Dawn (now with Jenna from Hardbody)

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  • #17433

    A new character I created. I figured it'd be good to draw someone other than Cammy for a change.

    Dawn started out like any other girl, but quickly rose in popularity upon entering high school. Fond of night clubbing with her friends, she was the cream of the crop, and extremely fit too. She was heavily involved with all manner of athletic activity in school, be it track and field, gymnastics, dance, and swimming. She participated in her school's varsity swm team and won the school gold medals at every single competition, earning her the respect of her teachers.

    Then, during her senior year, she wanted to try something different. She excelled at seemingly every sport that was fit for girls like her. So, she tried weightlifting. Her friends joked with her that, with her athletic background, she'd quickly develop huge, bulky muscles and "turn into a man". Dawn laughed it off and simply said she wanted to try something new, and keep toned, that was all.

    She took up two weight training classes, and to the surprise of her teacher, made rapid progress. Over the months, as the lessons progressed, her closest friends noticed her biceps were filling up her shirt sleeves, and that she appeared more sinewy. They said nothing, though. For Dawn, weightlifting had become her new addiction; she couldn't get enough of it. She pumped weights like there was no tomorrow and even stayed after school for two hours at most, pumping iron non-stop. Dawn even left the varsity swimming team and dropped out of gymnastics to make time for her weightlifting. By the end of the first semester, she was could easily lift 250 lbs.

    Some in the school begin dubbing her "She-man", because she had gone from athletic and slim, to a somewhat beefy and very muscular frame. Her friends begged her to stop, because they believed she was destroying her image, and that she was doing the kind of thing bodybuilders do. This didn't deter Dawn; she lifted heavier weights and got bigger and bigger. Her teachers couldn't explain her abnormal gain in muscle mass; the school board even tested her for steroid use, but that turned out negative. They eventually concluded that she simply had good genes. Near the end of second semester, Dawn's physique had gotten to a point where even her closer friends became a little awkward around her. Night clubbing would never be the same either, as the sight of this beautiful young girl with a thick, muscle-bound body drew uncomfortable stares.

    Nevertheless, Dawn's friends pulled through for her till graduation. Now, upon arriving in college, Dawn's physique has made a huge impression on everyone. At just 19 years old, she is clearly the most muscular girl anyone's seen.

    Expect to see more in the coming weeks.

    Hunter S Creek


    Very cool sketch and bio!

    Thank you for sharing it!


    Most interesting, dear Rhinehart, I's look forward to future rendering of her.
    Kudos unto thee for this work.
    The Pimp NeonBlack


    Very nice! That is a very impressive drawing!

    Muscle Growth Nut

    Wow…I am liking this girl. 🙂


    Very impressive.  😀


    She looks incredible. 😮 I'm looking forward to the promised more in the coming weeks! 😉


    New picture, plus more bio details.

    Nobody could figure out why Dawn wanted to get so huge. Everyone knew she had it all: she was one of the most popular in school, she was smart, fit, and above all, extremely hot. In truth, after Dawn tried weightlifting and realized her genes allowed her to build far more muscle than possible in a female, she began to think. Dawn wanted more than to be simply hot, popular, smart and fit. She was bored of it all, and wanted to break the mold–to be known as more than just a stereotype, and she knew she had the capabilities to do so.

    She also wanted to single out her true friends: those who ditched her because of her new body were the ones who were friends with her only because she was so popular and beautiful. Those who stuck with her through and through, were the kind of people she wanted to know for her whole life.

    Dawn found the idea of getting huge to be an exciting answer. Having a beautiful face and a powerful, ripped body seemed to her like having the best of both worlds. She wasn't in this to become more popular or make new friends. She was in this for herself: to explore her gifts by pushing her physique to extraordinary limits.

    When graduation was nearing, there was a lot of buzz amongst the students about this stark and sudden change in Dawn. Many girls reacted with disgust when walking past her in the halls. Dawn took pleasure and interest to this; seeing the mixed reactions to her increasingly muscular body, and at the same time watching her body become more ripped and bigger. Her efforts succeeded, because she had strengthened the bonds with her true friends, more so than possible had she chosen to stay as how she was initially.

    Swimsuit Dawn during her senior year.

    PS: Very important question: I'm not sure what the next picture of Dawn should be. I've laid out my options, but can't decide which:

    1. Muscled up Dawn dressed up and ready for a night at the club
    2. Dawn bulking up at the gym
    3. Dawn in her college years, more muscular and ripped than before.

    David C. Matthews

    PS: Very important question: I'm not sure what the next picture of Dawn should be. I've laid out my options, but can't decide which:

    1. Muscled up Dawn dressed up and ready for a night at the club
    2. Dawn bulking up at the gym
    3. Dawn in her college years, more muscular and ripped than before.

    I vote for #1. …there aren't enough pics of muscle-women "dressed to impress".

    Tommy Dreamer

    Great pics, excellent work, and a lot of thought behind them as well.  As for my choice, #2.  Bulking up always works.

    And this has nothing to do with this thread, but since I just found out seconds ago, R.I.P. Eddie Guererro.

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