Comic time…

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  • #44822

    Ok so christmas has come a little later this year…… uhh happy new year!!?

    posted 6 (yes 6!) pages of artwork @ the neverkick4 yahoo group.  2 are a continuation of a current storyline and 4 are a special comissioned project…kinda a celebration you might say..

    As always artwork by FFF.  Feel free to contact him for any comssions you may have in mind.

    oh and feedback is always appreciated.

    im always looking for new spinach stories for the yahoo group so any writers out there interested shoot me a PM.


    Feedback, dear sir?

    Awesome. Simply awesome. 😉


    Very good. Cheers once again.

    Prophet Tenebrae

    Ah, Shadowninja – great stuff.

    Not usually a fan in 4th wall breaking but I'll let it slide 😉 First time you and FFF have put a giantess in there, I like the sequence of growth – boobs, legs, muscles for her. Nice to see that dinner lady didn't manage to escape the carnage.


    Ha ha!  I love the humour in these stories!  Thanks for the great stories and artwork and congrats on 100 pages!  I love the explosive muscle and boob growth in the stories and the writing and artwork are both excellent.  Many thanks to you both.


    Great characterization.

    Each lass had her own moment and the cameos were fantastic!

    Thank you very much for your creative writing and financial backing which compliments the amazingly cute/powerful artistry of FemForteFan.  8)

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