Creating alternate societies/realities for female muscle stories

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    Great potential in this thread so far.

    I've only read a few mainstream alternate histories but they've toed the line to 'hard' science fiction enough to keep my interest. While not read directly the idea of an 'anti-matter America' as envisioned in S.M. Stirling's 'Draka' series shows how different things can be if a few key events and people were swapped around.

    In the FMG/BE/Amazon angle the most realized contemporary setting has to have been the set of nightmare alternatives in Mark Newman's (Marknew's) Alt Universe. With computers and gadgets taking a backseat to the expanding capacities of the increasingly fortified female gender.

    For near future forecasts I can't recommend Heck's 'Prototype' series enough. Really well thought out and fun example of super strength in a frighteningly plausible future. Just don't click on the freaking Epilogue since the web formatting has placed it first amongst the descending chapters at Diana's.

    Alan Moore's comic series "The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen" used the legends and assumptions of past fiction to make a compelling archaic world. This got me thinking what if Charlotte Perkins Gilman's fictional amazonian country of 'Herland' were to have remained, aside from the events in the book, undiscovered until later on in the 20th century. What of the Herlander's attempts to avoid the fires of WW2 or their possible ascendancy in the competition to gain atomic weaponry? Might those asexually reproducing females bolster their population into some sort of secret society slowly 'feminizing' the planet into a more 'peaceful' iteration?

    While a sociological fable I can't seem to keep myself from thinking What Would Indiana Jones Do? Hell what would E.E.Smith do?  😉

    For a 'harder' look at what a future setting may bring to having plausible renditions of my innermost lust triggers Transhumanism seems the answer.

    When does humanity stop being that from it's dependence on and bodily intregration of technology? Ray Kurzwiel provides some interesting looks at what may happen to society and mankind.

    Cryogenics or some sort of substantial conversion of a person into recorded data that can be later regrown into a decent enough copy to still have early 21st century viewpoints allows there to be both the context and the contrast that makes fantastical femmes so potent in my imagination.

    As far as my own plot ideas it's mostly the horrific meets the horny. There's an idea where someone gets grown from scratch assembled from the 'best' traits of a range of individuals using a plot device so contrived and weird it's basically magic. The plausibility from the situation's fall out would be it's only real saving grace. Seeing how some being could reconcile it's many donated memories and data into a cohesive independent individual is fascinating to me.

    Also in the homage/rip-off category is a riff on John W. Campbell's novel "Who Goes There?" called "Who Grows There?". Growing out of clothing is twice as exciting when it's deadly to do so from either the vacuum of space or howling arctic death. Essentially an excuse for a lass to experience radical physical change that results in her becoming an indirect threat to the small antarctic research station's community. Her growth is fueled by calories and there's only so much in the larder. Things could reach a very frightening boiling point as days are checked off before she can either be airlifted the hell out of there or more food brought in. Shouldn't descend into cannibalism but the FEAR of that happening would set the tension nicely.

    That's all out of me for now. Thanks for the mental sustenance folks and big kudos to MuskelGrothe  for getting the ball rolling. 8)


    Ah, yes, the Draka Trilogy – one of the best, if not THE best detailed alt-history in sci/fi.  8)

    Service to the State, Glory to the Race!

    Two others you might want to add to your list, Cowprobe, of stories involving female muscle/strong characters in alt-societies would be Friday by Robert Heinlein, and The Horseclans series by Robert Adams.  His books, however, are currently out of print BUT can be found on eBay – several sellers and on-line stores offer them in second-hand condition.

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    [font=times new roman]This is a very interesting thread you decided on, MuskelGrothe. 

    Interesting because of two factors
 one is that I too have mostly focused on unique “societies” of an all female civilization in my writings
 and two is that within these story parameters, an author is free to explore many more themes and undertones in his/her story lines.

    What helps me in creating these “worlds” is that you don’t have the normal views of outsiders poisoning the reader’s thoughts with distorted views of huge powerful women.  In most of my stories, a large towering woman is often the idolized protagonist
 a symbol of what power and strength can be.  One of my favorite lines from one of my stories was when a curvy rubenesque woman tells her muscular lover “Throngs of women will envy you, and want to be you.” 

    I’ve used a few story threads, my latest one being set in the Middle East around 1000 BC where a young beautiful Queen marries a muscular female warrior.  Another story I have is an all-female society living in a compound outside of Las Vegas in the present day.  A wealthy woman bought up thousands of worthless acres of desert to construct a new society for women who wanted to become as powerful as nature intended.  There, women we empowered to be themselves; pursuing their fantasies and worship power and elegance.

    Nice thread, darling
  I hope it continues.  😉

    Peace and Love,



    Las Vegas? I bet Bugsy Siegal would have turned over on that idea!  😀 ;D Where can I find an English copy of that story?


    [font=times new roman]You can find the English version of that story, A Primitive Hope, here darling.

    Peace and love,





    Here's an idea for an alternate history:

    Louis Cyr (1863-1912), was and may be the strongest man who ever lived, and his recorded feats made him famous world wide.

    What is interesting is that his wife was no slouch either in the muscle department and his daughter,  Emiliana, seemed destined to follow in his footsetps and even participated in strength events with him during his tours in Canada and Britain.  Unfortunately, after Louis Cyr's death, she was committed to an asylum under suspicious cicumstances by her husband and died there.

    What if history had changed, and allowed Emiliana the chance to popularise female bodybuilding decades before our history?

    Could be interesting…

    Just an idea.


    There is a decent hentai fantasy series called the Fencer of Minerva, in which most women are hot, scantily clad slaves to some male (but in a nice mutually-consensual way).

    I think there are some nice permutations possible here, like a powerfully muscled, sword wielding woman, who owns a female slave of her own. Someone so strong and tough she can make it in an overwhelmingly male dominated world.


    I thought more about genre. I think it helps to establish what else is different from FBB realities from the real world. What does the setting have that's not in the real world, or what's not in FBB reality that's allowed this lifestyle to grow more?


    [color=navy][font=times new roman][size=11pt]This is a very interesting thread you decided on, MuskelGrothe. 
    I’ve used a few story threads, my latest one being set in the Middle East around 1000 BC where a young beautiful Queen marries a muscular female warrior. 


    Have you ever heard of Queen Zenobia? She was a 3rd century Queen of Palmyra who fought the Romans. Queen Mawai lived in the late 4th century and also fought the Romans.

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