Diana Cast in Man of Steel 2

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    Perhaps people are tired of the usual WW2 movies? Or perhaps Hollywood is about to launch its usual “WW2 movie-every-two-years” and they don’t want to overdo it?
    I always wonder: what’s the difference between the two wars, movie-wise? The “good guys” are the same…the Germans are the villains…there’s a lot of cool tech & weapons around…what’s the difference? Perhaps since Germany was still divided (Prussia Weimar and whatnot), the enemies can be rendered more anonimously (PC forever!). Or perhaps Russia was still Russia and not Evil Commie Land?

    On a second note, WW looks like her cuirass is 2 sizes too big :laugh:


    Wow. This thread has devolved into nothing but bitching about how much you hate everything about Gal, her role as Wonder Woman and the movies. Maybe you should just change the topic title to I Hate Wonder Woman.

    The movies are made, Gal isn’t going anywhere and nobody else is line to be cast. I was disappointed with choice too, but damn, other than feeling good about yourselves for hating on this and her, what is the point? Oh wait. That is the point. My bad.

    I’m still hoping for the best from the WW movie. I’ve waited forever to see it and have no reason to pass on it just yet. The trailer was interesting for me. I enjoyed seeing the colors back in her uniform. She used a sword more that I would have thought and was expecting her to see her use the bracelets to deflect bullets. But it is just the first trailer and the movie isn’t coming out for nearly a year, so there should be more to see. And more to hate on in this thread I suppose.

    The name of this site is Amazons for goodness sake. Wonder Woman is the queen of the Amazons. And these are the conversations about Wonder Woman. I’m disappointed.


    Nah, I’m cool 😉 . In my case, I’m just joking. I don’t care about superheros (I haven’t watched at least the 3 – 4 latest sh flicks), so for me it’s still the same if they did the movie or not, or if they casted an anorexic twig or a 200 pound short-haired, 50-year old blonde.
    What else is there to say but jokes? It’s only a movie trailer and, since almost nobody is a Wonder Woman fan (statistically there must exist a couple), we don’t care about the characterization, the background, or even the story. Like every other supeheroine, WW is eyecandy. Fanservice. Boobs-and-Butt material. And since this is, as you pointed, a Forum named “Amazons”, we’d like some physical build into, what do you know, an amazon. That’s all.


    Well, we can’t have this….what would people say?


    Its babysteps man. First hollywood needs to proove (to itself) that badass female heroes are a thing and can attract people. Then they hopefully will start to break these body-stereotype that every female on film needs to be a skinny model (if she isn’t a comedian or a villain).

    I will wait and see how this movie turns out. There is a chance to be great and it is to us to go watch and see it to signal hollywood, that we want more badass female heroes. The same goes for Captain Marvel … even more so because I trust the guys running the MCU because in my opinion they didnt make a casting mistake yet.


    Interesting to see what the toy line up for the movie is going to look like


    Interesting to see what the toy line up for the movie is going to look like

    2 of the BvS Wonder Woman toy models have bigger biceps than Gal Gadot
    which is weird in itself


    Most action figures are buffer than their actors counterpart, so it’s pretty common. For starters, what I find weird and at the same time nice is that they’re making WW figures, after what happened with Star Wars’ Rey…


    Most action figures are buffer than their actors counterpart, so it’s pretty common. For starters, what I find weird and at the same time nice is that they’re making WW figures, after what happened with Star Wars’ Rey…

    What happened with Star Wars Rey??


    [quote=”oriander2000″ post=126462]Most action figures are buffer than their actors counterpart, so it’s pretty common. For starters, what I find weird and at the same time nice is that they’re making WW figures, after what happened with Star Wars’ Rey…

    What happened with Star Wars Rey??[/quote]

    She was the lead in the movie and didn’t get any action figure, toy or whatever. And when you hear the explanation from the toy companies execs, you would want to choke them through the monitor.

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