BAG ACROSS MY SHOULDER!  She didn’t even notice!  She jumped out through the hole she made in the roof and started just jumping all over the place.  I have to admit that it was one hell of a beautiful view from up there.  Anyway she kept on jumping until she couldn’t hear the sound of the sirens, I could tell that’s what she was avoiding because once I couldn’t hear them she started looking for a place to stop.  She jumped to a foresty kind of place is that even a word?  Well a forest.  That I didn’t even know existed, since all I did was hang out in the city.  I could have sworn that if I wasn’t human the sound I would make from coming out of her breasts would be “POP” like a suction cup or something, because I was really wedged in there tight.

    I turned around and looked at her and she just freaking started screaming and yelling, roaring at the sky, no literally ROARING and then she punched a tree knocking it down!  Why was she so mad!?  I sat down on a tree that was looking over a pretty river that was nearby and just cooled off.  If she went through all the trouble of keeping me alive while a building was burning and didn’t kill me, she’s not going to kill me now.  At least that’s what I hoped.  When she finished screaming she turned around towards me, walked a little distance towards me and sat down.  She started staring at the river and I noticed that she was looking a bit tinier than usual.  Her hand wasn’t as big as my head anymore; it was still big but not as much.  Those boobs she used to carry me around weren’t as big either, so I think she was probably shrinking.  Anyway, I tried to talk to her, because maybe she understood me.  “Are you okay?”  She just looked at me like, “What?” and I said again, “Are you okay?”  She just turned her head and ignored me.  I said, “Why are you so angry?”  but, she didn’t listen, it was like she didn’t understand a word I was saying.

    I said, “I need to find my friend Marissa.”  She turned her attention to me and she started screaming again!  I saw her body balloon up to the size she was when she carried me again and she got up screaming, yelling, roaring, stomping all over the place!  I was like “Okay!  Okay!  I’m sorry I said anything!  Calm down!”  She actually looked at me, stopped throwing a tantrum and just stared at me.  I asked her, “Why did you take me here?”  She didn’t answer.  I said, “Thank you for saving me back there.”  She nodded like she acknowledged what I said or something, so I started getting up.  I kept my eye on her to make sure she wasn’t feeling threatened and she just watched me.  I started walking towards the river when I totally had a blonde moment and slipped on the ground falling on my ass.  This angry ass bitch actually stared at me and started laughing!  I could not believe it!  She spends all this time being pissed off and all I do is fall on my ass and she starts laughing!

    Well it was kind of funny, so I started laughing too.  I noticed that when she was laughing she was starting to shrink really fast, all her big ass muscles were getting smaller and smaller.  Now I knew for sure that she only stays that big when she’s pissed off.  So I tried to see if maybe I could make her laugh more, because it might shrink her down to a normal human, and maybe she is like the Hulk and has a secret identity or something.  So I start doing some stupid shit, which made her laugh more and then suddenly as she was laughing she grabbed onto her head and started screaming like she was in pain!  By now she was only slightly taller than me but her muscles were still huge.  I slowly walked over to her and put my hand on her back, which felt like a rock let me tell you.  I asked her “Are you okay?”  She took her right hand off of her head and gently pushed me away, but even that gentle push knocked me off my feet and back where I started!  I knew she was strong but Jesus, that’s freaking monster strength she has.

    She started stumbling away and all I saw was her ass shaking as she kept walking away like she was hurting really badly.  I tried to catch up to her but she just crouched down and jumped all the way up into the sky until I couldn’t see her anymore!  It was quite possibly the most amazing thing I have ever seen in my life.  But, she’s gone now, and now I have to figure out how the hell I’m going to get home.


    GAH. You missed today. But GREAT WORK! I like where this is going. Ideas formed in my head, but I won't say a word. 😀 Keep up the postings!


    Sorry about the delay, had to edit a few things on the PC and time kind of slipped away.  It's coming up as soon as I finish proofreading.


    Chapter 6: I Always Hate This Part

    Gasp! Where am I?  What happened?  Ooouugh, so sore… why’s it so cold?  Oh, that’s why… I’m naked.  All right, where am I?  Well I’m not moving so I’m not on another train thank god.  I’m not captured, not in jail… I’m in… a mall parking lot!?  You’ve got to be kidding me!  Has anyone seen me?  There’s no one in the parking lot, damn how am I going to hide way out in the open like this?  I must have turned into She-Hulk again, God! I always hate when this happens!  It’s going to be a few more hours before I remember what I did as She-Hulk, now I just have to figure out how to get clothes without being spotted by mall security.

    Should I break into someone’s car?  No I don’t want to do that, it’s already bad enough that I misbehave when I’m big, I don’t need to be doing that when I’m tiny too.  I’m not a villain after all!  God it’s like a bad hang over, my body is so sore, my breasts, my bottom, my arms, jeez… I always hate this part.  There’s absolutely nothing I can grab to cover myself?  Come on!  Well… I could just transform into She-Titan and stroll right on back home… no my body isn’t ready for another transformation yet.  Gotta remember what Jenna said, if you push yourself too hard your body won’t respond and it’ll leave you vulnerable.  Meaning, grow again too fast and your muscles might explode on you.

    All right what time is it then?  Looks like it’s early morning, probably around 5 or so.  No wonder, there aren’t that many cars here.  That means the mall will be locked and I won’t be able to steal any clothes.  Shoot… I can’t change, I can’t break in, I can’t do anything!  All right let’s look inside this car I’m next to.  Nothing, not even garbage!  Man!  What do I do now?  Should I ‘borrow’ the car and bring it back when I have clothes?  No way I can open the door without breaking the window.  Is it locked?  Let me pull this… yeah it’s locked.  From the looks of it it’s locked on the other side too.

    All right, what’s more important… vandalizing a place and getting clothes or trying to take the long stealthy way of getting home?  Which one of these choices will not send me to hell?  Vandalism or walking, not to mention walking will increase my chances of getting arrested, which might make me hulk out and get the media on me.  You know what?  Running home is just going to be too risky.  Maybe I can find some security guard clothes over at the mall garage?  All right let’s run over there before people start pulling in.
    Whoo!  That was a longer run than I expected, I’m sure someone must have seen my white moon from someplace.  Somewhere out there is the luckiest 16-year-old kid in the world.  I can compliment myself can’t I?  All right let’s see if there’s anything in the trunk of the security vehicle first.  No, nothing… damn how does Sherrie manage to do this all the time?  She’s a pro when it comes to situations like this.  She could be naked in the pit of a volcano and still find a way to scrounge up some clothes.  I know there’s a blanket in here but I want some actual clothes.  All right let’s see if the door to the security office is open, doesn’t look like it needs a key card, just old-fashioned keys.  Let’s hope it’s open, please, please, please… YES!

    Okay, so I’m in a corridor, just follow it down I suppose?  Go through here… all right there’s a few doors and I have to be careful because one of these might have a guard in them.  Let’s peek in this… shoot there’s the guard!  Wait he’s asleep though, let’s see the other door.  YES!  A locker room!  There’s got to be something in here I can use.  YES!  Plenty of clothes in here! Looks like I’m a mall security officer for today.  Jesus, these pants are big, need to pull the belt all the way.  I can probably use this shirt as a cape!  Well whatever, just button this up and get the hell out of here.  Shoes?  There they are, white shirt, navy blue pants with a yellow strip, and black dress shoes.  Yup definitely mall security; let’s get the hell out of here.

    So I managed to make it out of the mall without having to resort to vandalism or ruin someone else’s day.  Guy misses his uniform?  At least he gets a day off from work.  Better than having a car stolen or risking my face on America’s Most Wanted and being chased by top-secret organizations that want my girls and I dead.  It was a long, long, long trek home though.  The mall takes at least twenty minutes to get to by car, which means I spent a total of eight hours huffing it back home.  It was 1pm when I finally got back to my apartment and it wasn’t until I saw the caution tape that I finally remembered what the hell happened last night.  Good ol’ She-Hulk came out to play and put out a fire in the most rudimentary, Cro-Magnon like way, of pouring a water tower into a hole to wash all the fire away.  Damn… now what am I going to do?  I have no money, no clothes that fit me, and no place to stay.


    Someone’s calling me?  OH!


    She ran up to me and gave me the tightest hug I ever got from her! I hugged her back ecstatic that she made it out all right.

    “Maris where the hell where you?”

    “I was waiting for you outside, where were you?”

    “You were outside?  I went back in because I didn’t know if you made it out all right, I was worried sick!”

    “You went back inside for me?”

    “YES!  You should have called my cell phone!”

    “I didn’t have it on me, I was half naked remember?”

    “Wait… why are you wearing those clothes?”

    “One of the mall security guys saw that I was outside and brought me his uniform so I could keep warm.”

    “Aw that was sweet of him.  OH!  THAT REMINDS ME!  I need to tell you what happened last night!  When I went back inside to look for you I ended up getting trapped inside the building!”

    “What!?  How did you get out?”

    “Let me finish!  So I’m trapped inside this apartment, there’s fire going all over the place and I couldn’t get onto the fire escape.  The next thing I knew the wall exploded and this GIANT GREY lady smashes through the wall with her big ass muscles, stuffs me into her cleavage, and carries me around like one of those little babies in backpacks while she’s putting out the fire!”

    “Shut up, you’re lying.  I don’t believe you.  The firemen came in to save you, there’s no way it happened any other way.”

    “No Maris, I am serious!  I didn’t think it was real either, I tried to play dead so that she wouldn’t hurt me but it didn’t work.”

    “Well she’s not a bear Nina.”

    “I know but she scared the shit out of me!”


    “But yeah that Grey lady saved my life.  I don’t know why she was so pissed, maybe her favorite designer shoes caught on fire, though I don’t know any women’s shoes that would fit her big ass feet.  Or her giant boobs, or her huge muscles, hell I don’t know of any panties that could cover her humongous pus—“

    “Okay Nina I get the picture!  So she saved your life huh?”

    “Yeah, and while she was putting out the fire I managed to grab some of your stuff before it could catch on fire.  Threw whatever money you had in there too and your purse.”

    “Really?  Oh Nina you’re the best!”

    “What the hell took you so long anyway? I’ve been waiting here since eleven!  I got here late because She-Hulk lady left me outside of town in a forest!  Where the hell did you sleep?”

    “Oh I went to my Aunt’s house, it’s a little far but worth the trip.”

    “Well here’s your stuff, you can sleep at my place until you get back on your feet.”

    “Aw thanks Nina!  Did you bring your car?”

    “No, but I’ll get us a taxi.  *Whistles* TAXI!”

    Wow… how lucky am I?  My friend Nina risked her life to go back inside and try to get me out of the building.  I felt bad lying to her, but what could I tell her?  Oh hey Nina I’m the big muscle bitch that scared the crap out of you!  I know I managed to save her, I remember being able to recognize her but not communicate, was easier to keep myself under control looking at Nina but… I don’t know I can’t tell her.  Oh my god the journal is in here too?

    “Did you read through this Nina?”

    “Your journal?  No of course not, I respect your privacy.”

    “Seriously?  You weren’t tempted to peek?”

    “Of course I was tempted to peek but I didn’t.”

    “Wow… you really are a good friend.”

    “Stop, you’re going to embarrass me.”

    “I mean it though, I don’t know anyone else that would go through the trouble of doing that for me and not look through my journal.”

    “That’s what friends do for each other isn’t it?”

    “Only special kinds of friends do that.”

    “Are you calling me retarded because I ran in after you when you were outside the whole time?”

    I couldn’t help but laugh; Nina always has an inferiority complex when it comes to intelligence.  I’m not THAT much smarter than her, she gives me way more credit than I deserve.  I tried to find a slick way to make her feel special though.

    “Of course not!  I’m just saying thank you for doing that for me.”

    “You’re welcome.”

    So she didn’t read my journal and I believe her.  After all she went through just to get my stuff I know she didn’t read it.  She could have found out right then and there from the little information I wrote who I really was.  God she deserves to know after what she’s been through, but this is just too embarrassing and dangerous to confess to her.  Maybe if I ask her questions about her opinion, maybe I can work up the nerve to do it.

    “So what did you think of that Grey lady you ran into?”

    “What did I think of her?  I don’t know… scary?”

    “Besides that, you told me scary already.”

    “Well, weird is the only other thing I can think of.  I didn’t understand why she was carrying me around.  It was just really weird, especially since she carried me with her tits Maris.”

    “Do you have to use that word?”

    “What do you want me to call em, boobs?  Breasticles?  I didn’t do as many vocab excercises as you did in high school Maris.”

    “Fine, fine, you can call em that.  Was she at least, pretty even though she was so big?”

    “You know, surprisingly she didn’t look that bad.  I mean you could tell she’s got a bit of a monster thing going on but she had pretty eyes, even though they were red.  She even had a funny looking laugh, because I managed to make her laugh later that night.  She actually kind of reminded me of you, but as a monster.”

    “I see… how the heck did you make her laugh?”

    “I ended u—— CRASH!

    THUD!  Uhhnn… what happened?  Ow!  My head!  Is Nina all right?  Oh no she’s unconscious.  What about the taxi driver?  He’s out on the steering wheel but he’s bleeding?  What the hell happened?  There’s construction equipment in front of the cab, looks like he crashed into it, but that’s not supposed to be on the street in the first place!  Let me look out the window… there are people screaming.  Get out of the area?  The equipment is out of control?  Get out of the cab?  Get out of the cab, lady get out of… THEY’RE TALKING TO ME!  There’s steel beams dangling over the taxi!  OH SHIT THEY’RE SLIDING OFF!

      All right, can’t let She-Hulk come out so I’m going to need to make myself muscle up.  Okay roll up the window and stay hidden so no one can recognize you.  Here goes… just focus on changing… focus on your body growing… imagine your arms getting larger, thicker, your biceps are ripping out of your sleeves.  Come on… Nng… NNGGH… Almost… Huuuurrrgggh!  There!  Augh!  Hurts my stomach so badly, could barely breathe!  I’m panting so hard! I could feel the sweat coming down the side of my face.  Need to hurry up, those beams could fall any second.

    That tingling sensation began to flush my body, it has been more than enough time since my body has had enough cool down so a transformation was safe.  I knew I had to beat the She-Hulk transformation to the punch otherwise I’d find myself naked in some other random place, probably a police station parking lot.  Changing into a She-Titan instead of a She-Hulk is a slightly different experience with similar sensations.  Instead of the pounding headache with She-Hulk you get a painful stomach ache, both are really bad and painful; but I think the head ache is worse because you feel like a drill is being bored into your head.

    There’s also a difference in how the body grows, when it’s She-Hulk it’s just a series of painful spasms, which lead up to a full body blow out.  With this, it’s one gradual constant yet painful growth.  No matter how many times a person grows it is always painful because the body is not designed or built to grow in that manner.  The nerves go haywire sending all these messages, your muscles are tearing over here, your bones are cracking over here, your skin is stretching over here!  The body doesn’t know what to do except tell you everything that’s happening.  It’s pure sensory overload.

    But remember that for mutants like Sherrie, Jenna, and me.  What fuels our transformation is the adrenaline in our body.  Everything has been linked to the adrenaline; our adrenaline has been mutated into some kind of toxic ooze, which trigger our body’s DNA and genetic code to switch to an alternate form of code.  It’s almost as if we have a back up set of genetic code and DNA which is activated when adrenaline passes through it.  To keep the adrenaline flowing you need pain, because pain makes people angry and gets their hearts going.  If it’s not painful, there won’t be enough adrenaline to have the entire body change, meaning I could be stuck with big hands and feet and no muscles!  That would be embarrassing.

    Ugh, glad I got that all explained because it’s going to happen right… NOW!  Unh, Nng, Oh, UNNNNNGHH, NNNNNNNNNGH, AAAAHHHHHUNGH!  I can feel it! My entire body is starting to swell up.  The security guard uniform is still hanging over me like a big drape or even a hot air balloon but I can feel my arms getting longer along with my legs.  Still haven’t learned how to control how big I get unlike Jenna, she could stop growing when her clothes are torn but still on her body.  Me on other hand keep on growing until I’m naked which causes a problem.  I’m not going to try and practice stopping my growth now, too much danger.  It always starts with my hands and feet, I can feel them slowly getting bigger and longer, it’s not fast and it’s not slow, it’s just gradual.

    My breasts start pushing outwards but still haven’t passed my original cup size, they just get a bit swollen and start bouncing around like balloons until the FULL growth starts to kick in.  The pants go all the way up to my ribs and I could fit another person in here with me like Nina, I really should have taken something smaller with me.  I can feel myself getting stronger. It’s a significant difference from how I feel when I’m not powering up.  When I’m not powered up I know I’m weak and my body feels it with the amount of fat I have on me.  But when my muscles are growing?  You can feel the difference, arms are not as flabby, body isn’t as small, I could take in a deep breath which makes it feel like I’m expanding, and when I breathe out I don’t shrink back.

    It’s an interesting sensation; almost everyone has taken in a very deep breath where they feel their entire upper torso expand.  Imagine taking that deep breath, you feel the tightness in your body, then you breath out but that tightness is still there and your chest hasn’t sunken back in.  Imagine you take another deep breath and now your chest has gone out even further, and when you breath out it doesn’t shrink back down!  If you try to do a double bicep flex or stretch backwards you’ll instantly feel your pecs start bursting out which creates a new stiffness in the muscles and your biceps swell up inside your sleeves.  This is the kind of thing that was happening to me right now.

    It has stages it goes through, the first stage is preparing the body for transformation.  The second stage is starting the preliminary growth, which turns the body into bodybuilder status.  The third stage pushes the body further, which rips the clothes into shreds but leaves them intact on your body, this is where Jenna can stop and is known as the hulk stage.  The fourth stage pushes the body beyond, to the limits of muscle and size and is usually called the naked hulk stage.  The legendary fifth stage is a giantess stage, which let’s the individual grow to incredible heights.  Only two people I know can do this and if you’ve been paying attention you already know who those two would be.

    Well my body has finished swelling up and lengthening, now I suppose starts the fun part for me.  What can I say? I love it when it happens to me. All of them love it even though most will deny it.  The body secretes hormones and stimulates the pleasure senses to keep the mind off the painful growth, doesn’t usually kick in until the later stages but it kicks in.  It’s a self defense mechanism to make the person not afraid of the painful sensation of the transformation.  Instead they may be afraid of the consequences of that transformation, but not the transformation itself.  Man, Sherrie is pretty smart, glad she went to med school to research our “illness.”

    All right, now’s the time where my muscles start fully growing; so here goes.  I can already feel my back starting to spread out, this will form the basis of my lats and gives me a perfect V shape every time, though I sometimes don’t get to see it because of my large breasts.  The farter apart my arms spread the more I can feel my muscles filling in the gaps between, I try to push my arms back in to where they were by scrunching my shoulders, but it doesn’t work and they remain spread out as the muscles fill the inside of my shirt.

    I do a quick check with my hand to see if any hair is growing down below, but it’s still clean cut.  Another difference between She-Hulk and She-Titan is that usually only with She-Hulk or a person that lacks “under growth” will end up rapidly growing a small bush.  Those who have hair will have it disappear, those who don’t will have it appear.  Sherrie’s guess as to why it happens is that if you have hair it assumes it’s an imperfection and gets rid of it, if you don’t have hair, it assumes you’re missing something to achieve perfection and grows it out.  Since I shave, the hair usually stays away.  Only applies to She-Titans though, all She-Hulks have hair down there.

    Anyway, the coast was clear down there and I started feeling my waist expanding outward, it really felt like I was bloating and getting fat, but whenever I touched my stomach with my hand I could feel the ripples of my abdominal muscles, I could slide my fingers between the grooves and if I breathed out I can get my finger stuck between my beautiful, luscious abs.  I can feel the cuff of my pants rising up to my calves, my calves are starting to push outward and are forcing the cuffs to stretch outward and press unto the seat cushion.  The once enormous pants were starting to feel a little tight as they have now slid down my upper body and are snugly wrapping against my waist.

    My legs looked as though I had filled them with helium, the pants looked ridiculously inflated and I could see the material stretching further and further starting to reach its limits.  My rump was starting to grow in size and volume and was pushing my head up towards the ceiling of the car.  I still had a long ways to go before my head would hit the ceiling but that’s only temporary.  The once tent like shirt was now wrapping around my thickening, growing body, the sleeves were stretching around the developing muscles of my forearms, biceps, and deltoids, erasing the folds making it appear like spandex was enveloped across my body.

    The shirt and pants now fit me perfectly in length, but my muscles were not happy; they seemed to suffocate inside the clothes.  I could see the rings of my nipples appearing through the white button down dress shirt, I could see my stomach appearing at the bottom of my shirt not because I was getting fatter, but because I was getting taller and more muscular by the second.  Without even flexing I could see my biceps simply rippling through my sleeves like an army ambushing an enemy, waiting for the right time to appear.  My back felt so tight it felt like it was pushing my head downward because the muscles were getting so massive, it had reached a point that I felt like if I pulled my arms forward the shirt would definitely rip.

    I didn’t feel as though I was at full power though and if I was going to get Nina to safety I needed to be strong enough to absorb the impact of the steel beams, so I can catch them in my hands.  My feet were starting to hurt; it felt like I had been walking for days but in reality the swelling of my toes and foot were pushing up against the sides of the black dress shoes, they were hurting because the shoes just simply wouldn’t rip!  This is the point of no return.  Now… just because you voluntarily change doesn’t mean you always have control.  If you get pissed off while you’re muscling up you can end up going berserk, and you also need to scream and yell a bit in order to keep the savage part of your head clear and dormant.  Holding back on roaring, grunting, and moaning will make you feel like you need to unleash yourself when you’ve already grown to the max.  It’s just like bottling up your emotions except worse.

    I need to start letting these roars out, because I can feel it building up inside of me at the same time with these muscles.  The shirts getting so tight, so hard to breath, my stomach hurts, the button from the pants is pressing into my lower abdomen.  My butt feels like I’ve been sitting on it for years without moving a muscle, it’s sore.  God… my butt’s gotten so big!  Feels like its stretching for miles.  Everything is so sore!  My body is waiting to explode out of this prison.  Rrr… RRRRAAAUUUGGGHHRR!  I sit myself upright letting out an angry growl or roar, my voice hasn’t gotten deeper yet so it isn’t very loud but I’m venting it out.  My mouth is wide open and I’m yelling.  I lift my arms into a double bicep pose, I let out another roar and flex the hell out of my body!  I turn my head over to my arm as my fist is shaking from my flexing, I keep trying to flex harder and harder until my arms are burning and hurting and suddenly it finally happens!

    The sleeve slowly starts to rip open, I can hear the rip and actually see parts of my skin start to appear.  I flex harder and harder until both of my white sleeves start shredding apart like torn tissue paper.  I wanted to smile as I saw my biceps shoot up towards me with the massive vein resting on top of it, but I needed to keep the adrenaline going.  I pull my arms down and forward into a crab pose with the remnants of the sleeves dangling beneath my arms like ribbons.  I start flexing forward in the crab pose to force my neck and back muscles to grow and sure enough they did.  I could feel the shirt ripping on my back my skin pouring out like a caterpillar coming out of a cocoon pushing the shirt off to the sides letting my back muscles become thick and ripped kissing the cold leather seat.  My neck immediately pushed my head upward and I found it difficult to raise my head to look up because whenever my neck muscles bloom it makes it very hard to move your head around until the transformation is finished.

    My legs starting coming out of the pant legs ripping the seams which kept my pants together, splitting them vertically along the length of my legs following the yellow strip up towards my groin.  I glanced at Nina quickly to make sure she was still unconscious and she was, this was good because I didn’t want her to see me changing, especially the part I knew that was coming up.  The pants continued to tear along the seam and stopped until my calves exploded out at the end, forcing the pants to turn into a dangling tattered flag.  My feet were hurting and pulsating so badly inside of my shoe I knew it was only a matter of time before the inevitable pop!  But first I leaned back because I felt a heavy pain on my chest and stomach.  I leaned back in the seat and bent my knees forward so I could be in a nearly laying down position but not quite.  The button keeping my pants together was straining and I could feel my stomach shaking violently as it tried to pull the pants apart.  The button finally popped off and almost immediately the zipper started sliding down my crotch, which is what I didn’t want Nina to see, especially with the look on my face.  I could feel my unmentionables getting a breath of fresh air, seeing what the view was like from the outside as I felt the entire groin area of the pants split open completely.

    It was a little embarrassing to be like this, and I’d be really embarrassed if Nina ever saw me transform but I have to go through with it.  I looked down at my feet as I pushed them against the passenger side seat in front of me and watched the leather deform into weird shapes, it looked like a blob of black, I heard the slow tearing and opening of leather and could start to see portions of my feet appearing out of the sides of the shoe.  I watched as my toe and pinky toe pushed slowly out of the front while the other toes remained inside.  Then my feet just simply BURST out of the shoes shooting outward at a rapid pace, I wiggled my toes around again to remove the stiffness and watched as the shoe simply fell apart and off my feet.  I felt the strong chest pains consume my body and I pushed my thickly muscled arms down onto the seat lifting my body upward as the buttons on the blouse started popping in rapid succession.  Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop!  The first four buttons covering my breasts popped off, my breasts began to swell and grow to enormous sizes, sliding out of my shirt and into the stale air in front of me, my nipples shot outwards as they grew erect and stiff, pointing outward like traffic cones surrounded by large circular areolas.

    My abs ripped open the rest of the buttons as my stomach literally pushed outward underneath my breasts, which gave me even more of an hourglass figure, it made it seem like my upper body was enormous.  I sat upright again as the final muscle growth push began to kick in.  Now growing faster and faster my arms began to engorge with more and more muscle as if being infused with pure steroids.  My muscles were rippling all over my body and more of my clothes would continually tear further and further.  My butt was becoming so enormous that my pants were about to become the first casualties of this pointless war, my head banged the ceiling of the cab forcing me to duck down further as my back ballooned to such mammoth proportions that I could literally feel my upper back touching the ceiling of the car.  My body was becoming so massive I could feel myself filling up the entire back seat of the car, my triceps rubbed up against Nina’s face while my other arm pressed against the cold glass of the cab.  My head hung low as my muscles filled the back area of the cab as I continued to grow larger… and larger.

    My monstrous muscles continued to explode all over causing me to roar angrily and loudly as my voice began to bellow with sheer power shaking the inside of the cab.  I looked through the corner of my eye the tatters of my clothes falling off my hulking body, I felt the final snap on my pants as they dropped down onto the seat cushion, I could feel no more clothes wrapped around my body, my body was now purely naked in all it’s muscle glory and I felt the strength of a million women infuse my body.  With one last and final roar I pushed my body upward raising my hands, the cab made a sickening sound of crumpling and bending metal, the glass shattered and my body simply PUSHED the ceiling off as if it were a bed blanket.  The metal groaned and creaked as the glass shattered.  When I felt my head above the roof of the cab I lifted up my powerfully muscular arms and roared loudly for all to see.  All I saw in the overcast daylight was the looming shadow of a construction crane over head and metal girders dangling up above.  I stopped roaring and silently looked at the girders, I began to stand up inside the cab which continued to destroy more and more of the cab as I saw the first beam slip and fall towards me.

    I opened my hands and caught the first beam, the impact and velocity was intense and it caused my forearms to jolt downward when I caught it, but it was only because I wasn’t prepared for it.  When I felt it land in my hands it truly felt that had this landed anywhere else it would have pierced right through the street, and would have certainly impaled Nina and the taxi driver.  I put the beam down next to the cab and got ready to catch the second one.  It fell down and I instantly caught it, this time my arms did not jolt or make any sudden movements I wanted to be the dominant one at all times.  I dropped the beam aside and then watched as SIX of them began to fall at the same time!  My only concern was Nina, so instead of trying to catch them I lifted my arm over my head in a block position.  As soon as enough beams were near my arm I smacked them off to the side instantly destroying the beams in half like broken glass bottles.

    I saw that the crane up above was still going haywire so I jumped upwards towards the crane and ripped it off of its foundation setting it down where it couldn’t cause any further damage.  I was tempted to cause some damage to the crane for sheer fun but I resisted and jumped back down the thirty-foot building next to the taxi creating a massive crater beneath the weight of my body.  I grabbed the Taxi driver and gently took him in my arms, he wasn’t wounded enough that moving him would be lethal.  I jumped over to the hospital, went through the doors and placed him down on the floor for the medics to grab him.  Yeah, let’s ignore all the stares I just got doing that.

    I left the hospital, jumped back towards Nina strapped the bag around my shoulder, carried Nina in my arms and started jumping towards her apartment.  As I was jumping however, a woman intercepted me with a smashing blow to my face!  I was thrown off course and started plummeting down to the Earth with Nina in my hands!  I turned around in mid air to make sure I landed on my back and braced myself for a rough landing, trying to absorb all the impact to keep Nina safe.  THOOOM!  My back exploded with a burst of pain as a massive dust cloud shot off in front of my eyes.  Nina let out a small “Ooof!”  But still didn’t regain any consciousness, so I knew she was all right.  After the sting from the fall wore off I stood up and placed Nina down on the floor along with the bag full of my clothes.  I saw the She-Titan coming towards me in a giant leap, and from what I could gather it looks like she’s the one that caused the construction accident to happen.

    She was coming towards Nina and I, but I couldn’t let Nina get hurt.  While she was in mid air I jumped towards her like a bullet and tackled her in mid flight!  I flipped her over while we were in the air and pointed my body down at a 90 degree angle as if doing a handstand so that I could smash this dumb bitch straight into the ground!  BAM!  I heard her scream out a loud “Auuugh!” The impact totally ruined her day, and I was going to make it get much, much worse.  I sat on top of her muscular body and began pounding her face with my fist with a total of five massive blows.  I stood up and lifted her up by the neck with one arm; I raised her up high over my head and then THREW her down into the pavement smashing her even harder than my mid air tackle!  I continued to beat her down until she started slowly shrinking, and finally I finished her off before she reverted back to her normal body.  She was wounded and in need of medical attention, but she’ll survive.  I’ll leave her in Detective Adam’s capable hands when he arrives.

    I jumped back towards Nina, grabbed my bag, grabbed her and jumped off towards her apartment.


    Gah, you tease us. Is there somewhere I can read this in full?!
    Great work.


    The full version will be posted at my yahoo group, but it's not going up until all the proofreading is done.  Generally I do the proofreading before I post so as to make sure the story goes out with as little errors as possible.  Next chapter will be going up in a few!

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