Do thin guys feel spindly around muscular girls?

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  • #60601
    Evan Stanley

    I feel more honored than anything else.


    Disclaimer:  my disability, wheelchair use and short stature should be borne in mind when reading what follows.

    I've not had he privillege of being around a musclebabe yet, but I don't anticipate that I would feel intimidated; more a combination of awed and aroused, I imagine. 8) ;D ::)

    randy guillotte

    Dude, disability aside, after reading your posts I think you've the stature of a giant… 🙂


    Dude, disability aside, after reading your posts I think you've the stature of a giant… 🙂

    Oh now, stop that please – you'll have me getting all moist-eyed.  What a really lovely thing to say! 😮 :'(


    I'm moist elsewhere.

    Now, do I feel spindly around muscular girls?

    Send me some.

    I'll tell you just what I feel.


    I'm moist elsewhere.

    Now, do I feel spindly around muscular girls?

    Send me some.

    I'll tell you just what I feel.

    You, Sir, are a comic genius.  I LOL'ed for real on reading that. 

    Just one thing; I really don't want to know about your moist parts, if you don't mind – theres a good chap. 8)


    Fett you make me lol.

    I would have thought it a bit odd to ask that kind of question on this forum- I mean, if the attraction is muscular women then I'm sure most guys here would be more like fascinated/interested than intimidated.

    My biceps are about the same size as those of my fiancé (they haven't really gotten smaller since I stopped lifting) and he's 6'3'' 290lbs of muscle and fat (he also used to lift ysee- I know he's not thin but it's just a point). But then he's still stronger than me- being 11 inches taller than me and the male thing probably has something to do with it. I couldn't win him in an arm wrestle- but I could crush him with my thighs, they're like stupidly strong for someone that doesn't lift anymore. And seeing as my center of gravity is generally lower, I could floor him pretty easy (his skinny friend in Judo can just on that principle).
    ANYWAY, my point. He's not intimidated by me being a strong woman- lol but maybe his sister he is… she's scary >:D
    But then he doesn't exactly like the idea of me lifting again, though that's an attraction thing, apparently.

    However my friend James, who'se about 6' and is one of the skinniest things alive (I wonder how he's still alive sometimes) is TERRIFIED of a woman that's even toned.


    I would have thought it a bit odd to ask that kind of question on this forum- I mean, if the attraction is muscular women then I'm sure most guys here would be more like fascinated/interested than intimidated.

    Ah, well, you see, that sort of depends on the guy.

    I will confess that I'm a geek. Love being one  ;D But, when I was at school I was fairly bad around girls. There are probably more reasons then me being a geek, e.g., it was an all boys school until 6th Form/College when my school went co-ed.

    Not to say I'm making a sweeping statement, I like to think I'm better now, and can prove it with a Facebook or IM contact list, but then theres still the subject of the muscular chick.

    I have before considered that I might be mildly intimidated, my track record with actually dating or whatever is not great, so it's probably more me feeling insecure about me being mildly out of shape since I got to Uni and then pining over someone who has put the effort in and will look down on me for not etc etc.

    Having said that, I have been going out with my girlfriend for 2 years, and she's a dancer with a nice (i.e., toned) physique, but she's not bigger then me so maybe I'm not talking bull?

    Either way, I still think that I might feel intimidated by an FBB. A woman named Marina Cornwall is a Personal trainer at my gym, she won a Natural FBB competition a few years back I think, and I'm a bit intimidated to go up and speak to her. I'd feel ashamed at the state of my 'abs' compared to hers…


    As budoka said, I think it's possible to be intimidated by a muscle chick even if you're a huge fan of them.  In this case, the intimidation is brought-about by the guy feeling that he is dramatically inferior to the Amazon, rather than in the everyday "She's a huge, ugly b**** who wants to be a guy" way that the majority of people think.  They're intmidated in a scared and repulsed way; we're intimidated in an awe-struck "I'm not worthy" kind of way.


    Well that makes more sense than it doesn't.

    P.S budoka… geeks can be very sexy :p

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