Charmed Muscle

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  • #16463

    After seeing how demonic their faces transform, I've become less excited about seeing this episode. I was hoping they would be buff and beautiful. Now they might as well by male bodybuilders.


    It's still sad.  Maybe we can pull a "Phantom Edit"?

    magnus knight

    Tonight on the WB network, 8:00pm eastern. Charmed with FMG in it.  Because of this special or possibly lame attempt at FMG by a major network be on the look out for my first FMG story below in the fiction section sometime in the next few days.  It's almost done.  Its about when office stress, computer pop-ups, and bitchy bosses get out of hand.


    I don't see how that situation is special. That kind of hing happens on a regular basis.  😉


    Tonight on the WB network, 8:00pm eastern. Charmed with FMG in it.  Because of this special or possibly lame attempt at FMG by a major network . .

    No doubt more then a few here have their VCRs / Tivos in ready to record mode – though I'm not exactly holding my breath that it will paint femuscular women in a positive light.  (Yes, I saw the promo-trailer – it didn't exactly encourage me on that aspect.)  It’s all too easy to mock femuscular women then treat the concept with some due respect.  Given that it’s a fem-empowerment / girl-power program you’d think that they’d handle it far better then that.

    So here's to hoping that we're all pleasantly surprised for once.  😎

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    Saw it… eh.  Now I remember why I don't watch the WB.

    It was pretty interesting how they followed the format of the old Hulk TV show:  Transformation at the 25 minute mark and one at the 45 minute mark.

    I want to see the ladies that were the doubles without their make-up.


    For those of you that missed it, don't lose any sleep, cuz you didnt miss much.

    The "muscular" bodies were not even muscular, except for the the one who played "Billie's" character. In the credits, they listed the three women as being Spice Williams, Cory Everson and Cameo Kneuer. My guess is that it was Cory Eveson who looked big, and if that's the case, its simply amazing, considering she is now in her mid-late 40s.


    My guess is that it was Cory Eveson who looked big, and if that's the case, its simply amazing, considering she is now in her mid-late 40s.

    Oh my God, mid-late 40s?  How is she even walking around anymore?  Fossil.


    The "hulk out" lasted a minute at best. and if you saw the trailer you saw it all. There was nothing more too it. It just made me feel as if i were desperately looking for anything….anything from this genre. Like a kid starring at a blocked channel trying to catch a glimpse of blurred boob.  😡

    magnus knight

    I agree 100%.  Like everything else with this genre this was another big bust.  Damn you WB.  Where's the good stuff when you need it?

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