Black Sheep by TC2

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  • #66224

    Fantastic story.  I hope it's not quite over yet, either another chapter or an epilogue that shows them finishing off the facility and making up with the others.


    Chapter 12: Time To Close The Journal

    We were back at Nina’s apartment and we had a bit of a discussion with what happened.  Nina’s body when she reverted; actually stayed stuck in bodybuilder form.  Though her breasts looked slightly larger, it was only because now that her body was smaller her unchanging breasts looked bigger.  She will never be the small 5’ 4” girl I knew back in high school, she will always be stuck as the tall, muscular, 6 foot girl with explosive biceps, an incredible butt, and an indestructible chest.

    As for the facility, after all of our fighting we ended up accidentally destroying the entire place.  The damage done to the facility was immense, there was no way they would be able to repair or rebuild it.  Now that Nina was back to normal I wanted to know if she was feeling all right with all the changes.

    “So… how do you feel about your body Nina?”

    “I don’t know, it still feels weird.  I don’t know if I like or not yet.  But… I’m stuck like this aren’t I?”

    “You mean being muscular all the time?  Yeah…”

    “I can never go back to looking the way I did before?”

    “No Nina, if you haven’t shrunk down by now you never will.”

    “Well, on one hand to be this strong is really cool and experience what you experience when you change is… awesome.  I just don’t know if I like the way I look.”


    “I don’t know, muscles on a woman?  Look at how flat chested I am, so much muscle.”

    “What did you think of me when you saw me with muscles?”


    “Truthfully yes.”

    “I thought you were sexier with the big muscles.  Seeing you lay down in that water with your giant nipples shining in the light, the water running down the muscles of your body, seeing your “you know” inviting me, checking out your thick legs just waiting to be grabbed and touched.  I didn’t think that when you were she-hulk, but when you were muscle Marissa I will admit it was sexy.”

    “Wow, thank you.”

    “What did you think of me?”

    “I was mesmerized by you Nina.  I still am and I always have been.  I don’t mind the changes to your body, I think you’re beautiful no matter what you look like.”

    “Then… as long as you’re happy with my body I can be happy with it too.  The truth is I do like how my body looks, the only hard part is being able to live without my big breasts.”

    “I love you whether you have breasts or not, I don’t need em I already have my own.  Touching your ripped muscles is enough of a turn on for me Nina.”

    “Oooh, now that you put it that way I’m tempted to want to touch your body all over again.”

    “You will in time, I want to ask you what you want to do.”

    “What do you mean?  You mean now that the jig is up?”

    “Yeah… I’ll go along with whatever you want to do Nina.”

    “Can we even live a normal life?  I mean I’m not used to holding back my temper Marissa, what if I grow and change while we’re out to eat!”

    “Welcome to my world.”

    “I’m really worried about this Marissa, if that company existed there’s probably more.  They’ll send the cops after us, the military!  How are we supposed to live?  I really wanted to make a career out of my beautician stuff, maybe own a business.  How can I do that now?”

    “I have an idea.”

    “Tell me.”

    “We can build a little home out in the forest where we can live, rest, relax, and hulk out if need be.  When we want to run business though it will be a little out of the way we can still drive into town, go to the mall, hang out at shops, and you can do your beauty stuff.  I don’t think your condition will turn on if you get mad Nina, the mind control stuff didn’t work but all the other stuff seems to be fine.”

    “So I can still live a normal life, even if I get stressed out a little?”

    “Well you can’t let yourself get supremely pissed off because then I’m pretty sure you will change.  But being a little angry or stressed out shouldn’t affect you too much.”

    “Then I can still accomplish what I want to do?”

    “Yeah, and I’ll help you in anyway I can.”

    “What about you Maris?”

    “I can focus on writing and if we make some money from that maybe we’ll travel around the world for a bit?”

    “You always were a good writer, I’d love to go to Paris with you.”

    “So you want to do it?”

    “How are you going to build a cabin?”

    “I did some fine arts and minored in carpentry when I was in college.  I’ll be able to figure it out, just give me a few weeks.  In the meantime we can live in your apartment for a little bit.”

    “Sounds like a plan Maris.”

    “Wonderful, come over here and give me my luvins.”

    Last entry for my journal:

    So this is it, the last pages of my journal as there are no more spaces to fill after I complete these.  Nina and I are truly in love and are truly soul mates.  Living together is easy since we’ve done it for so long.  We get into arguments like everyone else does, but we love each other so much that they’re soon forgotten.  And no… there haven’t been any arguments that have resulted in a hulk out, though we have… intentionally changed a few times to spice up the sex a bit.  My God is it incredible, I didn’t think feeling muscles growing while making love would be such a turn on.

    Perverse thoughts aside, I finished building the cabin and managed to hire a few people to get electricity and water going inside of it.  So the cabin was complete.  Believe it or not Nina and I had gone on a few trips to other towns and surprisingly I had managed to save Sherrie’s life one day with Nina by my side.  There was this massive earthquake and a giant woman attacking the area where she lived.  She managed to beat the giant woman but now that she was ‘out’ the ‘hunters’ showed up to try to take Sherrie in.  She needed to get out of there with her husband so Nina and I hulked out and started smashing the hunters to buy Sherrie some time to get out of there.  In return “Dr.” Sherrie gave me some money to finish up the cabin, help Nina get her business started, and self publish my books, which are selling very well.

    We live a simple life here in the woods, but it’s far from dull, and is in fact quite exciting.  Everyday something new happens and we tell each other stories on how we nearly avoided hulking out, or stories where we did hulk out but managed to escape before getting busted.  It’s a part of our lives now and we have to accept it.  What’s more important to me now though is that I have found someone I want to spend the rest of my life with and Nina has found someone as well.  Nina is my keeper and protects me, with her permanently muscled body she takes care of me when I’m sick, protects me from transforming, nurses my wounds, she is my caretaker.  When Nina gets hurt or attacked then I allow myself to transform and I rise up to protect her from physical harm.  I put my life on the line for her, take the blame for any mishaps that she may have done, and draw all attention away from her so I become the target.  It is mutual that we nurse each other, and cook for each other, though Nina likes to cook more than I.

    I provide Nina with the educational knowledge she needs to keep her business running efficiently, and Nina keeps me entertained and prevents me from becoming too dull by taking me out to party and have fun, within reason of course.  She has forgiven me for the people I have taken the lives from, it’s not something that has sat well with me and is probably why Grey She-Hulk haunts me like a demon.  But Nina has given me a solace and peace of mind I wouldn’t have found on my own and even with She-Hulk around I am… okay.  It became less important to me for people to know about my story compared to when I first started writing in this journal.  People know who I am through my writing, I’ve turned some of my journal stories into epic action novels and some romance novels and even the occasional science fiction novels.  However, there is a part that will complete this journal for me… as it truly lifts a burden that had been hurting me for the longest time.

    Jenna wrote me a letter and said:

    “Dear Marissa,

    If you’re wondering why no one has heard from me it’s because I’m taking care of my daughter and dealing with her ‘growing pains’ if you know what I mean, I didn’t know it could be passed onto your kids, I might have avoided getting pregnant.  However, I wanted to tell you that I know about the research facility you destroyed, the people you killed, the buildings you smashed.  I also know about the lives you saved, the friend you saved, and I hear from Sherrie that you pulled her out of a jam as well and she’s made significant progress in controlling her inner strength.  So much that she’s actually living a normal life.

    All thanks to you?

    Marissa… I was harsh on you that day, I know it was your parents that you lost but I was too arrogant to see that.  My ego and experience blinded me to the fact that you’re still human and your parents were important to you.  When Reigh destroyed everyone I loved I became very callous to how other people would feel if they lost their family.  Not to mention that you don’t even have any control over what She-Hulk does.  To this I say, I’m sorry for all those things I’ve said to you and how badly I scolded you.  I was just so upset over the loss of our friends, but I know now that you didn’t mean it and that it hurt you more than it hurt me.

    I hope you can accept my apology and maybe sometime we can meet up for lunch.  I would love to meet Nina as she seems like a very special girl to you, I’d love to see you again.  Don’t vanish, be a shining star.


    I love your books, when’s the sequel to She-Titan coming out?


    If you look me up, I’m under the alias ‘Jailyn Steel.’  My phone number and contact information is listed on a separate sheet that came with this letter.



    I kept that letter ever since.  I’m going to call her tomorrow; I’d love to see her and Sherrie again.  It had always bothered me being kicked out of the only place I could call home, but now I can finally make amends and make peace with the people I care about.  Well, that’s it for my story.  I don’t know what this journal will accomplish, but as long as people understand why I did the things I did and don’t mark me off as a black mark in history, I think I’m quite satisfied with how everything turned out.  I didn’t know I would feel so much better after writing this; it certainly has brought me an inner peace I had been missing for a long time.  It’s time to sign off, and of course I want to include Nina into this. After all she has read every single word and piece of text I have written here, and still loves me regardless.

    With love the ‘little’ Black Sheep and her Shepard,

    Marissa Karzneli – Viera


    Nina Viera – Karzneli


    There are no further chapters to this story, that's it!  Hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did writing it!


    Well, I'm glad I finally got the chance to read the whole thing!

    This was a good read all around; I liked the way the narrator's voice changed through the story from bitter to…contented?… without losing authenticity.  Well done, sir!


    Now that the story is finished there are some things I wanted to share with the readers.

    – If you finished the entire story, you've actually just read through 84 pages worth of text!

    – The reason I put the story up a day at a time was because I have found that in the past, if you post the story all at once people will not read through the whole thing.  However, if you do it in separate pieces it's easier to digest and get into before the story becomes too lengthy.

    – I have never written a detailed FMG story in first person.  I had done some journal entries here and there, but never a story quite like this.  Was a very new experience for me.

    – I also never ever planned to write a story that would have two female characters fall in love with each other.  Ironically, unlike most of the male population ladies kissing each other never interested me, but these characters seemed to drive the story that way.

    – I left all the details to your imagination which Tertio picked up on.  Anything you may have thought was gory, super sexual, or anything of that nature was all left to your imagination, which I'm quite happy to have accomplished.

    – I thought the entire story was going to be written in a journal, but I experimented with letting the story and the characters drive itself.  So I really had no control over where the story went and simply let the girls tell me what should happen next.

    – There is more.  Not for this specific story as this chapter is certainly finished; but in the over arching grand scheme of things this is one piece to a much larger puzzle.

    – It was important to me to receive feedback as there have been many times where there simply weren't enough readers, and therefore it wasn't satisfying to post more sections of the story.  For me, seeing that the forums let's you talk to the authors I was really curious to see the reader response to this story.  I'm very glad you all jumped in and spoke what you thought of it, it was very satisfying.

    Thanks again, and if you have questions, comments, just let me know and I'll be glad to answer!

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