Developments Of A Metal-Bent Nature

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  • #110462
    Metal Bent

    “Awareness is an inescapable tragedy that gorges on the brittle husk of humanity’s pointless aspiration.”

    And so begins issue two of “Tale Of Negliagble Value”. It’s up now on my DA page.

    As always, feedback is appreciated.


    This has some hilarious moments.

    I can imagine this dude in a vinyl record store with a cast on his hand and pelvis steering clear of a certain section.

    Thank you for the finely expressive erotic absurdity Metal-Bent.

    Kudos again for having cloth deformation on MRS. It really sells the surreal bobble-headed power dynamics.

    Can’t wait for another issue of issues!


    Hey Metal bent I love your art. I was especially blown away by a pic you did a few months back:

    “Ambervale South Community Centre III”

    We see a confident, strapping young female bodybuilder/martial artist effortlessly pummeling a weak, frightened and whimpering male opponent. It was an awesome pic, one of the best of you’ve done, and I was wondering if you had a sequel or two in mind (heck a whole series would be nice).

    Metal Bent

    Haha.. ya, and he can’t watch “Sons Of Anarchy”, season 2, without getting the shakes.

    Thanks for the awesome support, CP. I need to change the setting for the next installment, so here’s hoping I don’t jump the… no, I won’t say it. EVERYONE is saying it.

    Metal Bent

    Cheers, Khuddle. That guy had swollen agates for days.

    Hahahaha… “agates”.

    Ya, I will do more fight renders, but only ’cause you axed nicely. I don’t think it will be withn the “Ambervale South Community Centre” frame-work, though. I know you aren’t too distressed about that.

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