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November 23, 2016 at 7:23 am #132766
ParticipantAmazon Cruise part 1
Submitted by spoonmaster on March 20, 2008 – 6:32am
John Thomas was starting to get a little nervous as he got off the plane in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Sure, it seemed like such a good idea several months ago when he was planning it, but now, waiting for his luggage, so close to his destination, he felt butterflies in his stomach.
John Thomas was an average fellow at 5’10”, 175lbs. He tried to keep in good health. He was a member of a gym, which he went to four times a week. He ran three miles a day (well most days anyway) and never shied away from a pickup game of basketball or a set of tennis if a friend was playing. He was a fairly handsome man who could clean up with the best of them and was charming enough to have plans on most weekends. Financially, he did very well for himself, scoring a low six figure income at an early age of 27.
Despite all this, John found himself in Florida, grabbing his suitcase off the conveyer belt, alone. It’s not that John had a hard time finding a girlfriend, although he didn’t have one at the moment, it’s just that John didn’t think any girl he’d ever met would be interested in the trip he was taking.
In fact, while John had little problem meeting women, keeping them was quite another story. Not that he was mean and didn’t know how to treat a lady; in fact, John was quite courteous and kind to all his friends. It’s just that John had a pretty specific idea of the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, and he’d yet to meet her.
Sure John wanted what all men wanted, a woman who was attractive and fun to be with; a woman who was loyal and honest and had all the qualities that a man looked for in a woman. But there was one quality that John looked for in woman that no woman he’d ever met had. John was attracted to strong, powerful women. Not mentally or emotionally strong women, though that didn’t hurt, but physically strong women. John didn’t know when this attraction started, but it was there, and sometimes it was all he could think of. In fact half the reason he went to the gym as often as he did was so that he could meet the girl of his dreams.
Though so far that woman was still just a dream. Oh, John had met and dated some physically fit women before. He’d even known a woman who was stronger than he was, but only just barely. She was hardly able to overpower John like the girl of his dreams would be able to, and in the end he was unable to hide the frustration that he felt to be with a woman so close to what he wanted. It drove them apart.
So sadly, John’s only outlet for his fantasy was the internet. Living alone, John spent probably too much time surfing the myriad of sites devoted to people who shared his interest in strong women. Where some men had secret boxes of porn, John’s collection consisted of fantasy videos of women performing feats of strength that no woman on earth could possibly do. Women lifting hundreds of pounds of weights (that were so obviously fake it was sometimes laughable), or a woman bending equally fake bars. There were women who would lift men in different ways, either huge women lifting minutely small men, or women using camera tricks to make it look like she was able to lift a guy. Some were of women arm wrestling men who were obviously only pretending to try, while others were of women wrestling men who were trying even less. It wasn’t much, not really, but it was all he had.
John was pleasantly surprised at the temperature as he stepped through the door out to the road. Boston at this time of the year would have at least a foot of snow on the ground and would be cold enough that he would be covered head to toe in clothing, but here in south Florida, he was hot even in the relatively light weight outfit he wore from his home to the airport. He couldn’t wait to get into some shorts and a tee shirt.
He didn’t have to scan far across the arrival area of the airport to find a cab. In fact two guys almost raced over to him to get his business. The winner, a thin middle aged fellow of Hispanic origin, hardly smiled a lick as he grabbed John’s suitcase and led him over to a station wagon that he must of bough during The Great Depression. John helped him put the two bags into the truck and got his own door as the driver moved up to the passenger seat.
“Where are you headed, senior?” The accent was thick, and made even harder to hear as the man was too busy getting the car started to turn around to ask the question.
John cleared his throat and tried to act casual. He was a pretty private person, especially about what he considered his not so natural infatuation, but the guy had to know where he was going. “I’m, uh, going to the umm, port. I’m going on a cruise.”
“OK, what boat?”
“Um, the uh, Amazon Cruise ship.”
The driver shot him a look through the rearview mirror that John couldn’t see very well, but could guess what it was for. Most people that John knew were disgusted by women with muscle. They thought they all looked like men, or at least were trying to look like men. John could understand how they felt. Several women that he’d seen on the internet were clearly abusing steroids and had developed distinctly manly features. But there were other women who didn’t look manly at all. In fact, John thought women with the right amount of muscle only enhanced their femininity. In fact, he thought muscular women looked far more feminine than the stick figure, anorexic model that most guys went for. That just didn’t look healthy at all.
Along with the look, every man John knew was terrified about being with a woman who could possibly stronger than they were. John never understood why strength was equated to masculinity, but it was there whether he understood it or not. Not only that, but the one woman he did date that was stronger than he was, Nicole, wasn’t all that interested in being the stronger partner. Nicole liked being strong, but she always tried to get him to lift more and build up his strength more. That only server to drive them further apart as John actually tried to lift less to get weaker so that the strength difference between him and Nicole would be greater in her favor.
Besides the look, the driver said nothing, and sped off into traffic a little faster than John would have liked, but he said nothing.
John found out about the Amazon Cruise line through one of the amazon women sites that he frequented. It was a brand new ship, and seemed like it was right up his alley. The entire boat was crewed by women of amazonic proportions. The ad made the women sound like superwomen, claiming that every member of the crew was stronger than any man alive. It was an insane boast. John had looked it up before. Most of the women’s weight lifting records were barely half of what the men’s records were. At first he discarded the entire affair. It seemed like some kind of scam, not to mention tickets were far more expensive than a comparable ship. Yet as the ship’s maiden voyage got closer, ads came out with amazing deals, half price tickets! Special sessions with the crew provided for all first class passengers!
Money really wasn’t the problem, John made plenty. What decided him was that he’d just broken up with Nicole, and while she wasn’t nearly as strong as John’s dream girl, she was still the strongest women that he’d ever met. He was missing the feeling of her power. Watching her work out, lifting weights that most other women could hardly budge. In the end, he thought, what the hell. They might not be superwomen, but if they’re at least as strong as Nicole, it will still be the best vacation I’ve ever had.
And so it was that John found himself in the back of his cab, pulling into Ft. Lauderdale’s port. It was a wholly unimpressive sight. Huge warehouses dominated the scenery holding god only knew what. Wherever there weren’t warehouses, there were rows of silos, or stacks of freight cars in various states of disrepair. Most of the ground was dirt or cracked concrete, and heavy moving equipment sat like lumbering mules waiting for someone to prod them into action. At first the only boats John saw seemed to be barges just as decrepit as the cab driver, but then a tall building gave way, and John saw his first look at a cruise ship.
He had never been on a cruise before, though he’d seen picture of boats. No picture could ever prepare him for the enormity of the boats he was seeing. The ship was easily the size of the largest warehouse in the lot. Hundreds of sections of balconies sat like seats in a stadium, all covered by protective glass that was probably waist high. The whole thing was bleach white, and looked as though it was either brand new or cleaned thoroughly. Two towers stood up from the top, which must have been well over a hundred feet tall.
With a small sigh of regret, John watched as the cab drove by the mammoth boat which had the Princess Cruises emblem printed brightly on one of the towers. And then watched as an equally mammoth boat from Royal Caribbean was also passed. The cab traveled all the way around the port before finally coming to a much smaller ship than the two previously passed. This boat was much smaller than the other two vessels, though still very large. It was clearly newer than the other two ships, with a sleeker, sexier, almost futuristic look to it. The boat only had one tower with a teal AC printed on the side.
The cab pulled up slightly past a smaller sized warehouse. A sign over the only door read Amazon Cruises. There was a desk sitting between the boat and the warehouse tended by what pair of attendants. Next to the desk were several large carts that were filling up with luggage. The cab got as close to the desk as he could and then stopped and went to the trunk to grab my luggage. He did nothing to hide his contempt toward the boat every time he glanced at it, but he thankfully kept his opinions to himself. John paid him, giving him a moderate tip, and he left mumbling something in Spanish that John couldn’t understand.
He grabbed his bags and carried them over to the check in counter and was met by his first pleasant surprise of the trip. The girl at the check in counter was gorgeous. She wore a sparkling white crewman outfit that molded to her body like a second skin and set off a very dark and even tan. Her short sleeve shirt did little to hide the obvious thickness and definition of her arm, and she had the top several buttons undone, showing more than a modest amount of cleavage on what seemed to be a pretty sizable chest. Her face was as pretty as anyone John ever met with soft feminine features. Two dimples emerged as she shot him a warm smile with dazzling white teeth that emphasized both her tan and the jet black hair that was cut down slightly past her shoulder.
“Good afternoon, and welcome to the maiden voyage of Amazon Cruise Lines!” Her voice was almost musical with the energy of a cheerleader. “My name is Amy, how may I help you today?”
“Hello,” John tried out a smile of his own, which seemed to please his host. “my name is John Thomas, I have a reservation.”
Her fingers quickly moved over the keyboard typing with swift precision. John couldn’t help but to stare as the muscles of her forearms danced up and down as she typed. Her eyes flickered up from the screen and caught him staring. John felt awkward for just a second before she smiled what he thought was almost a teasing smile.
“Ah, first class, Mr. Thomas. Well, I’m sure that we’ll take very good care of you on your voyage. Do you have your documents?”
As he went to grab his documents, Amy reached up under her hair to scratch the back of her neck. John’s jaw nearly dropped as her bicep bulged up into a huge ball of muscle. There was no doubt the girl’s arm was bigger than his. Hell it was probably bigger than Nicole’s. He couldn’t help but to stare at the bicep bouncing up and down as she scratched. It was a few moments before he realized that he was just standing there with his paperwork in his hands. He didn’t think she saw him stare, she seemed to be intent on her monitor, but she had a grin on her face that was more playful and amused than it was happy.
The entire check in process was filled with Amy taking every chance to seemingly flirt with John. If she wasn’t nonchalantly flexing her muscles, she was thrusting out her chest as she yawned, or pushing her arms into her chest as she typed, pushing her breasts further out the top of her shirt. At one point, while she was inputting John’s passport information, she started to hum. While humming, she’d occasionally emphasize a few notes by bouncing her pecs up and down. She bent down to his luggage, giving John the best view down her shirt yet, and seemed to spend an awful lot of time affixing the travel tags.
The most amazing thing that happened at the checkout though, wasn’t even done by Amy. As Amy put John’s luggage on a cart that looked filled to the brim, two other ladies, dressed and built just like Amy, came out of the ship talking. They walked to the full luggage cart and moved to either side of it. Then, without missing a beat, reached down, grabbed the underside of the cart and lifted it up off the ground! There must have been at least 30 pieces of luggage on the cart! Yet the two ladies were carrying the cart as easily as if their hands were empty!
This time John had such a shocked expression on his face, that Amy couldn’t help but to laugh. “Like what you see, Mr. Thomas.”
John looked back to Amy who now treated him to a full double bicep pose. If her arms were large when she casually flexed, they were absolutely huge now. Amy’s laughter renewed at John’s continued look of awe. She walked around the counter, grabbed Johns arm, and gentled pushed him toward the boat.
“You are absolutely adorable. Now why don’t you get yourself on the boat, and enjoy your amazon cruise!”
******************************Amazon Cruise part 2
Submitted by spoonmaster on March 21, 2008 – 6:22am
John Thomas walked towards the cruise ship in a daze, trying to come to terms with what he just saw. His suitcase had to weigh around 40lbs. God knows it was heavy enough for him to carry. But those women just lifted a cart with 30 other cases, at least 30, plus the weight of the cart! It had to be close to 1500 pounds of weight! Nicole, the strongest woman that John had ever met, wouldn’t be able to budge the smallest corner of that cart off the ground. But those two women just picked it up. And they didn’t even seem to be trying!
It was impossible of course. No one was that strong. The world’s two strongest men would have trouble moving that cart more than a few feet. There had to be some kind of explanation. It was then that John noticed that he hadn’t seen another passenger yet. That was no accident; he’d arrived at the boat extra early to avoid any kind of lines. But if there were no other passengers, then where had the other suitcases come from? A trick! Fill a cart full of a bunch of empty suitcases, a cart that was made of light weight material, and then throw one regular suitcase on it. All told that probably wouldn’t weigh more than a couple hundred pounds, give or take. Still a considerable feat of strength, but one well within the abilities of a woman bodybuilder.
John was pleased with himself at figuring out the deception and more than impressed with the cruise line for the lengths they were willing to go to maintain the illusion that the ship was full of “superwomen”. With a laugh, John skipped off toward the ship, excited to see what other kinds of tricks might be in store.
Up this close, the ship was as tall as the buildings in downtown Boston. The first couple of visible decks were almost solid white hull, spangled with small portholes. John guessed that this part of the ship was used for storage, housing the engine, and general crew quarters. perhaps some of the coach passenger’s rooms were down here as well, but this was not what Amazon Cruises wanted your first impression of their boat to be.
John made his way up several flights of stairs until he arrived about four decks up. There, he found a gangway that led over to the ship that would be his home for the next week.
At the far end of the gangway, standing out front of the door leading into the ship, was the tallest woman that John had ever seen in his life. She took up almost the entire height of the gangway, which was well over John’s head. He looked down at her feet, sure that she must be wearing some kind of high heals, or platform shoes, but was shocked to see her standing there in flip flops.
Flame red hair framed a face dotted with freckles and seemingly fixed with a permanent smile. Her emerald eyes twinkled as she waited expectantly for John to approach. Her fair skin was a sharp contrast to Amy and the two luggage girls, and her limbs were much slimmer, though the definition in her arms was still clear and pronounced, even in her relaxed state. She wore the same, bleach white, form fitting outfit the other women had worn with long pants, short sleeves, and the front unbuttoned a few buttons more than most people would consider descent. While she might have been lacking in the muscle mass of the other women, she certainly wasn’t lacking in the chest development. Two of the most humongous breasts that John had ever seen in person stood at attention nearly eye level to him. On the right one sat a gold plate with the name Kyla.
“Hello, and welcome to the maiden voyage of Amazon Cruise Lines. I’d like to be the first to welcome you on board the Amazon Princess. My name is Kyla Hayes; I am the Cruise Director for your voyage. I will be making sure that your experience on the Amazon Princess will be a memorable one.” Kyla reached out a large hand that engulfed John’s smaller one. Her handshake was firm, yet gentle, and she genuinely seemed happy to see John.
“Hello, my name is John Thomas, and I will be your passenger this week.” John tended to use humor to mask his anxiety. You didn’t stand next to a woman a foot taller and probably capable of crushing your hand to dust without being a little anxious. “And I must say, if everyone is as friendly as the people I’ve met so far, I’m sure I’ll have a great time.”
Kyla’s smile seemed to take up her whole face. “Well, Mr. Thomas, customer service is our number one priority. If there’s anything that we can do to improve your experience don’t hesitate to ask.”
John could think of a couple things she could do right now to make his experience the most memorable ever, and it truly seemed an impossible feat to tear his gaze from her incredible cleavage (if Kyla minded John gawking at her chest, she certainly did a great job at hiding it), but what he said was “Well, if you could tell me how to get to my room, that would be a great start.”
“Gladly. Ooooo, first class.” John couldn’t decide whether Kyla smile turned seductive, or predatory “Well, Mr. Thomas, we will be taking very good care of you indeed.” Predatory or not, John had to nearly cross his legs to keep his dick from ripping through his pants.
Kyla gave John clear directions on how to get to his room, and then reminded him that there was going to be a big deck party when the ship disembarked that he didn’t want to miss. John thanked her and moved into the ship, unsure whether Kyla’s hand brushing across his rear was accidental or on purpose.
If there was any doubt that the Amazon Princess was a new ship from the outside, stepping inside took away all doubt. Freshly bright colored walls and muted lighting created a cozy atmosphere. Mahogany fixtures and brass railings added an air of opulence to the atmosphere. The floor seemed to be made of marble where it wasn’t covered with plush carpet. Ferns, palm trees and wild flowers tastefully decorated the tall open courtyard that John first walked into. Glass walled shops lined the walls on the three floors he could see, with bars scattered around so that a fresh drink was never more than a step away. The entire place was a mixture of the faint chemical smell of fresh paint and new carpet washed over by the smell of fresh flowers and a perfume scent that John found quite pleasing.
John moved through stair wells and hallways, following the directions that Kyla gave him, admiring the unique artwork and pictures on the wall. There were scenes of tropical paradises interspaced with pictures of powerful amazon women either posing, or performing various feats of strength. John had a pretty good knowledge of past and present female bodybuilders and recognized none of the ladies in any of the shots. None the less, everyone was a perfect blend of power and femininity. Smooth skin and womanly curves were accompanied by perfect muscular definition and form. The pictures portraying strength continued the theme John had seen before of “superwomen”. Women were bending solid metal bars, or lifting enormous weights or men in a variety of different ways. John was very impressed with the photo manipulation software that was used. If he didn’t know any better, he’d say the picture were real.
His room was a deck below topside, and shared a hallway with 4 other doors. The size of John’s room was quite impressive. A queen size bed dominated one wall. Opposite the bed was a small sitting area with a couch and an arm chair surrounding a small coffee table. To the left of the bed, a door led to a descent sized bathroom. To the right of the bed, twin glass doors led out to a balcony that was itself half the size of the room. The room was decorated much like the rest of the ship; cream colored walls surround mahogany wooden furniture. Everything looked brand new, right down to the 36” plasma TV that could be viewed from the bed or the sitting area. The other major piece of furniture in the room was a weight bench with a sizable stack of weights on a rack next too it. John wondered at the amount of weight they put in the room, it was far more than he could lift in anyway he could conceive using the weight bench.
There was a knock on the door as John was exploring his home away from home, which he went to answer. “Hello? What can I…” John’s voice caught in his throat as he stared speechless at the vision before him.
Another of the Amazon Princess’s crew members was standing in his doorway, holding his luggage. If Amy and Kyla were pretty, then this woman (Mia, according to her name tag) was absolutely gorgeous. She wore the same bleach white, form fitting, sailor outfit as everyone had on, unbuttoned to show the same amazing cleavage that the other women displayed. Her arm and face were perfectly tanned. Platinum blonde hair fell in waves from her head, framing a face that was the most beautiful that John had ever seen. Her eyes were two pools of blue that set his heart on fire as they matched the grin on her full pouty lips. That smile warmed his heart and made him forget about everything but her face.
Mia walked into the room unbidden, gently brushing her silky smooth arm up against John, sending shivers up and down John’s spine. She wasn’t quite as tall as Kyla, though his eyes only came up to her mouth, nor was she as thickly built as Amy, though her relaxed arms nearly pulsed with power. Her proportions were perfect, everything about her was perfect. She glided across the room with the grace of a dancer and set John’s luggage down near his bed. When she turned around and spoke to him, her voice was like a choir of angels.
“Hello, and welcome to the maiden voyage of Amazon Cruise Lines. My name is Mia Sundell, and I will be your concierge for the voyage.”
It took John a couple of minutes to realize that she was looking at him expectantly, waiting for him to reply. He realized that he was staring at her with his mouth open, though if she was upset by it she was certainly hiding it well. In fact, she seemed to be enjoying the effect she was having on him. “Uh, um, oh, my name is Job, I mean John, John Thomas. It’s very nice to meet you.” John stuck out his hand, which Mia took in a polite and firm shake.
“Well, Mr. Thomas, I am in charge of this section. Lucky for you there are only three other passengers in this section, so I will have plenty of time to attend to your every need.” The smile and wink that she gave him was more than suggestive. Mia walked over to the coffee table and picked up a folder.
“Let me tell you a little bit about our cruise. The boat is brand new, just built this year. You will be among the first passengers ever. There is a 700 person capacity with 200 crew members to make sure your vacation is as perfect as can be. This here is a copy of Muscle Minutes, which is the ships daily news letter that gives you a daily schedule of all ships events. You will get one under your door every morning. In addition to the Muscle Minutes, there is a dedicated channel on your TV that will go over all the features of the ship as well as current activities. Your TV is a full satellite selection including the premium channels and Amazon Princess’s own channel which caters to our unique clientele.
“As a first class passenger, in addition to more comfortable accommodations and more personal service, you receive one free voucher for an hour in our Amazon Fantasy Theatre. There’s a small pamphlet in the folder that will give you a brief overview, and there is a receptionist at the Theatre that will be happy to answer any questions you might have. You may redeem your voucher at any time during the voyage; we only ask that you give us 24 hours to prepare to make sure you get the best presentation we can give. Do you have any questions?”
“No, no. I think that covered it.” John nearly kicked himself for saying that. Ask a question stupid, damn it, do anything to keep her in the room as long as you possibly can!
Mia was saying something that John wasn’t listening to as she started toward the door. He was trying to think of something to say to her. “Um, I do have one question.”
Mia turned and flashed John an expectant smile that made John’s whole body shiver.
“Well, uh, I read in one of your brochures, when I was booking my trip, I read that all of the women on the ship were stronger than man on earth. And, well, it’s just; it’s kind of hard to believe. That all these women could be so strong, and I was, uh, I was wondering whether or not that’s true. About the strength I mean.” John’s heart was beating so fast and so loudly we wasn’t sure he’d be able to hear her answer.
Mia smiled turned to an amused one as she took a moment to answer the question. “No, I’m afraid that’s not true.”
John heart fell in a bit of disappointment at being misled, though he was willing to live with that disappointment if he could only spend more time with Mia. Wait, what? “I’m sorry what did you say?”
“I said, not all the girls have finished all the stages of the treatment yet. It took us quite some time to find enough willing to be part of the crew, and they decided there were enough crew members strong enough to go out on our maiden voyage. That’s one of the reason the tickets were cheaper. But in a month or so, all of our crew will be done the treatment and will be much stronger than you could ever imagine.”
John had no idea what she was talking about. What treatment? What stages? It all kind of sounded hokey to him. But if not all the girls had finished yet, did that mean that some did? Did that mean there were some women on board that were stronger than any man alive? And if there were some who finished the treatment…
“Well, um, did, uh, you finish, the uh, treatment?” John felt like his face was on fire.
One of Mia’s eyebrow’s arched and her smile changed again, this time to a predatory one. She slowly swayed towards John, who felt his heart beat louder with every step. “Are you asking me, if I’m stronger than you?” John nodded furiously; his cock was threatening to burst through his clothes. “Well, Mr. Thomas, I’m 6’1” tall. I weigh 212lbs of rock hard, solid muscle. My biceps are 18.5”, my thighs are 29” and my calves are 20”. I have a 49” chest and my whole body is harder than steel, so you tell me, do you think I’m stronger than you?”
Mia was standing just inches away from John now. He had to look up to see her eyes. “Yes, definitely you are.”
“How much?”
“How much what?”
“How much stronger do you think I am?” Mia brought her arm up and flexed. Her bicep exploded into the most perfectly formed muscle John had ever seen in his life. “Do you think I’m twice as strong as you?”
There was no doubt in his mind that she was stronger than him. She outweighed him by almost 30lbs, all muscle. Twice his strength seemed like a lot, but looking at her arm, he wasn’t sure that twice was enough. “Yeah, at least twice.”
Apparently that was the right answer, because Mia shot one of her beaming smiles and grabbed John’s arm. “Well, let’s go find out.”
Mia led John over to the room’s weight bench and motioned John toward it. “All right He-man, let’s see what you got.”
John wasted no time going over to load up the bench. He had no idea how much he could max out at, but he knew what he normally lifted in the gym. So he loaded up the barbell with 135lbs and lay down. John cranked out as many reps as he could; he wanted to try to impress this muscle goddess. He was pleasantly surprised that his heightened state of arousal seemed to give him a little more strength. He managed 12 reps with the weight, 2 more than he normally did.
Mia did in fact seem impressed, which John lapped up like a dog. She looked as though she was considering something. Finally she went over to the stack of weights and started adding a couple plates to the bar. “There you go.” she said when she finished. “185lbs. That should be just about your max. Now let me see what my big strong man could do.”
Fueled by his desire to please Mia, John attacked the bar with a ferocity that he’d never before felt. Three times he managed to press the bar, which was more weight than he’d ever lifted before. Mia actually clapped for him as he sat up, drained from his exertion.
“Very impressive. You must spend a lot of time in the gym to be so strong. Now, let’s see if I’m not just a little bit stronger.” Mia scratched her chin for a bit, and then went back to adjusting the weight. John watched in wonder as she added plate after plate. He counted up the plates on each side, 3 45lbers, 1 25lber and a 5lber. Plus the weight of the bar came up to 375lbs! It sounded like a lot of weight in his head but looking at it stacked on a bar, it seemed like even more.
“Now, if I was twice as strong as you, I’d be able to lift this three times. Do you think I can do it?”
As big as she was, John had doubts. In all his time at the gym he hadn’t seen very many guys able to bench so much weight, and those that could were a good deal bigger than Mia. “I guess.”
Mia laughed, it sounded like music. She lay down on the bench and grabbed the bar. John could hardly keep his eyes off her DD cup breasts that sat up straight from her chest. So intent was he on her breasts, he didn’t notice she lifted the bar until it was lowered to them. He was stunned at her strength. Sure she looked strong, but that was a lot of weight, and yet she didn’t seem to be having much problem. She made none of the grunts and deep breaths that John made when he lifted half as much, nor did she make any of the jerky movements. Smooth as silk the bar rose up off of her chest to the full extension of her arms where she held it for just a moment before lowering it back down to her chest. She did her three reps as easy as if the bar was empty, but she didn’t stop there. Again she lowered and raised the weight, and again, and again! John couldn’t believe what he was seeing! Her arms shot up and down like pistons, hammering out another 4 reps before replacing the bar on the rack. Ten reps! At 375lbs! John couldn’t believe it. And what was more, she sat up looking as though she just got up from a nap, smiling like he’d just told a joke. In fact, she yawned, thrusting her chest out to the point where John was shocked it didn’t break through her shirt.
“Mmmmmm, that was good. I love the feel of lifting. Even a weight as light as this.” Mia looked over at John and ran her tongue around her lips. “So do you still think I’m just twice your strength?”
If John’s jaw wasn’t attached, it probably would have fallen off. In his wildest dreams he couldn’t have imagined a woman so strong, but she was just getting started. As he stood there gaping at her, Mia stood and started increasing the weight on the bar! Plate after plate was added until there was no room to fit any more. Eight 45lb plates on each side of the bar: 765lbs! More than twice what she just lifted!
Mia got under the weight again, flashing John another knowing wink, and with no fanfare at all, she grabbed the bar and started lifting. John had never seen anyone in his life lift so much, even once. But Mia wasn’t stopping with one. Rep after tireless rep, Mia benched the super heavy bar. She showed no signs of stopping or even tiring. She blasted through 10 reps without so much as slowing a bit. She was humming as she blasted through 20. She actually started to lift in rhythm with the song she was humming. Finally, on her 30th rep, she pushed the bar so hard off her chest it left her hands and rose so high in the air it nearly hit the ceiling. She easily caught it and replaced it on the rack. She sat up, showing no more signs of fatigue than she did before. And she actually started to laugh at the expression John was wearing.
“I don’t believe it, no one’s that strong. It’s impossible.” John’s stammering made Mia laugh even louder. “Those have to be fake or something.”
“You think so?” Mia sounded amused. She got up off the bench, grabbed the bar and curled it to her chest. She then carried it over to where John was standing and set it down at his feet. “Well then, if you think it’s so easy, let’s see you lift it.”
John’s mind was in shock, he was going through denial. He knew the world record for the bench press was more than 765lbs, but he doubted the world’s strongest man could handle that weight as easily as Mia just did. It had to be fake! He knew at least what he lifted was real, it sure was heavy, but the plates he lifted were from the top of the stack. Maybe all the other plates were fake. That had to be it. Confident that this would all just wind up being a joke, or some kind of gag, John reached down and grabbed the weight, sure of his ability to lift it.
He was sorely mistaken. It was like trying to lift a building. Not only could he not lift it, he couldn’t even budge it. Somewhere in the back of his mind he heard Mia laughing even harder. He couldn’t understand. How could she lift it? She couldn’t be that strong, it wasn’t possible!
“You need a hand.” It was the most seductive voices John had ever heard and for a second he thought she was going to grab for his crotch. Instead she reached down and grabbed the weight with one hand. “Ready, on the count of three. One, two, three.” And just like that, John shot up to a standing position, bringing the weight up with him. It was still heavy, but he was able to hold it.
Mia was giving him a sultry look. One of her hands was on the bar, helping him lift, while the other was planted on her hip. “All right, now we’re going to curl it up to your chest. Ready? One, two, three!” Again the bar came up. It seemed to take John most of his strength, Mia seemed to know exactly how much help he needed.
“All right, now we’re going to push it way up over your head. Now this will be very hard, so make sure you’ve got a firm grip on the bar.” John adjusted his grip, grabbing the bar so tightly that his knuckles turned white. “Are you ready? One, two, three.”
This was much more difficult, and went much slower. But as John’s arms slowly rose further and further over his head, he thought his original assessment was correct. There must have been some kind of magnet on the floor holding it down, and when she helped him, she somehow turned it off. John didn’t know how much he could lift over his head, but it was nowhere near 765lbs, and she was still using only one arm to help him. It must be something just a little over what he could lift. Regardless of what the true weight of the bar was, he was plenty pleased with himself when his elbows finally locked, and he held the bar over his head. He looked up at Mia’s eyes and shot her a triumphant smile. She just looked down at him with that amused look, like she knew something he didn’t. He wasn’t sure what that was about, but he didn’t have long to think about it.
Strangely, as he held the bar over his head, it seemed to get lighter and lighter. Soon the bar seemed almost weightless in his hands. Barely did he have time to consider what was happening before he felt himself start to lift up onto his toes. His mind was whirling, trying to figure out what was happening, when suddenly his feet were off the ground. John was confused. He didn’t understand how he was dangling in mid air. He looked to Mia’s face for clues and got another surprise. He was looking down into her eyes. She wore the widest grin he’d seen on her and she looked up. He followed her gaze all the way up to the bar and suddenly, it dawned on him what was happening. She had toyed with him. She had made him think he was lifting the bar when actually she was doing all the lifting, with just one arm! The bar really was 765lbs! And she lifted it with just one arm! Not only that, her arm was longer than his, and as she kept lifting when he could no longer reach, she had lifted him as well as the bar. She was supporting nearly half a ton with one hand! And she was smiling!
John was so stunned he let go. He didn’t realize how far above the ground he was and was unprepared to land, falling on his butt, but he hardly noticed. All he could do was gawk at his gorgeous, perfect, super strong concierge, as she effortlessly held a 765lb barbell over her head with just one arm. He felt like he was going to explode.
“Awe, this must be a little more than you were expecting. You look like you’re gonna blow a gasket. Here, let me help.” She put the weight down like it was her purse and helped John to his feet. John was about to thank her, when she reached down to his pants and unbuckled his belt.
“Whoa, what are you doing?”
“Just helping to relieve you of a little pressure.” She unbuttoned his pants and slid them and his underwear all the way down to his ankles. She eyed his cock with an appraising look. “Mmmmmm, not bad at all.” She then grabbed him around the waist, and lifted him right up off the ground to hold him up above her head.
John thought he couldn’t take much more before he shot his wad all over her face. Fortunately, that wasn’t far from what Mia had in mind. Mia lowered John to her head, taking his entire erection into her mouth. John shuttered as waves of pleasure spasmed his entire body. It wasn’t long before John experienced the most intense orgasm he’d ever felt.
Wasted, John’s body hung limp in Mia’s arms as she lowered him down to a cradle. She carried him over to his bed and gently laid him down in it. “Why don’t you go ahead and take a nap.” He heard her voice as he plunged toward unconsciousness. “You should be up in plenty of time for our disembarking party. Trust me you don’t want to miss that.”
***********Amazon Cruise part 3
Submitted by spoonmaster on March 22, 2008 – 6:52am
John Thomas was awoken by a message from the loud speaker system. There was to be a muster practice that everyone on board had to attend before the ship could leave. So John grabbed his life preserver and headed down to the main theatre, which was his muster section. The theatre was a very comfortable room built to seat 300 people. The chairs were plush and roomy with cup holders and small trays built in. The theatre was half full, and John for the first time came face to face with some of the ships other passengers.
This was probably the most awkward moment for John. Not that he was shy. He considered himself fairly outgoing and had lots of friends. But none of his friends knew about his obsession with muscular women. John knew it wasn’t a popular view. Most of his friends were really put off by tall or built women, and for his part, John pretended that he was too. It was only through the anonymity of the internet that John was truly able to indulge in his fantasies. But now, here in this group of men, his secret fantasies were bare for all to see.
Looking around the room, John noticed that he wasn’t the only one who was looking around awkwardly. There were some groups of friends that were chatting in there seats, but a good number of passengers were looking around at each other uneasily. It was going to be interesting to see if the Amazon Cruise line anticipated this problem.
For now, John and the rest of the assembled passengers forgot all about their own troubles as the newest crew member took to the stage and started going over the muster process. Tisha was an ebony skinned giant. She had to be close to 7’ tall and was wearing what John was assuming was the standard crew uniform of bleach white pants and a bleach white short sleeve button down shirt. Just like all the other crew members that John had so far seen, Tisha wore her shirt unbutton deep enough to show her more than ample cleavage, and her bulging arms (probably several inches larger than Mia’s) threatened to burst apart her sleeves.
There was a time that John dreamed about being in a room with a bunch of towering amazons, but to tell the truth, he was starting to feel like a member of the Lollypop Guild. He hoped that there were at least a couple of crew members a little shorter than he was. Yet despite his sudden self consciousness over his height, he was mesmerized by Tisha’s dazzling smile and gorgeous features. While she didn’t hold a candle to Mia, who John spent his nap dreaming about, she was still very beautiful. John had to wonder if anyone in the audience was actually paying attention to the muster instructions. Not that John was too concerned. He had no trouble believing that if anything happened to the boat one of these amazing amazon women would just dive into the water, and carry the boat to safety.
After the muster practice was over, John dropped his life vest back in his room, and then it was time to go up to the deck for the much touted disembarking party. As soon as he arrived on deck, John noticed with relief that his fears of being the shortest person aboard were unfounded. The deck was filled with people, mostly men, but there were also dozen’s of crew members. While several were just as tall as all the women he’d met already, most were actually of an average height. Well the average height for a man. Most of the women here fell within the 5’6” to 6’ range in height, and while few had arms as thick as Tisha’s, or even Mia’s, every short sleeve shirt ended in a firm, tanned, and defined muscle. What was more, every woman had a sizeable chest. John counted himself as somewhat of an expert on mammaries, and he’d be shocked if any woman he saw was smaller than a very generous C cup. On top of that, every single one was beautiful, of course nowhere near as drop dead gorgeous as Mia, but not a single one looked like any of the steroid crazed women John had grown accustomed to. It must be what Hugh Heffner’s place would be like if the man ran a gym.
The deck itself was perfectly laid out. A large pool, dominating the center of the deck, was surrounded by three rows of lounge chairs. Around the outside, closer to the sides of the boat, there were tables that sat four people a piece. On one side of the pool was a fully stocked bar staffed with two beautiful women. Next to the bar was a grill that served up burgers, hot dogs, brots, bbq chicken, with a host of sides. There was a stage set in between bar and grill that had a few microphones set up, but was empty at the moment. Above the bar and grill was a humungous movie screen that was currently playing what looked to be a recent female body building event that several of the passengers were watching. Across the pool from the bar and grill were several levels of lounge chairs set up in a stadium seating layout. Most of the ladies walking around were carrying trays, either empty of with food and drink on it. A few ladies were walking around engaging the passengers in conversation.
“Can I get you something to drink, sweetie?” The name tag said her name was Jessie, and she was the first woman John met that was actually shorter than he was, though only by about an inch. Still, it was almost comforting to look down at a woman again. Of course looking at her name tag brought his eyes to her breasts, which were at least DD’s and just spilling out of her top. John quickly averted his eyes when he realized he was staring, and his gaze fell on the empty tray that she was carrying. It looked very thick for a drink tray, which John thought was weird until he realized what it was made of. The tray appeared to be a 100lb weight disk encased in some kind of clear plastic.
“Is that… is that real?”
Jessie smiled up at John and held the tray out for him to take. “Feel for yourself.”
John grabbed the tray. As soon as Jessie let go, John knew the thing was real as the weight of the plastic covered disk nearly pulled his arms off. After finally getting control of the 100lb tray, John tried to hand it back to her. The tray almost fell to the ground before Jessie casually plucked it from his grip. Her arm was barely flexed as she held the thing up with on the tips of her fingers with a huge grin on her face.
“Jesus, that thing weighs a ton!” John was gasping from the exertion.
Jessie laugh was almost musical. “No silly, it says right here that it only weighs 100lbs. That’s not so bad when you’ve got arms like these.” And with that, Jessie brought her other arm up and flexed. Her arm was clearly smaller than Mia’s but looked just as impressive on her smaller frame. John couldn’t help himself from reaching out and feeling it. The thing was hard as a diamond.
Jessie stood patiently with a smile as John squeezed and prodded her arm. She didn’t speak again until he let go. “So, how about that drink?”
“Yeah, um, I’ll take a Sam Adams if you have it.”
Jessie reached out and gave his cheek a little pinch. “I’ll be right back.”
John took a seat and watched the bodybuilding show on the TV while he was waiting for his drink to come back. He found himself wondering how one of the ladies on the TV would be able to handle one of the 100lb weight disks that the women on this boat carried around with such ease.
When Jessie returned with his beer, John again found his gaze going instantly to her chest. Again he realized that he was staring, and actually blushed as he pulled his eyes up to meet hers. Jessie just shook her head and giggled. “You’re just too cute.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to stare.”
“Oh really? You think it was just an accident that your eyes couldn’t stay off of my big, firm, voluptuous breasts?” Jessie took a deep breath, which pushed her considerable cleavage even further out from her shirt. “You paid an awful lot of money to be on a ship full of women built just like me, and I think it would be a huge waste of your money if you didn’t take in all the eyefuls you could. So stare all you like sugar, I don’t mind.” Jessie grabbed the beer bottle off of the tray and handed it to John.
John went to take a swig, but realized that the bottle cap was still on. “Excuse me, do you have a bottle opener.” He called after Jessie as she turned away.
She swirled back toward John with a predatory look on her face. “Of course sweetie. I have a big one, right here.” She reached out and took the bottle from John’s hand, then with a smile; she stuck the neck of the bottle right into her amazing cleavage. “Ooooo, its so cold.” she purred. She gave the bottle a little twist, and then pulled it out of her cleavage. The bottle cap was off, and a little bit of head was spilling from the top.
John took the bottle back with his mouth hanging open. His face only made Jessie giggle again.
“Here,” she said “let me give you a little souvenir.” Jessie leaned forward and crossed her arms over her breasts and flexed. Her shirt was nearly pushed to the side as her chest swelled out. Feathered lines highlighted her pecs as she flexed with all of her might. Finally, she relaxed, and then reached her hand down into her cleavage. She pulled out an object and gave it to John. “I’ll see you around, sailor.”
John couldn’t help watching her sway off into the crowd. After a few moments he looked down into his had to see what she’d given him. It was his bottle cap, folded in half, and squashed as flat as a piece of paper.
By now the deck party was in full swing and John found out how the crew of the Amazon Princess was going to deal with the natural shyness of the passengers. While a good deal of the crew was set on serving the passengers drinks and food, several of the women were mingling with the men. The ladies seemed to go out of their way to find men who were off on their own and then seamlessly drew them into conversation with other shy people. Besides being beautiful, the crew members were excellent conversationalists, easily talking about sports or politics, different vacation spots, recent movies and TV shows. There seemed to be no topic of conversation that one of the ladies couldn’t contribute to.
Of course the conversation inevitably turned to the ladies themselves. If there was one thing that the women on board this boat seemed to be totally lacking in, it was modesty. The women were willing and almost eager to answer any question the men seemed to have. Whether it was telling her measurements, or sharing an anecdote about a time she used her great strength, the women were forthcoming with almost any information. The only topic they seemed to shy away from was how they all got to be so strong. When ever the topic would come of, the woman would deftly sidestep the issue and move onto something else.
After the hostess had her group talking to themselves she’d excuse herself, and move onto another group of lonely guys and repeat the whole process. After about an hour, seemingly everyone was engaged with either one of the crew members, or another passenger. The alcohol was flowing, and everyone was having a good old time.
“May I have your attention please?” The din of talking died down as Kyla and a couple of the other crew members took the stage. As soon as everyone was quiet, Kyla went on.
“Hello, my name is Kyla Hayes, and I would like to welcome you all to the maiden voyage of the Amazon Princess!”
There was cheering and shouts coming from the crowd and the waitresses and hostesses pumped their fists in the air and yelled along with the passengers.
“Thank you very much. I know you’re all excited to be here, and we’re excited to have you on board. We’re about to disembark in just a couple of minutes, so I just wanted to take a few moments and introduce myself some of your crew before we leave. As a lot of you know, I’m the cruise director. It’s my job to make sure everyone onboard is having a great time. Every room has my pager number listed, and if there’s anything I can do to make your trip more enjoyable, please don’t hesitate to ask. Now let me introduce you to the hospitality staff. These ladies are set to make sure that your trip is absolutely unforgettable.”
Kyla spent the next couple minutes introducing all the ladies who weren’t carrying around trays. About 30 women all together who were just there to make sure everyone was entertained. As each woman was introduced, she would give a wave to some applause from the guys. Every now and then, one of the women would flex her arms, to a much greater applause. But the biggest reaction of all was for Mia, who was by far the most beautiful woman in this sea of beauties.
After all the women were introduced, Kyla got back on the mike. “All right boys, here’s hoping you all have a good time. And now lets begin the count down to take off.” Kyla turned around and pointed up to the TV screen above her head, which had turned off when she started to speak. Now a huge countdown clock was showing. All the crew and passengers counted along as the clock went down to 3…2…1!
A loud horn blasted and everyone cheered as the boat slowly started to move. Suddenly, music started blaring over the loud speaker system. It was Poisons Nothin’ But A Good Time. A song that John loved. But what was even better, was that all the women on deck, be them hostess, crew or bartender had stopped what they were doing and, spread throughout the crowd, started doing an organized dance to the music. It started simple, then, as the song started going, the women grabbed at their shirts, and as one, ripped them right off their bodies!
The pants were torn off just seconds later! Now the crowd was going nuts as over 100 bikini clad amazon beauties started the most erotic posing/dancing anyone had ever seen. The women were shameless, as they twirled through the crowd, grinding up against the closest man to them. John was whipping his head around trying to take as much gorgeous flesh in as he could.
Then about half way through the song, John felt his feet leave the ground! He was suddenly being thrust up and down, side to side in time with the music. He looked around, wondering what was going on, when he saw that all the women on the boat had picked up a guy by the waist and was moving them around through the air in time to the music like a showgirl would a hat or a cane. At first, John watched, transfixed at the sight of these muscular beauties performing such a dazzling display of strength. Then he just closed his eyes, and gave into the sensation of weightlessness. A sensation that was vastly becoming his favorite.
As the song was finally coming to a close, he felt himself tossed up into the air, and then caught high above the head of his dance partner. She kept him up there until the song finally ended, to the loud cheers of the other passengers. Finally with the music stopped, he was lowered to a cradle position and he could finally see who was holding him. It was Jessie. She smiled down at him and he smiled back. Then he purposefully looked down at her chest, which looked even better in the micro bikini she was wearing. Jessie just laughed, pulled him close, and gave him a long kiss on the mouth, before letting him down. She gave him a playful pat on the ass before picking up her tray and skipping off into the crowd.
The crowd was still cheering wildly as the crew started getting back to work, seemingly content to work in bikinis. Kyla jumped back on stage, bikini clad just like everyone else and grabbed up a mike. “Thank you, thank you! We are underway, so let’s get this thing started. Now this is the Amazon Princess, and that means that yes, your entire crew is female. And aside from being incredibly gorgeous, if I do say so myself, we are all unbelievably strong. Now I know that you’re all wondering, well just how strong are we? Well, it’s time for a little demonstration.”
Two carts were wheeled out onto the deck. Each cart had a large, metal pole on it. One was about 10 feet long and about 2 feet thick, while the other was about half the size. Each pole had four bars sticking out of it two to a side. Four of the crew member grabbed each pole by the bar, and lifted them off the cart onto the deck, side by side.
“Now,” said Kyla, “we’re going to have a little race.” Some of the ladies were clearing a space on the deck near the two poles while someone else was laying down two strips of tape. “I need four big strong men as volunteers.”
Just about every hand in the crowd went up. Four of the hostesses went into the crowd and grabbed a guy each. So finally there were four guys up on stage. The guys were all pretty well built, and probably out weight John by at least 50-60lbs. They were all several inches smaller than Kyla.
“Now here’s what we’re going to do. You four boys are going to have to lift one of these heavy poles over here, and carry it to the finish line over there. You will be racing against just one of the Princesses, who will have to carry the other one all alone.” One of the hostesses came to the front. It was Amy, the women who checked out by bags. Amy was probably about as tall as Mia, a little over 6’, but she was thicker. John would have to guess that her arms were probably 20”, which was probably bigger than any of the guys on stage.
“Now as you can see, the two poles are different sizes. So there will be two races. The first lap, you guys have to carry the bigger one, while Amy here gets the smaller one. Then, when that’s done, you switch, and race Amy carrying the smaller one. Everyone understand?” The guys all nodded. “All right take your places.
The guys walked over to the bigger pole. Each moved to stand in front of a different handle. They reached down and picked up the weight together, testing to see how heavy it was. By the looks on their faces, it was very heavy. Next to them, Amy stood calmly next to her bar with a very casual look on her face.
“All right, everyone ready? On your mark, get set, go!”
The guys reached down and picked up the heavy pole and started down the course. They didn’t move very fast. It was clearly taking all of their strength just to lift the thing, and they could only take a couple of steps before they were forced to stop and rest before they went again. For her part, Amy simply stood there watching, not even touching her pole. In fact, she actually joined the crowd in cheering the men on. When the guys finally got their pole half way to the finish line, Amy stopped her cheering, reached down, grabbed her pole in the center, and then with little fanfare, pressed it all the way up over her head! The pole was clearly smaller than the other one, but as hard as the four guys were trying to lift the big one, it was pretty impressive that she lifted the smaller one with out a whole lot of effort. Holding the pole overhead, Amy casually swayed down the track, passed the four men still struggling with their own pole, and then over the finish line. Then she stood there and did presses with the pole while she waited for the guys to finally finish.
“And the winner of the first race, Amy” The crowd cheered as the guys that raced where all bent over, clearly tired from their efforts, and so there was a little break while they caught their breath. Then the contestants switched poles.
“All right boys, now it’s time to get your revenge. It’s the four of you on the smaller pole against just Amy on the larger one. Good luck men. Now on your mark, get set, go!”
Everybody in the crowd clearly expected the four guys to have a much easier time with the smaller pole, and so everyone was shocked when the guys reached down to lift it, and nothing happened! They pulled, and heaved with all of their might, but the pole mine as well been part of the ground, it simply didn’t budge.
“Oh yeah,” Kyla said over the microphone, “I forgot to mention, the large pole is hollow, while the smaller one is solid and made from a denser material. It’s probably about three times as heavy”
As if to reinforce Kyla’s statement, Amy reached down and grabbed the larger pole with one hand. You could hear the screech of metal as her hand deformed the metal of the pole. Then Amy stood up, and slowly lifted the larger pole all the way up over her head! With just one hand! The crowd was stunned into silence! That one woman could handle the weight these four 250lb + men could barely budge was more than anyone could imagine! Again, Amy started to casually saunter down the track toward the finish line. the four guys, knowing there was no way they were going to even be able to budge their weight, just sat on their handle bars and watched her with awe.
But Amy wasn’t quite done showing off yet. As she got to the halfway mark, she stopped, turned, and seeing the four guys just sitting there, walked back over to the finish line. She stood over them, the ultimate vision of power.
“You boys look like you could use a lift.” Then Amy, still holding the larger pole over her head, reached down with her free arm and grabbed the pole in its center. Then, to the shock of everyone, she lifted the pole, plus all four men sitting on it, up off the ground and kept lifting ‘til it too was over her head.
John was totally in awe! He had seen Mia lift about half a ton with just one hand, but this blew that away! Amy held half a ton in just the four guys she was lifting! God only knew how much that pole actually weighed, but if it was as heavy as they said it was it was probably at least twice what the guys weighed. That was at least 3000lbs. With one hand! John saw a couple guys in the crowd actually feint.
But Amy certainly didn’t seem to be having any problems. She calmly lowered and then pressed the weight a couple of times, just to show everyone how easy it was. Then she once more casually sauntered down the course.
“For those of you who are wondering, the large pole Amy is carrying weighs just about 1000lbs, which means the smaller, heavier one is about 3000lbs. I’m not sure how much the four blokes on the pole weigh but you can easily assume that Amy is lifting 2 tons with one of her super strong amazon arms, and I promise you, that’s not even close to her max.”
Amy finally crossed the finish line as smooth as silk before lowering both poles to the ground and treating the crowd to an amazing double bicep flex.
“That’s right boys, that’s 22” of pure amazon power in each arm. The four strongest men in the world would have a hard time lifting the same weight Amy just lifted with one arm. Now I know a lot of you are intimidated, but don’t worry, Amy’s one of the strongest women on the ship. Most of the crew has only a fraction of her power, but I assure you, even the weakest of us is stronger than the strongest of you. So get ready to have all of your fantasies fulfilled!” -
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