commercial with that thing, and that other thing

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    I am not sure if anyone remembers this commercial, but I think it was for some sort of fragrence or something.  Anyway it shows a girl dancing with a shirt on and then she rips the shirt open and starts flexing.  I think it was from the early 90s.  Anyone else heard of this.

    Delmo Walters Jr.

    That sounds vaguely familiar. Maybe someone else here has a better memory and can post what commercial you are referring to.

    Anthony Durrant

    I don't recall that commercial.  However, I do recall a commercial from that time period where a girl appears dressed as a man and pulls off her masculine clothing to reveal an armless white dress underneath.


    In the 90's, on Australian televison, there was supposedly an ad for a local brand of chips called CC's that featured 3 female bodybuilders (or the same lady imaged 3 times, not very sure on thsi matter) standing in a line up with a normal lady. The female bodybuilders are all nodding their heads whilst doing a double bicep pose and the average lady is holding a bag of CC's chip and shaking her head. In the background the theme song is playing, "Yes, you can. You can say no".
    Not a remarkable moment in television history, excepting the fact that it is infering the female bodybuilding is the norm in Australian culture.

    The Pimp NeonBlack

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