Debra Haley’s Newest YouTube Clip

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  • #56548

    😮 😮 😮


    They do seem to like ladies with a good chest – first the incomparably well-pecandbreasted Nikki Fuller, and now Ms Haley who seems to be giving her a run for the money in chest thickness and sexiness.  I do so like nice pecs and the added breast size the offseason gives together. 😮 8) 😉


    Here is the new YouTube clip link



    I REALLY want her to be the star of a side-scrolling late 80's arcade beat-em-up.

    If only to hear classic Gun's And Roses provide the chip-tune music.

    Thanks for the surreal presentation of the sensually sturdy Miss Debra Haley.


    Truly Amazonic hottie – a gorgeous rebuke to the "all women bodybuilders are ugly and look like men" brigade. ;D


    The "Modify" option has disappeared, so I'm making a new post on Ms Haley.  It's really strange: I read this topic and saw her photos a few days ago and thought that she was nice and certainly very buff, but I wasn't drooling over her. ::) ???  Goddess alone knows why! ;D  I've now looked at her photos again, and watched the video of her on YouTube, and I'm speechless. ;D  I've fallen head-over-heels in lust for her – she is just heavenly – tall, dark, the face of a supermodel and the body of a superheroine Goddess.  My lap is currently suffering from the vast quantities of drool that has landed in it, and my trousers (shorts actually – not as in underpants but short pants) are sporting a telltale pyrimidal bulge. ::)  She has leapt to the pinnacle of my mountain of muscle maidens – Cindy has been relegated to second place.  What a woman!  Her image should be distributed in gyms worldwide to show women that glorious, wonderful things happen when they pick up big weights.  I just can't stop typing about her – she's completely blown me away.  The thought of being carried in those huge arms, of nestling against that lush, erotically-shaped chest is turning me on so much you just don't know.


    It's been taken off!  Why? >:(


    Cindy has been relegated to second place.

    Poor Cindy! 

    Actually while I don't have one individual bodybuilder I revere over all the rest (they're so rare I don't see the point in doing this) I do have a group of about a dozen or so who definitely rate well above the hundred or so others, of whom I am still a fan of…

    Interesting grammar there.  Anyway Debra definitely ranks among my favorites!!!  Introduce me to her!


    Poor Cindy! 

    Actually while I don't have one individual bodybuilder I revere over all the rest (they're so rare I don't see the point in doing this) I do have a group of about a dozen or so who definitely rate well above the hundred or so others, of whom I am still a fan of…

    Interesting grammar there.  Anyway Debra definitely ranks among my favorites!!!  Introduce me to her!

    If you're interested to know about the ideal grammar use in that phrase, I think it would be "…definetly rate well above the hundred or so others of whom I am still a fan."

    Oh, and I want to be introduced to her before you! ;D 😉

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