Breast Expansion?

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  • #73758
    Hunter S Creek

    I agree with several colleagues above that breast growth, height growth, muscle growth, etc., are usually about female empowerment.

    When it comes to female growth fantasies, sexual or otherwise, for many the concept of female empowerment often involves more than just an increase in raw muscle power for the main female character.  There certainly are some fans who appreciate increases in one or more physical attributes alone.  Some others appreciate an increase in the female character's intelligence, or her acquisition of magical or super powers, or a personality change, etc.  Sometimes these changes occur without any actual change in the fantasy female character's appearance (e.g., Super Girl never looks as strong as she is). 
    Still others see the disempowerment of one or more male protagonists or agonists as being essential for the empowerment of the female protagonist (e.g., almost any of Marknew's great stories).

    For myself, I am attracted to tall, leggy, busty women who are athletically (or better) muscled.  All the better if they were anything but that at the onset of the fantasy.

    In my opinion, the idea of the body of a nice, intelligent, honest, and fun woman growing from short, scrawny, and underdeveloped into my ideal is just plain fun! 

    For me female growth is often merely a fun fantasy so it does not have to necessarily follow all of the laws of physiology or physics.  However, as discussed in other threads, for me there is a point where the further suspension of disbelief is not possible and I lose interest.  For me there is also a point where the fantasy woman character can be too tall or too leggy or too busty or too muscular and I lose interest.  However, when that happens it never occurs to me to criticize the author/artist for taking their fantasy to a point/level that is past my interest or that diverges from my interest.  I simply stop reading the story or looking at the artwork and express appreciation to the creator for sharing the parts that I did like.

    As far as casting aspersions on someone else's fantasy …  What's the point? 
    A fantasy is a fantasy.  Fantasies are personal and not subject to negotiation or education or popularity contests.  The only possible value that such criticism can have is for the caster to believe that he/she is disempowering the target.  The reality is that they are actually disempowering themselves in the eyes of the rest of us.



    Thanks for the insights, guys.  It's really interesting to see these different perspectives and reasons for particular attractions.  But I don't want to end up overly analyzing it until it's no fun, I was just curious to learn more.  As a woman, I'm coming from a different perspective where I'm simply interested in growing my muscles, perfecting my body and becoming more powerful… My ultimate fantasy would be to have absolutely worshipable… and to have my muscles worshiped.  This is all new to me, but I love it.  Discovering the power and potential inside my body is personal and exciting.


    You won't have a problem finding people who would want to worship your muscles, regardless of chest size.  Colette Guimond is quite literally a miniaturized hulk with no remnants of her breasts.  From the videos she's had, it seems her muscles get worshiped very often.

    Unlock that potential and you are sure to get what you dream of.


    Thanks The_Collector_2!  It means a lot! <3

    I'm also glad you commented because I was thinking and I wanted to add something.  One of the reasons I have fallen in love with the idea of strong, muscular women is that idea of female empowerment several of you have mentioned.  Of course, as a woman, I love the idea of an empowered woman!  I like to see myself as a very determined and confident woman and that confidence grows everyday as I try to be courageous in overcoming my weaknesses.  I want to be the best me there is!  But, what I don't really understand so far is when empowerment crosses the line into dominance.  Feats of strength, heroism and worshipping is one thing… but the idea of humiliating or hurting a more submissive man is just a huge turn off.  Just my personal preference mind you, I'd never be one to say there is something wrong with it.


    Can't believe I missed this topic for so long!  I should almost turn in my BEArchive membership card…though they don't make any…and even if they did make them, I probably wouldn't have one since I don't generally broadcast those personal details in real life…I should really get on topic now…   😛

    I'm in general agreement about the growth aspect being key; and while I don't presume to speak for those who read or write either the BE or FMG genres, I would say that the two areas are distinct, yet closely related.  In most BE fiction, the boob growth could be seen as a metaphor for gaining sexual confidence–the timid, flat-chested girl is suddenly hotter than all the babes and can score with the guy she's always wanted but could never get up the nerve to talk to, that sort of thing.  Whereas in FMG fiction, the muscle growth seems more about physical confidence–the weak girl can finally outmatch her tormentors, have her way with whoever she wants despite their protests, that sort of thing.  As a result, it's fairly easy to combine the two within a story, as a way of demonstrating the girl(s) gaining confidence/realizing their sexual desirability/etc.  Again, it's not always the case but the metaphor does seem appropriate in most cases (then again, in many cases I read those stories for the BE and/or FMG rather than the metaphor  ;D)

    As you can probably tell, I like both genres rather well for fantasy purposes, but of course reality's different when it comes to attractive women (in the psychological/emotional sense…that is, the sort of person I want to spend time with, which is a completely separate consideration from the women I find physically appealing).  A woman I find attractive will get a, uh, "certain response" out of me even if she doesn't fall within a particular physical "standard", and I'm sure the same is true for many other guys.  So go ahead and sculpt your body to be as muscular or as powerful (or however else) you like…just be true to yourself and I'm sure that you'll find other people will be attracted to you, in which case they'll probably be more than happy to worship your physique.   😉

    Prophet Tenebrae

    Female Transformation is my obsession… well, in certain directions – those directions being toward what I consider an ideal.

    BE and FMG are related… but so different… I was reminded of this while reading "Pink Dust".

    BE stories are more inclined to girls being sex objects, maybe turned into mind controlled sluts etc.

    FMG is quite different. Oft prone to scenarios wherein men are emasculated, humiliated etc. etc.

    These are extremes though… there is plenty of overlapping as HSC says.

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