Doable suggestion for chatroom?

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  • #14217

    I would suspect if this was doable it would probably been done by now
    BUt is is possible that there could be a sidebar that would give a list of ppl who are currently int eh chatroom from teh forum?

    Might be easier to get ppl into chat if they can see if theres someone there.
    We might still either have to setup meet times or have someone bum aroudn the chatroom anways but it would be easier to know if someones in there at a glance.

    Thanks for the great forum Lingster


    Actually…whenever I go to the chatroom, I already have the kind of sidebar you're talking about…but I do notice a lot of people go

    "Hello?"…and then others are like "Hello." then later are like "Oh, it seems I've missed you"

    So I guess the suggestion is to make it so that the sidebar can be seen by everyone…


    um.. actaully not what i was askin.

    Its more like having the a notice when ur not int eh chatroom, like ont eh main page or browsing the forum.  It would give a list of who is in there at the time.  So ppl dont have to go to the hastle of goin in and not having anyone in there.  Im really not sure how effective this would be, but any bit that helps ppl who wants to chat would be useful id say.


    OH! Yeah that would be helpful! I never go into the chatroom cause for me it's too much of a bother just to see who is in there, only to find out that nobody is…


    Hypothetically that will be included in an upgrade to the chatroom software I use, due out later this year.


    Alright nice to hear.

    Hopefully this will help liven up the chatroom.

    Thanx again Lingster


    Also one more thing, will this chat sofware, have sound notifications, like when some sends a message or if someone comes in to chat? That way we know someones coming, saying something.  Since it would be alot easier to wait while browsing or doin other things instead of having to check everytime to see if someone came in or not.

    K, thanx bye.


    Also one more thing, will this chat sofware, have sound notifications, like when some sends a message or if someone comes in to chat? That way we know someones coming, saying something. Since it would be alot easier to wait while browsing or doin other things instead of having to check everytime to see if someone came in or not.

    K, thanx bye.

    There are sound notifications now, last time I checked.

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