Cindy Phillips

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  • #31408

    I have to say… judging from that last picture, I think Cindy's current training regime – whatever it entails – is messing up her appearance. Her cute face has been getting very masculine with poor complexion. It might not be steroids. It might be the diet. I don't care what it is, but I think something in her training is not agreeing with her body. :/

    Sad as I am to say this…I don't disagree.  I think this really is the time for her to get professional advice.  She has so much potential, and made such huge progress between 2005 and last year, but she has had injury and motivational problems, and I fear that she may not fulfil that potential.

    I hope I'm wrong.


    I'm sure that you guys have probably already noticed Cindy's latest update, but I thought I'd make mention of it here anyway.  She seems more upbeat, and ready to make the most of the revitalised Tampa show.  There's also a picture of the maybe-world-famous Cindy Phillips smile that seems to have been hiding recently…

    edit:  Is this really my first ever post?  How many years have I had this account?  Geeze!


    I'm sure that you guys have probably already noticed Cindy's latest update, but I thought I'd make mention of it here anyway.  She seems more upbeat, and ready to make the most of the revitalised Tampa show.  There's also a picture of the maybe-world-famous Cindy Phillips smile that seems to have been hiding recently…

    edit:  Is this really my first ever post?  How many years have I had this account?  Geeze!

    A long-time lurker emerges from the shadows. ;D 😉  I've been posting here since Christmas '07 – how long have you been here?

    On the Cindy side – great to see her back, and, if that snapshot is anything to go by, her reduction in training may have done her complexion and looks the world of good. 8)


    A long-time lurker emerges from the shadows. ;D 😉  I've been posting here since Christmas '07 – how long have you been here?

    On the Cindy side – great to see her back, and, if that snapshot is anything to go by, her reduction in training may have done her complexion and looks the world of good. 8)

    Truth be told, I registered here back in '05, and I've checked the site fairly regularly throughout all of that time.  How sad is that?  I feel like I know you, and all of the regulars for that matter, even though for whatever reason I've been silent all these years.  Oh well, better late to the party than never arrived, eh?

    Back on topic, I agree 100% with that assessment.  She's looking like her old self again.  Here's hoping that her road to Tampa is a great one!


    A Super Cindy blog update /w a beach pic posted.  ;D  8) Wednesday, April 29, 2009

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    A much more upbeat blog entry, too – bubbly and (I mean this in the nicest possible way, 'cos I luff her LOL)  bit "blonde", just like her posts used to be. 8)



    Robert McNay



    Another update – Glamour shots!

    However, it's all about the dogs in her life.  🙁 Tuesday, May 05, 2009

    Do wish tho, she'd thrown us a bone with a pic or two of herself.  😉

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    she looking a bit bigger but a LOT more soild.  Keep it up cindy.  Anyone knows what her boyfriend looks like?

    A Super Cindy blog update /w a beach pic posted.  ;D  8) Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Viewing 10 posts - 581 through 590 (of 910 total)
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