Champions Online: Free to Play

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  • #96480
    Eric Johnson

    So, Champions Online just announced today it’s going to a “Free to Play” setup.
    Looks like it’s starting first quarter of next year:

    Significant, as it’s got some options making pretty muscular female characters. As well as some growth related powers for the giantess fans.

    Looks like their plan is:
    Everyone can play at “Silver” Level, and get all the basic content.
    Monthly fee gets you “Gold” level and therefore all the expansion content that gets released from time to time.

    So…. next year is time for an invasion of amazon-loving players into the game, making lots of female characters with maxed-out physique slider settings? 🙂



    Wow, most of the F2P stuff has been improving, if only because more pay games are switching, but this is probably the first where I was almost tempted to pay, only held back by lack of time making paying monthly fees for many two hours of play per fortnight questionable.

    That said, the F2P FAQ does mention that among the restrictions is that some power/ability combinations/mixing and matching will be off-limits to Silver/Free players, to the point that you are restricted to cookie-cutter basic archetypes/powersets and that’s it unless you upgrade. Not even preexisting characters are safe or grandfathered in, they seem to be talking about conversion/simplifcation if you opt to play free


    Im going to continue paying. :/ Have been before, I guess not stop now. Couldn’t see my ladies getting gimped. 🙁


    Guess it’s time to chime in, now that C:O F2P has launched.

    I used to play it, but quit. But now I’m playing it again, as a Silver Member.

    I just deleted my old toons & make a new one. She’s a Behemoth

    named Smackdown.

    I’m not sure if I’m allowed to be in a SG if I’m a Silver Member.

    But if anyone here knows of a good one to join, I think you can in-game

    mail me at ericf989, character name: Smackdown (I think that’s how
    it works).

    It’s fun, so far! 😀


    Eric F.


    Im still playing. Never quit. Running as a gold, just look me up by my username. Im running around with one of the many ladies I RP as. 😛


    CK wrote:


    Wow, most of the F2P stuff has been improving, if only because more pay games are switching, but this is probably the first where I was almost tempted to pay, only held back by lack of time making paying monthly fees for many two hours of play per fortnight questionable.

    That said, the F2P FAQ does mention that among the restrictions is that some power/ability combinations/mixing and matching will be off-limits to Silver/Free players, to the point that you are restricted to cookie-cutter basic archetypes/powersets and that’s it unless you upgrade. Not even preexisting characters are safe or grandfathered in, they seem to be talking about conversion/simplifcation if you opt to play free

    I like “free-form” (being able to pick & choose any Powers you want), but the Behemoth Archetype (think She-Hulk, Power Girl, etc.), suits the type of character I want to play pretty well, so far (lvl.15).

    Hopefully they’ll release more Archetypes to choose from. Or release Powers separately we can buy.

    At least I can still make any costume I want, which is cool. 🙂


    Eric F.

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