Can we please quit waving our political dicks around?

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  • #141917
    Avery Leckrone

    I am aware that the moderators of this forum are largely conservative. I am aware that many of the subscribers to this forum are liberal.

    You know what?

    I don’t care.

    We all know that if you lean to the right, you’re going to believe that leftist thinkers are touchie-feelie, bleeding-heart morons and if you lean to the left, you’re going to be inclined to think that rightwing thinkers are antisocial, bigoted asshats. Does it really need to be expressed in a forum about the appreciation of muscular women and all things amazonian?

    Do I need to link to individual posts where someone has done this?

    Trent Harlow

    ZING! Hey buddy!!!



    I agree that we should tone down politics on this forum. It’s not necessary. However…there is rules in this world that transcends culture or politics. Let me explain…if you are the least on a basketball team, don’t be the loudest. Usually the one who talks the loudest also does the most for the team.

    Bane Dorrance

    other than threads about She-Ra &CW shows or anything that involves millennials ,…
    i haven’t noticed too many political angles on topics outside those things

    Avery Leckrone

    ZING! Hey buddy!!!


    Do I detect a Mr. Harlow? Hi there!

    I agree that we should tone down politics on this forum. It’s not necessary. However…there is rules in this world that transcends culture or politics. Let me explain…if you are the least on a basketball team, don’t be the loudest. Usually the one who talks the loudest also does the most for the team.

    So… your argument is that I shouldn’t criticize our lords and masters because, by virtue of them posting a lot, they are automatically right? I’m not sure I understand what you’re getting at, here.

    It seems to me that if an unwarranted attack is made on any group, it is the responsibility of rational people to oppose it, regardless of whether or not they have made a bajillion posts. For the record: I have been around since before the site changed formats; I posted numerous stories in the Strength and Muscle Stories section before closing my original account, and I have posted several more since opening this relatively new account. If I’m not qualified to level a criticism based on your arbitrary rules, who is? Do I need a special handshake to get into the club?

    other than threads about She-Ra &CW shows or anything that involves millennials ,…
    i haven’t noticed too many political angles on topics outside those things

    The specific post I took exception to was one in which AlexG decided to decry liberals as the perpetrators of a war on precise language. As it happens, I agree that language has been systematically dumbed down over the years. What I don’t agree with is ascribing it to any particular political agenda. Doing so actually minimizes a very real problem (the weakening of language) by deflecting attention to something (politics) which is of minimal significance.

    There have been other posts where AlexG and others have made similar arguments, but I have not objected. Perhaps I should have, since I find the practice of scapegoating political rivals to be asinine and unhelpful.


    I don’t debate politics because I know that I am right and everybody else is wrong, so what’s the point of arguing?


    Fine fine. Keep on criticize Alexg, see if I care. Ha.
    But if your post are 100% about criticizing and never anything else, maybe people will start blocking you? After awhile you can not see interesting posts and you be talking to yourself. Not that I would at this moment. People should be allowed to speak their mind.

    Bane Dorrance

    I don’t debate politics because I know that I am right and everybody else is wrong, so what’s the point of arguing?

    you’re wrong but that is nice ass comment

    Fine fine. Keep on criticize Alexg, see if I care. Ha.
    But if your post are 100% about criticizing and never anything else, maybe people will start blocking you? After awhile you can not see interesting posts and you be talking to yourself. Not that I would at this moment. People should be allowed to speak their mind.

    I don’t feel like he was calling out AlexG
    just pointing out that 1) fingerpointing solves nothing especially when based on unfounded truths
    2) blocking the man turns you into the same person who has been on the otherside of your argument #CivilDiscourse

    Besides I agree with my fellow liberal St.Mercy…we get tired of being lumped in with tumblr kids who can’t even vote yet BUT somehow FOX NEWS Continues to get basically grown fellas to believe they’re working against the United States
    That shit is exhausting to counter-argue everyday
    Hence the exact reason why I will join in the fight against Agenda fingerpointing
    Unless it’s at the person who is actually guilty

    Speaking of,..whatever happened to GWHH


    Speaking of,..whatever happened to GWHH

    We have no idea he just kind of disappeared a while ago.

    As for the political commentary one of the problems moderating any internet forum is no matter what you do someone is always hacked off about something or is complaining they’re being targeted or the moderators are out to get them or some B.S. and that’s why we generally stay hands off as much as possible and let a lot of comments go no matter how mind mindbogglingly asinine or whiny they might be. In this case I will make a rare public statement about something and say, yes I don’t like the political commentary made in a lot of these threads that derails the topic from a moderation standpoint, that’s why we have the free for all area not topics created for other reasons. If you all think it’s become too much of a problem the very simple solution is we start locking down on off topic comments in other threads. I never really thought it was necessary here considering how small the active community is and aside from some occasional drama as per my earlier comments and the never ending fight against spam we don’t have too many problems.

    However if that decision is made it will be adhered to so you all better be sure that’s what you want because when I start calling people out for violations and suddenly it’s all “oh it was just one comment I didn’t think it was that big a deal why am I being picked on when others do it more then me. Your policies are unfair!” then we’re going to end up with more complaints. That also means members need to get more involved messaging me or AlexG about off topic comments so we can get on it as soon as possible before something starts and causes a problem.

    So y’all keep commenting if you want and we’ll see how this goes in a little while and what we decide to do about it.

    Just so you all know any moderation done on this forum is done by either myself or AlexG. If a member has publicly accused one of us of targeting them then the other one will handle the situation, we discuss any action taken so we both know what’s going on but if it involves a member being banned or anything more serious then a warning or thread merge (Which I leave to Alex because last time I tried I deleted the whole thread by accident) we send it up to Lingster for his final say. The only exceptions to that rule are people who violate the underage content ban in which case he just gets a message saying whomever was banned for underage content.

    I know this might shock some people but we have lives that don’t revolve around this forum and we don’t sit around scheming how to screw over somebody we don’t like, it’s the internet….deal with it like an adult.

    Avery Leckrone

    I would like to reiterate that, normally, I have nothing but the highest respect for what you and AlexG do, and the even-handed way in which you usually do it. I do, however, get irritated when an unfounded accusation is leveled at the so-called liberal agenda, especially because no liberals have ever invited me to take part in it. I haven’t made many posts since activating this account- I believe this one makes 85?- but the vast majority have been content related, rather than policy related.

    I did not accuse AlexG of targeting me; for one thing, I doubt he’s sufficiently aware of me to even know where to begin if he wanted to. What I objected to was the shotgun approach of blaming all liberals for the dumbing down of language, as if it was something that all liberals supported, whether actively or passively. By linking the degradation of language to a political agenda, it derailed the argument (for me) from the true issue.

    If you need to go back to the original topic that started this to review what was said, the original thread was Greek God-Bia Muscles. You can see both AlexG’s comment and my response to it, which was followed by my opening this topic specifically in the Free For All section, because I didn’t want to further derail what had started as a fun thread.

    I won’t apologize for my statements, as I don’t feel I was in the wrong, but I won’t demand that anyone else agrees with me, either. Having said all that, I plan to drop this topic entirely and will only respond further if I am specifically asked to or questioned.

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