Classic work from David C. Matthews

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  • #36544

    For those that have not be in attandence at dear David's update blog of late, he has released on of his old works for public consumptions

    Maxwell Madd and his Wrestling Women

    A most excellent piece with most excellent depictions -especially considering the work was made in 1989.

    So, thank you, dear David, for sharing this classic work with us.

    The Pimp NeonBlack

    David C. Matthews

    I'd meant to drop a notice of this into the forum last night, but it was getting late…

    So thank you for letting people know about it, Neon. (And for the kind words!)

    MMWW was a fun series, and I'd love to see it revived; but that'll depend on the writer/creator.

    Zespara Alathar

    Yeah, Maxwell Madd was my first comic book exposure to the incomparible Mr. Matthews.

    I've always wondered how the series would look nowadays since your style has improved immensely since then.  Amazon would probably look even more impressive while I've always felt that Peggy has the structure to carry some more muscle as evidenced in her first panel behind the bar.

    I never read the first issue.  I picked up the series afterwards so this was a great treat.  Thanks, David.




    Oh brother.

    Is it just me, or does this have a "Josie and the Pussycats" meets a 1980s "WWF Women" vibe to it?

    The Blonde Bombshell and Maxwell are practically a roadhouse Melody Valentine and Alexander Cabot, respectively.

    ((Edit:  BB also looks kinda like Roxy or Poison from Capcom's arcade game Final Fight. Minus the handcuffs. 😉 ))

    Art's great, as always, and the story… well… heh, let's just say it's definitely not some stodgy old work by some long-winded Russian.

    Thanks for sharing Dave, and for calling it to our attention, PNB. 🙂


    All DCM's work is classic …  ::)

    Thanks for sharing!

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