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  • #122010

    Anyone else notice that brawna has been down for about a week? Is it coming back up?


    No it is not coming back. Unfortunately during a 63 hour sudden death hopscotch marathon in Malaysia Lingster lost the rights to when he kicked the marking stone from the number 4 square to the number 5 square and it touched the border of the number 6 square. Under the terms of play, in this case the “Aquatic Riboflavin” rules of conduct, he had to sign over the rights to an internet domain name as well as 3 cans of tuna a stuffed mouse cat toy and powdered peanut butter stored in a surgical glove. Don’t ask why that’s just how they roll in Malaysia tournaments. You can contact the new web master, the honorable barrister from Sierra Leone Blak Koo’sahnah’gee who will send you a check for $18 million if you provide your personal bank account information and two valid forms of Identification. You of course will be responsible for seeing that the money is used properly to maintain the site at operational capacity in his stead until he can get his family safely out of the war zone whereupon you will be reimbursed for your time through the United Nations Compensation fund.

    or maybe the site is being upgraded and you should check back later….it could be either one….


    Hmmm, I’m not sure which explanation to believe. I guess I’ll just sit on my new story until we see what happens.


    OMG Flakbait!

    Looking forward to it steve.


    Look at me.

    I’m the captain now.


    . . .the honorable barrister from Sierra Leone Blak Koo’sahnah’gee . . .

    And as we all know from our knowledge of ERBurroughian geography,
    Sierra Leone borders the nation of Téa Leoni, the Imperial Republic of the Amazons. 😉 :laugh:

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)

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