Commission Cornucopia! (NSFW!)

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  • #80427

    Incredible power gem pic. XD

    I like to think so too!  The man is a legend!  Just wait until you see what's coming later…

    Here's the muscular version of She-Ra from Russ I mentioned earlier:

    More to come…


    Exceptional work. Thanks a bunch!


    Jebs work, as always, is looking good. Thanks for sharing these.

    ze fly

    😮 Another awesome batch!

    Mr. Stone

    "Of course I'm totally serious!  I'll send a pic, hold on.  Smile boys!  Get it?  Yeah, that's Superman!  Right?  Total hottie, huh?  Ugh!  Hold on a sec.  Superman, I'm on the phone, do you mind?  Still there, girl?  Yeah, he was using his laser eyes on me or something.  Hee, hee, hee!  Stop!  That tickles!  I'm sorry, girl.  I'll call you back in a sec."

    Literally a second later.

    "Sorry that took so long.  They'er all knocked out now so we can talk.  Wanna meet me somewhere…?"

    Mr. Stone

    Where are my manners?

    I also want to thank you for your generous postings!


    Where are my manners?

    I also want to thank you for your generous postings!

    Ha ha!  No problem.  Glad you liked them.  Thanks to everyone for their kind words. 

    Actually I don't know anything about the Jonas Brothers except that everyone seems to hate them and they're a teen boy band that an 18 year old girl might have on their wall perhaps (although I could be wrong!)

    "Of course I'm totally serious!  I'll send a pic, hold on.  Smile boys!  Get it?  Yeah, that's Superman!  Right?  Total hottie, huh?  Ugh!  Hold on a sec.  Superman, I'm on the phone, do you mind?  Still there, girl?  Yeah, he was using his laser eyes on me or something.  Hee, hee, hee!  Stop!  That tickles!  I'm sorry, girl.  I'll call you back in a sec."

    Literally a second later.

    "Sorry that took so long.  They'er all knocked out now so we can talk.  Wanna meet me somewhere…?"

    Cool!  I love the little stories that can be written around pictures and what's going on in them.  There's often so much rich imagining available outside the edges of the images.  Thanks for this, man. 

    Here's the BIG version of Jed's great drawing, by the way.  (nearly 30 megs of it!).  It's beautiful to look at it closely and zoom in on all the beautiful painstaking detail that he put into it.

    Also, here's some more pages from the Femfortefan sequence I wrote.  They get a bit EXTREMELY NSFW so here's links without thumbnails, since I think showing actual sex isn't allowed on the site.

    Have a great weekend guys and girls!

    Mr. Stone

    Looks like rapidshare only allowed 10 people to download it so I missed the boat on that one.

    I've always loved FFF's work so it is always a pleasure to see something from him.


    Looks like rapidshare only allowed 10 people to download it so I missed the boat on that one.

    I've always loved FFF's work so it is always a pleasure to see something from him.

    Hmm… gently caress Rapidshare, then.  Try this Megaupload link instead then:

    Mr. Stone

    Awesome!  Thanks for that!

    I have some stories in the pipeline at my DA page that I think would be right up your alley.

    Should be up this week!

    I'm almost inclined to take off with Amazon Schoolgirl…

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