Casting Wonder Woman

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    I think Terry has the ability to do this. With Deep Space 9 under her belt along with Paper Dolls. Also some horror flicks and even a movie with Rodney Dangerfield "Back to School".

    I think she would make a fine Amazon. She is 6 feet tall and has a very fit form. Plus those blue eyes just grab you.



    I think Terry has the ability to do this. With Deep Space 9 under her belt along with Paper Dolls. Also some horror flicks and even a movie with Rodney Dangerfield "Back to School".

    I think she would make a fine Amazon. She is 6 feet tall and has a very fit form. Plus those blue eyes just grab you.

    That answers my question 🙂



    yeah she fits the bill…after all she knows how to handle a batlif!


    All I can say is that I'm not sure I trust the guy who created Buffy to appropriately cast an Amazon.


    But I can assure you, he will be the one to write and make sure the movie is a good one.

    Terry – I felt she kinda made a bad career move doing Becker, but the role is there for her.

    Katherine Heigl – I loved since 'My father the hero', underrated… I don't see her as a lead.

    Jessica Pare' – ah… Canadian babe bacon. Once again… can't see her as a lead.


    I think Heigl could do it.  She's certainly got the look – by Hollywood standards she's very solidly built.  In 100 Girls she very convincingly pulled off an amazonic role.

    Paul Schilling

    If you follow Wonder Woman in the DC Comic, depending on the artist, Diana is portryed more as a fitness babe more than a body builder.  All Lynda had were the boobs and they were in Sties.


    If you follow Wonder Woman in the DC Comic, depending on the artist, Diana is portryed more as a fitness babe more than a body builder.  All Lynda had were the boobs and they were in Sties.

    To my mind, this is the test of where we've got to in our war for female muscle acceptance. To most people Wonder Woman is Lynda Carter, so they expect a tall brunette with big boobs. If Hollywood takes the view that WW should look powerful, rather than just be powerful, then it would indicate a fair shift, particularly when the comics can't make their mind up.

    It's all about strong role models, but I fear that this already has the hallmarks of yet another missed opportunity.


    Think of this.

    How would Wonder Woman hide in public if she looked too buff as Diana Prince?

    She was molded from clay and born of the gods.

    Linda Carter is 5' 11" and at the time she was built to the Amazon idea of the times.

    They are not going to cast a very muscular woman in this roll.

    Buffy was super strong but she wasn't built like the She Hulk.


    Neonblack there is an line of thinking that the name amazon does not come from without a breast but from without bread. It is felt the breast myth was added later by sensationalistic writers.

    nsl2050   Since Wonder Woman's relaunch in the early 90's WW hasn't had a secret identity but been an ambassador from Themyscria

    a b

    i think that eliza dushku (faith from buffy) would be a pretty good fit.  i have no idea of how tall she is, though.  it doesn't really matter to me, as long as she's not so short as to have every other person towering over her.

    but still, she's a good enough actress to pull off the part (it's a super deep character to play, isn't it?) and has the looks.  maybe she'd be the type to get a good workout regime in too, eh?

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