Commissioning Artwork

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  • #47678

    I'll have to post some samples of my artwork for you to look at so you can have a selection to choose from.


    it seems that most of those are not taking commissions

    I don't want to spend a fortune on such a commission since I already did spend a good deal on this character already, but I'm not cheap either.


    Spend enough money and I bet you’ll have no trouble finding artists willing to do commissions for you. You’d be amazed how quickly artists will come around to the idea if several hundred (or thousand)  dollars is on the table.  😉


    Wave $300 in someone's face they're gonna bite.
    I like to think my comissions are REASONABLE prices, $300 I could totally not hope to get for one pic even though I know some do.


    I'd like to get to the point where I can do commission work, but as Prophet Tenebrae said, "Poser is a harsh mistress," and I'm inclined to agree.

    However, doesn't stop a fellow from trying  ;D

    Devon Cory

    Wave $300 in someone's face they're gonna bite.
    I like to think my comissions are REASONABLE prices, $300 I could totally not hope to get for one pic even though I know some do.

    I did pay 300$ for one of the piece I commissioned for this character. But it was a full color piece, with portrait and background and that artist does high quality work. It all depends on what you're asking for. In this case, I'd like the thing to be ink based with no particular background or setup. Simple, basic growth. So I wouldn't expect to pay 300$ for such a thing.

    …of course, if the whole growth sequence is long and detailed enough I wouldn't mind paying 300$.  😉 So again, it depends.

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