Commission Cornucopia! (NSFW!)

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  • #80407

    These are indeed spectacular!



    Get your thinking caps on!

    Russ got in touch last night to say he's starting on the commissions tomorrow so if anyone's got any ideas for the pic I need to hear them by tomorrow afternoon at the latest (15th Feb). 

    Have a great Valentine's day everyone!


    No takers?  *shrug*  Suit yourselves.  Offer closed.  Russ has already finished one of the four so there shoudl be something to post within a week on this. 

    Meanwhile, here's a sequence that I got from Zanfadar – the artist who does gorgeous drawings for Hunter S Creek.  I've loved his work for a long time, and also really appreciated Hunter's generosity in commissioning and sharing so many pieces with us over the years, so I wanted to commission some to share with everyone too. 

    My favourite femuscle story of all time is probably 'The Supergirl Phenomenon' and I commissioned a load of art from various artists on themes related to this.  The basic premise of this small sequence is what happened at a college somewhere during a sports day.  The Supergirl Phenomenon took effect and we get to see what happened when all the girls suddenly transformed into super amazons and started testing out their strength.  At the end of the sequence Superman was going to fly down to earth and find that the girls are stronger than him, but I ran out of money before we could get to that stage so this is it for the moment.  Enjoy!

    Zanfadar draws the cutest girls, I think you'll agree!

    Thanks, Zanf and Hunter!


    I agree!  The gal tearing up the tree in this one is super cute.

    Good luck with your Russ Platt commissions- he always draws beautiful gals.


    Awesome work. Thanks a lot.


    Thanks, guys. 

    I agree!  The gal tearing up the tree in this one is super cute.

    Good luck with your Russ Platt commissions- he always draws beautiful gals.

    I'm sure Zanf and Russ would be very flattered to have such praise from a great artist like yourself, Jed.  That pic with the tree he drew over in biro as a way of inking it rather than his usual pencils, in case you're interested.  I'm amazed he could do it in one go without the ability to erase it.  I really appreciated him taking on the commissions since he's been quite unwell recently.

    Sorry I couldn't offer more time to people to decide on the 4th commission from Russ, but after waiting over a month for my turn to come up on his list he suddenly decided to draw them the day after I'd opened it up to everyone.  Sod's law, really.

    Anyway, more stuff soon…


    Got first commission back from Russ.  Since I nearly spontaneously combusted upon seeing it I thought I'd post it here straight away since I'm away on business for a couple of days.

    It's NSFW, by the way!!!!

    Linda Smith is a scientist at Star Labs where she works in areas such as calibrating Superman's strength on the hydraulic press in her lab.  However, after getting hit by a strange ray from the particle research division next door, she undergoes explosive muscle growth.  Trying out her the calibration equipment on herself she discovers that her strength is now off the scale and several hundred times more than the Superman's highest ever setting… *cackle*

    Enjoy!  See you in a few days!


    Woah! Thanks for linking these great comissions!

    I appreciate the story background for each picture (personally I like FMG stories a lot); thanks again!


    That last one is really awesome!  I've always like <a href="">Rplatt's stuff</a>, but this one is now my current favorite. 🙂


    Wow, that's a veritable smorgasbord of art.  Thank you for your magnificent generosity!

    And it would've been nice to slip in one or two of my ideas for your commissions from Russell Platt, but judging from the first result, I think it is in good hands. 🙂

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