Comic book muscle.

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  • #99950

    ze fly wrote:

    Due to my week of holidays & various factors, I couldn’t speak about it before, but Marvel Comics introduced a really interesting character recently, both muscular and gorgeous (really rare 😛 ), in the issues #3 & 4 of Warriors Three:

    Gotta buy these issues this weekend

    ze fly

    I hope you did get them and found them to your taste… :unsure:


    Managed to make it to the local comic store, and was worth getting these issues (also got the first 2 so as to have the complete story). She’s buffed, looks great. B)

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)

    Harry Braff

    Thank you zefly

    ( Cette nouvelle superhéroïne a l’air bien sympatoche 😛 )

    ze fly

    Heureux qu’elle te plaise Lothaire. B)

    AlexG wrote:

    also got the first 2 so as to have the complete story

    Yep, that’s a good idea if you want to understand the story. :laugh:
    The plot wasn’t bad either: a bonus with the girl 😛

    Bane Dorrance

    If you want DC to stop de-powering physically OR killing off our favorite Muscle-bound superhero females.
    Write to

    too bad we’ve been absolutely not able to make a group stand in the face of Marvel/DC over these particular issues that happen always
    FanBoys get
    yet we can’t make a group stand for muscle-bound females drawn through an entire comic strip run

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