Charmed Muscle

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  • #16470

    It Came. It  Sucked. It  Blew.


    David C. Matthews

    Oh my God, mid-late 40s?  How is she even walking around anymore?  Fossil.

    Hey! One more crack like that and I'll clobber you with my walker!! πŸ˜€

    Deadly Pixxxie

    Any good clothes ripping?  πŸ˜•

    magnus knight

    a little, but it was more morph like then classic hulk like and happened so fast if you blinked you missed it.  Plus it was only a little fraying of their pants and a millisecond of sleeve bursting.  Shoes stayed intact. Total let down.  πŸ™


    I'm sort of glad that I missed it… Sort of… 😐

    Deadly Pixxxie

    a little, but it was more morph like then classic hulk like and happened so fast if you blinked you missed it.  Plus it was only a little fraying of their pants and a millisecond of sleeve bursting.  Shoes stayed intact. Total let down.  πŸ™

    Well, that sucks arse.


    Stupid writers.

    Muscle Growth Nut

    Stupid writers.

    Yeah, how dare they do an episode like this and not tailor it specifically for the enjoyment of the FMG community!


    I haven't followed the series at all, so this is beyond my abilities, but could someone write a fanfic about this? Since everyone is complaining (myself included) If figure that doing something along these line would be very popular on this site. More so, since the actual episode was a complete dissapointment. Maybe something along the lines of "the version of the story before WB and the network censors got a hold of it". Again, this goes beyond my scope of knowledge, so I would have a difficult time doing it, but I'm sure that at least a few members here both follow the series and can write well.

    Go figure. I can prattle on for days on end about video games, but when it comes to shows like Charmed, I draw a complete blank. And I want to be the one to write the story, too!  😑


    I haven't followed the series at all, so this is beyond my abilities, but could someone write a fanfic about this? Since everyone is complaining (myself included) If figure that doing something along these line would be very popular on this site. More so, since the actual episode was a complete dissapointment. Maybe something along the lines of "the version of the story before WB and the network censors got a hold of it". Again, this goes beyond my scope of knowledge, so I would have a difficult time doing it, but I'm sure that at least a few members here both follow the series and can write well.

    Go figure. I can prattle on for days on end about video games, but when it comes to shows like Charmed, I draw a complete blank. And I want to be the one to write the story, too!  😑

    Thats..a good idea man. lol.

    Deadly Pixxxie

    Yeah, how dare they do an episode like this and not tailor it specifically for the enjoyment of the FMG community!

    Are you being sarcastic?

    Because what I meant was that witht heir damn budget, they could have at least done a better job than what they did, special effects wise.

    Hell, even Buffy did stuff like this better than them.

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