Chase from Blade The Series Gets Buff

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  • #37766

    Here we have the face of Jessica Gower as Chase from Blade The Series on Melissa Dettwiller's body. I noticed that a lot of people have been doing image graphing without even bothering to match skin tints and textures. That is a shame because it's all about skin tints and textures. That is what makes a morph look real. You might've also noticed that I enhanced the overall texture and light in the image and brought the blade of the sword out of the shadows a bit.

    Could you imagine Blade going up against her?! All she has to do is get those thighs around him and it's all over.

    That Guy

    8) nice  8)


    I would definatly chase after her now… (weak pun intended)


    Though I like the morph, I like Melissa on Melissa's body better, she looks a lot tougher.

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