Disney Super Princesses?

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  • #79415

    A odd "what if" that I had last night.

    What would super heroin versions of the Disney Princesses look like.

    Here's the first of what may be a series (I have the ideas for powers for most of them).  I know she lacks muscles, but, I think that the idea still fits here.


    Hunter S Creek

    Very cool idea and sketch, A_D!

    My own humble contribution … along with her side-kick.


    ze fly

    Thanks, both of you for contributing to the forum and sharing these with us…


    A odd "what if" that I had last night.

    What would super heroin versions of the Disney Princesses look like.

    Here's the first of what may be a series (I have the ideas for powers for most of them).  I know she lacks muscles, but, I think that the idea still fits here.


    Of course Aurora would have light-based powers!  This is a fun idea, can't wait to see the rest of your series!  ;D

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