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August 27, 2006 at 9:49 am #37642
Participant( I know some of the things are misspelled, but its written like how they pronounce it.)
Divided Light – Chapter 1
By BlackKusanagiA Hero's Journey Is Only Beginning
A calm wisp breeze blew in the skies of the metropolis called Seraph City. The full hustle and bustle of the city could be heard through the loud urban sounds that always effect a suburbia. As the people walked about, across crosswalks and the sort, a blue van headed down the street at about speed limit, slowly treading through the traffic of afternoon rush hour, three men and a single woman, conversating as they looked over their gear.
"Rocko," the girl spoke in a Fran Drescheresque voice,
"Ya sure the spot's gonna be closed by the time we get there?"The burly, rugged man who apparently looked much like the boss of the group fixed his sunglasses as he spoke with a Sly Stallone type voice,
"A-yo… calm down little lady. We got this covered… we gon go to the spot… Jack is gon handle security. When Security tis gone, you gon slip in…and do what needs to be done. Me and and Rico over there are gon be watching around to make sure no cops be there… and we got shotties and pistols for anyone who says otherwise…"
Rico, the huge muscle-bound man of the group spoke calmly, his voice kind of deep, yet a fobbish sound to it (think of deep voiced Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite),
"If any cops come… Ill gladly take care of em… it is the best thing I can dooo. All that needs to be done…is to shoot someone. Or I can break their neck… That will be fun…"
He said smiling, cracking his knuckles.
A young African American looking person browsed through the schematics of the building and wrote down some notes, possibly on how to enter the security system and to override it. He spoke loudly, much like Samuel L. Jackson,
"The plan is QUITE simple. Ill disable the electricity headed to the alarms! When that Motha F***** is outta business, Imma send some signals to the camera's, Knockin them sum bitches out! So when that’s all said an done, All that’s left, is the motha f***** electric locks that I can remove wif ease. So we gon be rich as HELL when this thing is over with!"
As Rocko slowed the van once they reached the other side of the street of "Rhinehart Blvd" they parked their car and turned off the engine, awaiting the bank to close in the next 30 minutes, and for the tellers to leave an hour from then. Rocko then spoke up, smirking,
"There it is. The Daniel C. Matthews First National Bank… Got some loot, and also otha treasures in there. We are gonna cash out today… and it will be no prob…so rest up…we go in action in an hour."
— 10:00 PM , The Time For the Heist —
Rocko's watch beeped as he woke up from his nap, the rest of them playing cards on a small table in the van, he called out,
"Ok! Its time to roll out…"They had put on black ski masks and totally black cat suits on, with bullet proof vests, and each person was loaded with different weapons. As they crept up the back, Shirley and the other two men stood watch as Sam did his magic. About 7 minutes later, a light lowering hum could be heard as Sam whispered,
"That’s it. The things down…now lets go get our s*** man and get the f*** outta here!"
The rest of the troupe walked into the now silent and deserted bank after Sam picked the electric locks on the doors. When they opened they all sprawled in, Shirley and Rico walking about with weapons to keep the area secure, as Sam worked on the largest electric lock, the one to the vault. Rocko sat ontop of a table, legs out as he smirked under his mask,
"My genius…Sam's computer smarts… Rico's muscle…and your…YOU ness. Were set."
Rocko said with a bright grin on his face, as he whistled to himself.
"There wont be a person in sight to stop us eh?"Shirley nodded and spoke in a light voice,
"I…dunno why I feel so bad right now…like someins bound ta happen…"Once again, there was a deathly silence while Sam kept up with his work. With the securities down, all he had to do was take off the locks. But without warning there was a cool breeze that blew by behind him. He turned around and shrugged as he bit his lip finishing the lock process, he grinned,
"Motha fuckin pay dirt NUKKA!"
He laughed as before he could speak when he headed towards the door, it closed. His eyes widened as he muttered,
"What…the…FUCK…?""Kind of fun when you’re strapped alone huh?"
He heard a slightly throaty, lustful voice as he turned to face a young woman sitting on the security counter. She had a black suit on, her hair was black with deep sky blue tips, her haunting neon green eyes looked deeply into his. As she stood, her full 6'4 from standing over him as she smiled.
"So…whatcha gonna do?"He was in awe. This woman was beautiful and deadly also, his lips finally opened, muttering the words,
His hand shook violently as he slowly rose his hand, a gun ready to aim right at her.
"Crazy supah bitch! Better back the HELLL OFF! Don’t want no superheroes on this MOTHAFUCKIN BANK!"He fired it, and it bounced off her ample bust…hitting the wall. As he kept unloading, it constantly bounced off her form…she was invulnerable. As it bounced off her muscular yet very feminine form, she slowly made her way towards him, smiling.
"I hope you have insurance. Asswhipping insurance…and you’re about to pay a deductible…"Obviously in total fear from what he knew this woman was capable of he threw the gun to the side and ran right for the door in a blind dash…only to bump into her, and fall to the ground. She slowly lifted him off the ground with two fingers as he flailed about like a dead fish, swinging around,
He said in a fury as he punched her face, only to hear a sickening crack of his knuckles, breaking and bruising his hand on impact. It bled as she let him go, sighing and replying."Honey…you’re not going to get anywhere trying to hit me like that…you know that."
Vixen said coyly as she smiled lightly. Sam, still infuriated stood and went for a punch to her rock hard 6 pack. And much worse he threw his shoulder out of place with that punch as he held his shoulder, still screaming in pain, but that scream was silenced awful quickly. While his eyes were closed, tears streaming out, the heroine quickly jabbed his midsection lightly, just enough for him to loose his breath and pass out. Rico had heard the insane brotha's screams and ran to the door banging on it. Vixen had a smirk on her face as she floated into the shadows of the room, even the darkness covering the silver V on her chest as she said,"Victim number 2…"
This wasn’t the way she usually did her saving the day job. But she was frustrated with the events at the web paper she worked at, she needed a way to "safely" blow off steam. And this was it. She watched as Rico tackled the door down and looked around to find an unconscious Sam laying in the middle of the room, Rico spoke in a confused tone,"What type uf loco vato would do tis…"
He yelped as Vixen who was already behind him, grabbed him by the back of his shirt and slingshotted him into the wall that was right outside the room. He made a huge dent in the wall as part of his back went through it. He moaned lightly as he looked up from his upside down position to spot two very ample breasts there, then the figure bent over, as Vixen's eyes looked deep into his brown eyes."I wonder…what do you think of me?"
She said in a faint tone, a light smile on her face. He hocked a loogie and spat it in her face, as he said,"You think yure so high an' mitey. You’re not shit! You’re like all women…shoul' be unner my thumb!"
Vixen's hand glowed with a dim energy as she wiped her face off instantly drying it. Her eyes and expression turned from curious…to furious. She then gave a devilish smirk as his eyes widened a little. She reached to his pant area and clenched his genitals and lifted him off the ground by it. His eyes were wide as he had a light pitched huffing and stuttering going on as she said slyly,"If you’re so high and mighty…lets see you keep women under your thumb without your…cojones."
He shook his head and lightly screamed,"No…no!"
But it was too late. She clenched her fist, hearing a sickening squishing sound as she let him go and watched him squirm in pain. She rose her foot and stomped "lightly" onto his chest, his chest caving in spitting up blood, putting him into a deep crater (and unconscious) as she sighed. Her thick, powerful leg flexed lightly as she pushed him down just a little bit more as she removed it from his chest.
"Guess I’m not that type to be under your thumb…but for you to be under my foot is a good thing."She walked down the hall, using her super hearing to overhear Rocko and Shirley's conversation as she neared the head bankers room, where they hid :
"Rocko…I’m scared…Rico hasn’t checked back…Sam's quiet…and there were sounds earlier."
Shirley said sitting down, holding herself. Rocko slapped her across the face, smirking,"Does it matta? We got what we came fo. So lets go alllredy. Ok?"
Rocko said sighing as he pulled her up, both looking to the doorway to see Vixen waiting for them, smiling."You two look so cute together… Too bad you’ll be thrown in separate sects in Jail huh?"
Vixen said as she began to make her way over. Rocko looked to Shirley and handed the small canister to her opening the window for her."GO GO! Ill catch up!'
Rocko said as he pulled out his shotgun. Shirley almost didn’t go, but headed out. Just the sheer thought of having to deal with this woman was enough for her. As she got out, he ran at her screaming as he began to unload all his ammunition on her. Constant cocking and blowing could be heard from outside as Shirley ran off into the streets, and hid about a block away next to a dumpster.Back with Rocko –
When he got close enough, sadly when he fired, some of the ricocheting balls hit him in the knee as he screamed and fell down. Vixen tilted her head, and spoke calmly,
"Yo…you got to be pathetic…ive seen cat burglars with better class…"
Vixen bent over to look at him, he swung with all he could, the shotgun breaking upon contact with her face, it didn’t leave a bruise or a mark. She sighed and smirked,
"You’ve been a bad boy."His eyes widened in fear and awe as Vixen slowly stood up straight and lifted him off the ground slowly, hanging him onto the wall laughing. She got into a double bicep pose as she said lightly,
"Yup…I guess you know whets coming up next…"
He watched as her biceps swelled with power, each arm about 23", little did he know under certain conditions, those parts along with every other part of her body could get bigger and stronger. As she reeled back her fist and said,
"This will hurt for the next few years…so Enjoy this while you can!"Before he could speak, a powerful punch could be felt hitting his pelvic area, right above his manhood, his eyes wide, his scream blood curdling as she then lifted him off the coat hanger on the wall and slung him like a rag doll into the ground, his head bouncing off the ground so he had busted it open and was laying there. She flipped the switches for the security to be back on, although she flew out right before the cameras went back on. As the alarm roared, the police cars were on their way to the spot. As for Vixen, she was looking for Shirley. As her eyes turned silver, she was using her x-ray vision to look around and spot the young robber. As Vixen spotted the hiding Shirley she landed in front of her and hushed her when she almost screamed.
"Shirley…I’m not going to hurt you. Just tell me where you hid what you took…and Ill let you go scott free….with an injury."
Vixen said with a serious face. Shirley screamed,
Vixen nodded and acknowledged the remark,"All right. But as I said…I wont be nice."
Vixen said as her arm slowly reached out for her, Shirley was too scared to move…Vixen feeling bad just chopped the side of her neck on a pressure point knocking her out and bent down a light post, tying her to it."Well…I don’t know what you hid…but Ill be damn sure to hear about it at your trial…"
She muttered as she flew into the skies, into the city which breathed life through its bright lights.9 : 00 AM SilverRed street, A week Later. —
The trial for the group was to be held at the Marshall Fettison Courthouse downtown. Sharon Lee, who wasn’t in her Vixen form at the moment slid into the proceedings and sat where the very few press were allowed. But since she had some connections, she was allowed in. Wearing her usual glasses, black hoodie, and blue baggy jeans, Sharon was writing down notes on her notepad. She began thinking to herself,
~Why did that girl not tell me… I obviously, ~
She thought for a moment,
~No wonder…I was out of control last night… stupid job.~She snapped out of her trance like state as she heard each of their testimonies, Sharon even shocked by her own actions. She swore to herself this would be the last time she EVER went out of control like that. The court was silenced as Shirley hit the stand though. In a shocking move, she ratted herself, and all of her comrades out. In an attempt to save her own ass. Rocko's eyes widened as he screamed,
As himself, the emasculated Rico, and the mellowed out Sam were taken out of the courthouse. As Shirley was escorted out, Sharon spotted an all too familiar figure go up to Shirley. It was Marissa Fox. The same woman who tried to kill her on the accident that actually birthed her powers.Marissa whispered to Shirley,
"Well…I paid good money for you to get off like this…they’re just going to throw you in for a year. With my connections Ill have you out by tomorrow. All I can hope young woman, is that you still have what I asked."Shirley froze and whispered back,
"Its in hiding Miss. Fox. Ill get it to ya when you can get meh outta here."
She was taken to the back as she walked out and spotted Sharon. Sharon stood and walked out, next to Marissa as both began to talk to each other, as much as they hated each other, they randomly were always thrown into conversation."Still being the rich, arrogant bitch…"
Sharon muttered as they left the main courtroom, and onto the stairs walking down, she was looking ahead as she spoke."Still being the super thorn in my side…cant you ever let me live in peace?"
Marissa said still not making eye contact with her as she slid her hands into her pockets of her blue suit."Then stop committing crimes and I wont interfere."
Sharon said calmly as they reached Marissa's limousine and they stood to face each other."I wont. Ill do what I want because I have the power to do so. Which obviously makes me much more important than you Sharon Lee. This affair is nothing short of a wrong business venture. Plus, why would I go send them to rob a bank?"
Marissa said looking right at her, her eyes slightly squinted. Sharon shook her head."Its obvious. Its a bank you DONT own. Another little company you DONT own. Obviously what she had is important to you, and when I find out, Ill tie it to you, and you’ll be sitting in jail."
Sharon said boldly, Marissa laughed,"If you want me to keep the details of your little secret…secret…might want to shut up."
She tapped Sharon’s face lightly twice before entering her limo and being driven off.Sharon crossed her arms over her chest and sighed, unsure what to think of this situation. As she began to walk down the street, she began to observe her surroundings a little more to get her mind off things. If there was anything for her to think about, it was meeting the deadline on her article. She sighed as she jogged into the building, there was work to be done.
End Of Chapter 1 –
August 27, 2006 at 5:45 pm #37643The_Pimp_NeonBlack
ParticipantA most interesting and excellent tail, dear Kusanagi-kun.
I's especially like the references to the members and artist that do dwell upon this Forum within you words.
But my's major issue and commentry upon your work is that you tell too much and show little.
Such as comparing the voices and speaking styles of your characters to real life people.
You should consider merely modelling their dialogue more directly on these people then merely telling your ready who they sound like and how they speak -because it does damage the reader's investment in the reality you are attempting to create for them.Same is for some of the detail within.
Instead of merely stating what a thing is and how it seems, try to imagine it within your own Mind's Eye and then try to discribe it to us. So we enter into your World and Imagination rather then you simple stating a projection of it.Still, these matters aside, you have showed great flair and talent in your work and I's do so look forward to reading any more chapters that you do have planned.
I's do know that they shall be wonderful.
NeonAugust 27, 2006 at 8:55 pm #37644Max
ParticipantInteresting new story my friend. It seems that we can expect great things from this heroine (as well as some nice secrets ;D )
August 28, 2006 at 3:35 am #37645BlackKusanagi
ParticipantI kinda imagined the characters (Outside of Sharon and Marissa) like the personalities I based them off of with a twist of my own. But youre much more experienced at writing than I am, and if you think thats needed, Ill keep it in mind and try not to mess up in the next chapter.
Thank you both on the comments.
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