- This topic has 17 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 16 years, 8 months ago by
January 8, 2008 at 9:49 am #65590
Life is not always easy in a small town. Just two years into our marriage, my wife Courtney and I were finding this out. Briarton is the small town my company decided to make its new home. So off to the small Midwest town we went.
I worked as a GM for a supply company and Courtney was a teacher. Our jobs paid well for a small town and afforded us the luxury of a nice house and new cars. We enjoyed our new small community but life soon became a little dull. Courtney and I both got a bit out of shape from watching movies, eating poorly and hanging out all the time. We decided to join a gym to shed some unwanted pounds and get fit.
To our surprise, there was not a co-ed gym in town. The closest real Gym was about 35 miles away in a larger community. In Briarton there was only a women’s fitness center. It was new and had only opened a few months prior. Courtney would join the gym and I decided to start jogging.
We were both a bit out of shape like I mentioned and we decided it would be fun to chart our progress. Courtney was 5’9” and weighed 144 pounds. She was carrying a lot of extra bodyfat and I was excited to see her firm up a little. She could do about 7 guys pushups and 35 sit-ups. Courtney was a little weak too and could not do one pull up. I measured 5’10.5” and was 195 pounds. I had a good sized belly and managed 30 push ups and almost 2 pull ups. I was surprised how weak I was and a bit embarrassed about it.
The first month we just sort of got into our new hobbies. I was running 3 days a week and had lost 7 pounds. My wife was taking it a little slower and was going three days a week but only lost 4 pounds the first month.
Courtney was a little jealous that I was making faster progress than her and decided to hire the owner of the fitness center as a personal trainer. I was fine with it and encouraged her to do purchase a month of sessions to see if they helped. After only three sessions with Jennifer, her trainer, my wife seemed extremely hooked on the whole fitness lifestyle. She threw all of our junk food and soda out and restocked our kitchen with only healthy foods. I thought she might be going a bit crazy but figured it would only last a few weeks or a couple months at best.
The healthy eating motivated me to run more. I was now running 5 days a week for up to an hour. After a month, I had lost another 10 pounds and weighed 178 pounds. I could see my stomach muscles again for the first time since high school. I was becoming a bit obsessed with the scale and was trying to lose weight on a daily basis. Courtney also loved my fit look and complimented me constantly.
Courtney was also kicking ass and was going to the gym 5 days a week. Jennifer was really training her well and she was really getting into both cardio and weight training. She was loosing fat, but also gaining some muscle. After the last month of training, Courtney lost another 6 pounds and weighed 134 pounds. I noticed the weight loss and the slight firmness now in her arms. It was sexy, and I made mention of it all the time.
It was getting very cold now in Briarton but I kept my running up. I had aspirations of running some marathons and was following the diet and exercise regiment of Sabastian Coe. At the same time, Courtney was really getting into her gym workouts. She would arrive home, usually in her sweats, at about seven at night. We were both so tired from our exercising that by the time we finished dinner, C went to bed and I watched a little Sports Center and then hit it myself.
This routine went on for about three months.I was completely dedicated to my running and work and my wife was as dedicated to her fitness training and work. I hadn’t realized it but we hadn’t even had sex or even seen each other naked in all that time.
I was dying for Courtney to see me in the flesh. I had lost every ounce of fat and was covered in wirey muscle. My abs were like a six pack and my legs were as hard as ever. I had lost a bit of weight and was down to 165 pounds.
That night when C got home from the gym, I grabbed her ass as she walked by. I was immediately struck by its size and hardness. “my god” I said, “your but is hard as a rock”. Courtney turned and smiled at me and said. “that’s right” you haven’t even seen it in months. I wanted to go a little further along with my training before revealing it, but I guess the jig is up.”
With that she told me to follow her to the bedroom. I followed her down and sat down on the bed. In a couple minutes Courtney came out wearing a catholic school girl outfit. She was amazing. Her skin was a beautiful and she was fit and muscular. Her training was paying off and she looked to me like a fitness contestant. C’s legs were full and hard, her ass stuck out a mile and her arms were full and defined.Courtney walked up to me and put her leg over mine onto the bed. I began to message her gorgeous thighs and calves. As I rolled down her white stocking I was amazed at the size and hardness of her calf muscle. She had to be doing some major work in the gym for that I knew. C then placed her hand on my chest and pushed me back against the bed.
As she straddled me, she removed my rock hard cock from my pants and inserted it into her pussy. She then rode me up and down, up and down. She had a new clit control and it seemed her pussy was massaging my cock as we screwed. Courtney was ridding me like a woman just released from prison, she was forceful, confident and very in control. This only made me hotter for her and made our session last 2 hours. Up till then, probably the greatest 2 hours of my life. During that time I messaged every part of her rock hard body. It was amazing in every way. I felt like the luckiest man on earth.
To be continued…
January 9, 2008 at 4:00 am #65591ratlaf
ParticipantVery nice!!
Not only are you a genius with the photomanipulations, you can write as well. I salute you! ;D
Looking forward to more.
January 18, 2008 at 10:25 pm #65592scat
ParticipantRatlaf said all ! i agree.
January 25, 2008 at 8:06 am #65593jdm022
ParticipantBriarton Part 2
C and I were really enjoying each other like never before. I felt like we were in sort of a Zen type of existence few experience. I did what all males do I guess and thought about her and her amazing fit body at least 1 of every 3 seconds. Life was great!
About three weeks into our new sexual frenzied lives I grabbed Courtney’s fantastic ass again as she got home. Instead of leading me again into the bedroom she said, “Not tonight tiger, I’m tired.” Hadn’t heard that in a while but I figured it was “That time of the month.” This same thing went on for a few days and then extended to a couple of weeks. I finally asked her, “when then?”. C looked back and said, “When I’m ready, I’ll let you know.”
It was frustrating because I had just been experiencing the best sex of my life and now I had to wait for more. Courtney was again wearing baggy clothes as the days and nights got cold and to be honest it helped me to not see her fit body all the time and then Not Get It. I’m sure Courtney wore the baggy clothes on purpose and took showers now with the bathroom door closed not wanting to turn me on. A month went by…then another. Before we knew it, three months had gone by.
I had to have an explanation from my wife at this point. I insisted we go out to dinner the upcoming Friday night. She was all for it so I bided my time during the week, didn’t bug her about giving it up and basically held my breath. That Friday, as planned, we went to one of the nicest restaurants in Briarton.
Before we even got our wine, I let out my frustration. I wanted to know what was going on with us and even asked if there was “Someone else”. It took a lot to say it since I enjoyed just being around her but if there was someone else, I guess I had to know. Courtney apologized profusely and begged me to believe her when she said there was no one else. She went on to tell me that the sex we had months before was the best she had ever experienced too. She had loved the experience so much she wanted us to know and share that fire and excitement again. She had been working out extra hard in the gym and was planning on unveiling her improved physique on our anniversary.
Of course I was happy to hear that from my wife and I was already imagining what her beautiful naked body now looked like. We shared an intimate gaze, a long kiss and then ordered our meals. I ordered a small chicken salad with no dressing and Courtney, to my surprise, ordered two chicken breasts with a large baked potato and extra vegetables. We were pretty chatty the rest of the meal and for whatever reason, Courtney had a huge grin on her face the whole time. The only bummer was that our anniversary was 4 months away.
C finished her entire meal, which was ridiculously large, and we finished a last glass of wine and headed home. Driving home in the car, my wife looked at me and asked me to pull over. I could tell by the look in her eyes something good was about to happen. Once we stopped, my wife said, “I don’t expect you to wait that long you know.” Courtney then reached over, unzipped my pants and began to give me a blow job. Within seconds I was hard as a rock and enjoying the kind of pleasure I hadn’t had in months.
Her lips were full and moist and the warmth of her mouth on my cock was amazing. I was finally reliving the Zen type experience my wife was so good at providing me. She massaged my member with her mouth for what seemed like seconds but was actually many minutes. I closed my eyes and imagined her beautiful body pleasuring me over and over again for eternity. As I came close to climax, I let her know. Se then pulled a small workout towel from the back seat and kept me from making a mess all over myself and the car. As she patiently cleaned up my penis and put it back into my pants, she said, “We’ll have to make this a regular thing until the big day.” I couldn’t have agreed more.
Next up…Anniversary Day!
January 25, 2008 at 11:02 pm #65594Fonk
ParticipantThis is building up nicely. Thanks for writing! 😉
January 26, 2008 at 7:45 pm #65595Icon
ParticipantExcellent! Can't wait for the next chapter.
March 25, 2008 at 9:01 am #65596jdm022
ParticipantA couple months went by, I was now getting regular pleasure from Courtney, happy with life and I began really going nuts with my running. I had actually gotten down close to the ideal runners body weight for me of 158 pounds. The actual ideal marathon runner’s weight for my height is 148 pounds, but that seemed crazy. I was really skinny now and my once large leg, calf and arm muscles were now gone. I had skinny, wiry muscles in my legs now that were ideal for distance running but my arms and shoulders were very thin. Even my face was skinny. Chicks dig guys with abs though and I pretty much had an eight pack now because of all the running and regimented diet. I did take solace in that and knew my marathon times would be really good.
Even though my running was progressing nicely, I had become a bit self conscience about my loss of upper body mass and strength. I had once considered myself as one of the studs in my office but now felt like I was probably one of the weakest guys on staff. I once wore XL shirts and filled them out. Now I was wearing L dress shirts and wore a nice thick t-shirt underneath so I didn’t look so skinny. My shirt neck size also went down significantly. I once wore shirts with a 16” neck but now bought shirts with 14 ½” neck.
One day, Courtney accidentally left her training log at home. I had not read it since the first month she started training and was wondering what progress she had made in 11 months. The first tab was titled “Bodyweight”, I flipped through the first month. She made some slight progress and lost a few pounds. Then I looked at the second month. Her training and eating habits became more regular and she lost some more weight. The third month looked odd because she was working out more but actually gained weight. I knew it was probably muscle from our sexual experience. Since muscle weighs more than fat, I could understand that although she looked leaner, she might have actually gained a little weight.
Then it got real weird. Month number three she gained 5 pounds and was then 139 pounds. That was when we had sex. I would have guessed she weighed less but I’m sure the log was accurate. By the end of the fourth month she was up another 3 pounds to 142. I hadn’t seen her naked so I guess it could have been true. Over the last several months though, she logged very little cardio and gained another 7 pounds. According to her log, she was now 149 pounds. I’m not sure what significance it had, but if her log was accurate, I was only 9 pounds heavier than my wife.
Still curious about her progress, I flipped to her workout log. Originally she simply logged in what exercises she did. I wasn’t even sure what they were because she used abbreviations for everything. As the months passed by in her book, the detail increased. I think I could understand some though, BIs meant biceps, PU must have meant Pull Ups. SU meant Sit Ups I think and BP meant Bench Press, although there were abbreviations in that category, Inc, Dec, and Flat.
I was really impressed with her Pull Ups, originally she was doing just a few, but in her latest entry, she logged 4 sets of 25 with a quarter plate, whatever that meant. That seemed utterly amazing to me though. I was very proud of her just thinking of how hard she must be working. I then looked at her logbook entry for Bi’s. I wasn’t sure how to follow most of it but I was fairly sure Standing Curls meant just standing there doing curls. Her last entry noted 10×15, 20, 25, 30, 25, 20, 15. Apparently she was curling 25 and 30 pound dumb bells for reps.
Just a year earlier, I wouldn’t have even blinked at a 25 or 30 pound dumbbell but I hadn’t lifted a weight in a year and had lost about 35 pounds or so. I knew I had lost a lot of upper body strength but now I had to know how much. I drove to the sporting goods store in town and walked inside. Once there, I walked up to the dumbbells and found the 25 pounder. I grabbed it and pulled it off the rack. It seemed like it weighed a ton and I began to lift it. By the time I got it just above my waist level, I had to lean way back and let momentum help it all the way up. I repeated this 2 more times before I was unable to even lift it to that level. With the help of my left hand, I was able to place the weight back on the rack. Still amazed at my weakness, I grabbed the 30 pounder. I couldn’t even do one of those without the help of my other arm.
Depressed at my absolute loss of all real masculine muscle strength I decided to leave the store. As I walked out, I noticed a fairly healthy looking young girl who worked at the store easily lift the 30 pound weight I left on the floor. She looked at me and said with a smart ass grin, “I’ll get this for you sir.”March 25, 2008 at 11:21 am #65597a montagne
ParticipantLove the story so far just wish the guys didn't always have to get thin/weak in these stories (not into the whole domination thing) ;D
March 25, 2008 at 9:57 pm #65598ratlaf
ParticipantRight on!
Thanks for another chapter, and seeing as I am a runner and in exactly this guy's situation makes it that much better for me!
May 5, 2008 at 7:05 am #65599jdm022
ParticipantI got home from the sporting goods store and waited for Courtney to arrive. As she walked in the house, immediately I noticed she did fill out her sweat suit which used to hang off her loosely. She kind of had the sleeves pulled up on her forearms and I noticed their size and pronounced veins running down her wrists and over her hands. I then looked down at my arms and hands and of course noticed how thin they were and that the veins were not even visible above the skin.
For months I had known that my loss of weight and strength had made me weaker than the average guy, but for the first time, I felt like my own wife might be stronger than I was. I wasn’t sure exactly how I felt but I got a huge knot in my stomach just thinking about it. A short time later we sat down to dinner and began to eat. I noticed how strong her hands looked and for a weird reason I thought that even her face seemed more full and strong.
The curiosity was killing me and so as we finished dinner I asked Courtney how her workouts were going. She told me that she was excited about her progress and enjoyed every workout more than the one before it. I congratulated her and asked her if she felt like she was gaining any strength. She said, “Ya, I am getting a bit stronger and can do several pull ups now.” I told her that was awesome and said I wanted to give her a small test. C asked me what I meant. I reached over and moved her empty plate to the side. Then I put my arm on the table and challenged her to a quick arm wrestling match. She laughed and said, “That’s stupid honey, I’m not THAT strong.” “I know babe” I said, “I just want to see if you can last more than a few seconds.” Courtney laughed and said, “OK, what do I win if I can last 5 seconds.” “Hmmm,” I replied, “If you can last 5 seconds I’ll pleasure you downstairs for half an hour.” She said, “No, then you’ll lose on purpose, how ‘bout you wash, wax and detail my car.”
I would have rather gone with my idea, but she was right, I would definitely have lost on purpose. Courtney got a big smile on her face, placed her elbow on the table and stuck out her arm. We locked grips and her hand squeezed mine tightly. She didn’t realize it but my hand was being crushed by hers and it hurt a lot. I wasn’t ready for her to grab my hand so tightly and pulled my arm away. I quickly told her I wasn’t ready and put my arm back on the table for a re-grip.
This time I was prepared and clutched her hand forcefully. It worked and this time she didn’t crush my hand, although she still had a very tight grip. I counted down from three to zero and said, “GO!” We both put all of our force into the match and were stalemated. We had been stuck for three or four seconds before we realized we weren’t counting. Courtney started counting immediately, 1,2,3,4,5 and I felt her let up. C let go and put her arms up in the air saying, “Wash that Car! Wash that Car! Wash that Car!” I leaned over and gave her a big kiss and said “Ok babe, good job honey, you’re awesome.”
I really couldn’t budge her arm in almost 10 seconds. I wasn’t about to say she was stronger than me but she was definitely strong and I found myself incredibly turned on by it. As I walked into the garage to gather up the car wash stuff I had a full erection. Before I realized it, Courtney had come up from behind me, reached her left arm around my waist and held me tightly against her body. She then grabbed my erection with her right hand and began to massage it.
As she stood behind me, she began to massage my abs with her left hand while at the same time jerking me off with her right. I stood there motionless in complete bliss as she pleasured me. Courtney then started to whisper in my ear. She said, “mmmmm, I love your six pack honey, it turns me on like you wouldn’t believe. I can’t wait till our anniversary next week.” She then began to passionately kiss my neck slowly while whispering sweet nothings in my ear. The combination of her slowly massaging my stomach, cock and neck at the same time sent me into some sort of erotic orbit and within a minute or two I began to cum. My wife began massaging my member quickly until I had completely finished. She then reached her head around and we made out for half a minute before she told me she loved me and walked back in the house.
I stood there motionless for a few seconds and then started laughing about how awesome my life was. By the time I cleaned up my obvious mess and washed her car, she was fast asleep in our bedroom with the lights out. I took a quick shower and slipped in bed quietly trying not to wake her up.
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