DC Comics – Knockout and Big Barda – [Topics Merged]

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    You never heard of Big Barda??? Heck she even made it to Justice League Unlimited. The episode where she, shorter hubby Mister Miracle and the Flash go to Apokalypse.

    And its one of my favorate episodes in the series.  **sigh**

    BTW – Big Barda made it into the JLU in a much earlier episode of Batman Beyond – in the last two installments of that series, if I remember correctly.  Interesting to note, that the alt-reality Justice Lord Superman and JLU Superman in Batman Beyond shared the same type of uniform.

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    She has a part in Villian's Inc. #3. I don't know her, but from someone from Apokalips, her dialogue seemed out of character.

    Delmo Walters Jr.

    Knockout puts in an appearance in Villains United #6 and, speaking of out of character, she's suddenly the girlfriend of Scandal, Vandal Savage's daughter. Maybe she swings both ways?


    And its one of my favorate episodes in the series.  **sigh**

    BTW – Big Barda made it into the JLU in a much earlier episode of Batman Beyond – in the last two installments of that series, if I remember correctly.  Interesting to note, that the alt-reality Justice Lord Superman and JLU Superman in Batman Beyond shared the same type of uniform.

    I thought the Justice Lord Superman had a white uniform (kinda similiar to the Electric Blue Supes *ugh*) while the Batman Beyond JLU Superman had a solid black with red or white S shield? (Which I thought I read somwhere that it was supposed to be a nod to Alex Ross's red and black S shield Supes from Kingdom Come)

    Speaking of Kingdom Come, there is an excellent shot of an UBER BUFF Big Barda patrolling the Legion of Doom Headquarters Gulag.  Sadly, it only lasts about one panel.  If I had my scanner working I would try to upload it.  But I am sure some other comic geek out there has a copy of Kindom Come handy.

    The Muffin man

    Yes, it seems they had an episode long story line "The Ties That Bind" with the exceptionally tall and immensely powerful non-Terran Super Amazon – Big Barda.

    And by no surprise, (is it ever when it comes to the babes-licious?) the all-but-drooling Flash was the only JLU'r to break ranks to help her and Mr. Miracle out.

    One of the more memorable lines was –

    Flash: Not that I mind the exercise, but couldn't your boob tube put us closer? Big Barda: That's 'boom tube'!

    Hahaha! Multiple Entendres!

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