Comic book muscle.

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  • #90942
    ze fly

    Thanks for all the links, here fungo09 and Ashlee!

    Zespara wrote:

    Ashlee wrote:

    Plasma started out with great promised and just turned to garbage

    You’re absolutely right, Ashlee. She was drawn with muscles very nicely by Rich Buckler from the storyline in Marvel Comics Presents #25-31 (she first appears in #28). However in her next (and currently last) appearance in Moon Knight Vol. 3 #25 she was drawn by Mark Bagley as a skinny model type which greatly disappointed me and a vast majority of folks on this site. :/

    Apparently killed at the end of that issue, she has not appeared since although you can’t keep a good villain down. I’m surprised that nobody has brought her back since they’ve brought back many others that I don’t really care about.


    Yes, that’s a shame, I was very disapointed by her rendition in the Moonknight issue… πŸ™
    But that’s symptomatic of the comics: Look what they did with Xenith*: they changed her from a joyous powerhouse into a slender psychotic… Not to mention Stunner who was simply discarded by turning her catatonic… :angry:
    And what happened to Punchout, or Knockout??!! Rigger** from Code Blue also disappeared.
    Elven*** was almost anorexic in her last appearences in Power of Prime πŸ™


    Anyway, I posted the scans featuring Plasma here, quite some time ago:

    fungo09 wrote:

    Titans 21 v1|&Lookup=titans

    Also did post about it: πŸ˜‰

    And about Demolitia in Action Comics 718:

    And i’m sure Alex did post the pages from the Thing 33 somewhere in the Nerd Stuff board πŸ˜‰

    Oh, and I just posted some scans about C.H.I.X., thanks for reminding this one fungo… πŸ˜‰

    Robert McNay

    Yowza?????? :dry: :unsure: :blink: :S


    CptMatt wrote:

    Yowza?????? :dry: :unsure: :blink: :S

    She-Thing. She’s not hot, obviously. Just huge.


    ze fly wrote:

    And i’m sure Alex did post the pages from the Thing 33 somewhere in the Nerd Stuff board πŸ˜‰

    Yeah, a few yrs back I was posting dat’ sort of Thing hereabouts. πŸ˜‰






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    β€œI like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    Green Lantern V3
    #20 pgs 9 – 12. Boodikka
    #21 pg 12. Carol
    #148 Jade
    #160 Cover, pg 15 – 22
    #178 Cover

    What If? #10 – Jane Foster
    What If? #71, pg 7, a couple Japanese female hulks


    great job and great site

    Zespara Alathar

    Alex, nice scans. I mentioned previously that I believe that Sharon was originally supposed to be the new Thundra but it got scraped at the last second because the Thing comic was canceled after those issues you posted. Earlier in the year Marvel published a comic which showed what was to happen in the coming year. It was one of their fanboy comics but I cannot recall the name. Anyway, for the Thing comic they had a picture of Thundra along with others who were to appear in the book. Since she was a redhead and the original Thundra was gone from Earth, I made a logical conclusion. I’m not sure if someone mentioned something in the book also.

    Regardless, they should’ve made Sharon more muscular like the other female wrestlers in issue #35. :/


    Zespara Alathar

    Alex, nice scans. I mentioned previously that I believe that Sharon was originally supposed to be the new Thundra but it got scraped at the last second because the Thing comic was canceled after those issues you posted. Earlier in the year Marvel published a comic which showed what was to happen in the coming year. It was one of their fanboy comics but I cannot recall the name. Anyway, for the Thing comic they had a picture of Thundra along with others who were to appear in the book. Since she was a redhead and the original Thundra was gone from Earth, I made a logical conclusion. I’m not sure if someone mentioned something in the book also.

    Regardless, they should’ve made Sharon more muscular like the other female wrestlers in issue #35. :/



    great links here keep them coming

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