Domestic Abuse

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  • #34149
    Zespara Alathar

    For my 100th post, I thought that I would share with everyone my one and only tale of FMG that I wrote way back in 1998.  This was around the time that Peter David killed off Betty Banner in the Hulk comic.  I wasn't too pleased with that and scrawled out this tale.  Let me know what you think and let me know of any misspellings that I may have.  I hate having those.  🙂


    "A nice vacation in New York City.  That's what will turn things around for us.  We can revive our marriage in the Big Apple.  I just have a project that the government wants me to work on.  We'll have fun… after all, isn't that what our counselor told us to do?  Come on, Betty.. this will be nice and relaxing for us."

    On a couch in the luxurious condo in Connecticut outside the city, a lone female figure sat huddled and sobbing.  "Nothing's changed… he still hits me when he's mad.  I know that he has all the pressure of the world on him… not only the scientific work that he does but also the 'other' problem.  I cannot help it but I cannot continue to live like this with the constant beatings.. There doesn't seem to be anything that I can do.  I'm trapped."

    This would seem to be another typical scene of domestic abuse in America.  It would certainly be typical except for one factor.  The woman in question is Elizabeth Ross Banner.  For Betty Banner is the wife of Robert Bruce Banner, the man who has a curse is that unlike any on the planet.  A freak accident on a New Mexico desert site forever changed him into that 7 foot, 1000-pound engine of destruction, the Incredible Hulk.

    Betty was visibly shaking from the last encounter when she suddenly hears a noise from outside the door.  The rattles of keys in the lock are a prelude to the return of her husband and for Betty more abuse, physical and otherwise.

    "God, what a terrible day!  Those government toads are always demanding more and more.  It's a wonder that I even put up with their crap!  I've got a headache that just kills."

    Enter Doctor Banner, a slight man of average height.  One would not think that he could be capable of violence of any manner just by a casual glance.  Yet, as always, appearances can be deceiving.

    "Get me something to drink, Betty!  Now!  I feel like my head is going to burst!", Bruce raises his voice significantly.

    Betty glances over to him but does not move at all.  Ever since the government had started being involved with her husband, the problems have been getting worse and worse between them.


    Bruce noticing that Betty has not made an attempt at fulfilling his request moves over to her and grabs her by the wrist.  Betty is shaking in fear but garners enough courage to push him back into the wall of the condo.  Bruce stumbles down and crashes into a lamp on an end table.

    "That does it", he snaps at her.  Betty was really scared now.  She backs around the couch as she watches her husband undergo the metamorphosis that she has seen so many times before.  Bruce Banner, whose blood is tainted with gamma radiation from the accident so many years ago, starts to grow and his clothing rips to shreds.  Standing in his place is the creature known as the Hulk.

    "Betty, I do believe you owe me that drink, NOW!", he growls at her.  The Hulk casually grabs the couch with one hand and flings it against the wall leaving Betty defenseless.  Betty is frozen in fear as the man-monster grabs her and then backhands her across the face sending her literally flying into the other room.  A loud crash and crack are heard as Betty slumps like a rag doll to the floor.

    "Betty!!", the Hulk says as the realization of what he has done dawns on him.  Even as he moves towards her, each step brings about the reversal of the transformation from monster to man….  or was it the opposite?  Bruce sometimes wondered about that during his more calm moments.

    His father beat his mother constantly when he was growing up.  His drinking problem was partially to blame.  The rest of it was just the way his father was.  It seems that I have inherited by father's problem", Bruce thought to himself.

    Bruce cradled Betty.  She was unconscious and may have some broken bones, although he wasn't entirely sure about that.  Despite that, he carefully carried her to the bedroom and laid her gently on it.  Her short brown hair was partially covering her face.  Betty was a short woman but she did have a very nice body.  Her demeanor was one of the things that attracted Bruce to her and here he was taking out his frustration and anger on her.  Bruce felt like his life was going down an endless vortex with no escape.  He quietly left the room and straightened out the couch and rested on it.

    It was early evening when Betty's eyelids finally fluttered open.  She felt like she was hit by a truck.  It was all right.  It was a great big green truck.  Betty sat up on the couch.  She winced in pain as her jaw and lower back were hurting badly.  "Well, I'm still alive.", she thought to herself as she entered the living room.

    Bruce saw that his wife was up and quickly moved to her.  "Betty, I'm really sorry.  I don't now what came over me."

    Betty did not say a word to him as she brushed his hand off of her arm.  Bruce could only stand there and watch as his wife exited through the front door and let the door close silently.


    Betty wandered through the streets lost in her thoughts when she suddenly realized that she was in front of the Connecticut branch of the Cybernetic Biokinetic Institute.  She realized that this was the place where her friend, Dr. Shannon Westbrook, worked.  She had not seen Shannon in a long time and decided that maybe she could help with some words of wisdom as she had often had during their time together in high school.

    The place looked empty save for a light on in the front.  Betty was surprised that the door was open so she entered the Institute.  She was not, however, surprised that her friend was working in the lab.  Shannon had a tendency to be a real workaholic and would never quit on a project until it was completed.

    "Well, well.  Look who still hasn't learned what the meaning of the word, break, is.", Betty said as she startled Shannon out of her intense concentration on some gadget.

    "Betty Ross!  What are you doing here in town?"

    "It's Banner now.  I married the famous Dr. Bruce Banner."

    "Let me get a good look at you, Betty.  Oh my God!  What happened to you?  You look like someone drove a truck over you!"

    "Well, if it were only that simple.", Betty sighed.

    Betty then broke down and went into a detailed explanation of her life and times with Bruce, the good and the bad.  Shannon got her some coffee and comforted her friend all the while thinking of a possible solution for Betty to end the cycle of madness that she was stuck in.

    "Betty, I may have an answer for your problem.  Mind you, I haven't tested this on a human as of yet but there's no time like the present.", Shannon explained as she showed Betty her latest pet project.

    "What the..?  I recognize this device, Shannon.  I saw it a few years ago when the Hulk and I visited the area during one of his cross-country stops.  I accidentally shocked Spider-Man with it but I never knew what it was or what happened to it after I left it in the cabin with some dead guy."

    "Well, that certainly fills in the gaps of what happened that night.  Betty, this is a Biokinetic Energy Absorber.  The original design was created by Ricardo Jones.  When he and the device disappeared mysteriously, his brother, Armand, recreated it and apparently tried to use it on the Hulk but he was killed.  It would also explain the strange Spider-Hulk that was reported that evening.  Spider-Man must have cured himself and accidentally destroyed the device.  The notes came into my hands since I was an associate of Dr. Jones and the pieces of the Absorber came to my lab," explained Shannon.

    "But what does this device do?"

    "It is a bio-energy transference device which takes the bio-energy of a subject and stores it where theoretically the energy can be transferred to another subject.  There is a switch which either take or receive bio-energy and stored within this unit," replied Shannon.  The device itself was very strange looking indeed.  It looked liked a strange ornament about the size of an Aztec cookie jar but was only a couple of inches thin.  It had two horn-like protrusions coming out of the top which Shannon explained is where the subject is touched at the time of transference.  "Betty, I believe this device will give you the power to turn the tables on your husband and teach him a lesson which he will not soon forget.

    Shannon then explained her plan to Betty for much of the rest of the day and into the night.


    It was late in the evening when Betty finally returned to the condo.  It seemed that Bruce went into a mini-frenzy while she was away as was fairly evident by the furniture that had been smashed and turned over.  Betty saw Bruce on the couch or rather the Hulk.  It was obvious that he had been drinking vast quantities of liquor and was in his green alter ego to handle the consumption.  However, it seemed that even the Hulk had reached his limit and was out cold.  The sofa could hardly contain his great form and it had collapsed on the floor from his great weight.

    Betty signaled to Shannon that the coast was clear and they both entered the room where the sleeping giant lay.  Shannon signaled for Betty to turn on the absorber.  The device was silent as the lights flickered on its facing.  Betty quietly approached the Hulk and placed the two horned projections between his head just as Shannon had instructed her to do.  There was a slight jolt as the horns glowed white and the Hulk's body was bathed in that same glow.  According to what Betty saw the previous time that this happened, only a portion of the Hulk's bio-energy was siphoned into the device the first time with Dr. Jones operating it.  She remembered that Bruce woke up from that initial try and assaulted Dr. Jones before he realized what was going on.  With Bruce sleeping as the Hulk while in an alcoholic state there was a very good chance that he would not awaken from the bio-energy transfer.  In what seemed to be an eternity, the Hulk starting reverting back to his normal human stature of Bruce Banner.  The bio-energy transference appeared to be working and the Incredible Hulk's entire bio-energy was siphoning into the device.  Dr. Westbrook's eyes lit up as she saw the gauge measuring the energy levels exceeded even her own expectations.

    Dr. Banner moaned slightly and he turned a little to his side but he remained completely unaware of what was transpiring.  Betty turned off the device and both women left the condo to continue the experiment away from Dr. Banner.

    Upon returning to her lab, Shannon then explained to Betty how to transfer the energy from the absorber into her own body.  Betty turned the switch and then put her arm between the horns of the device.  There was a slight shake and Betty was jolted back slightly as the energy flowed into her body.  Meanwhile Shannon was over by her desk taking notes of the entire proceedings and was recording everything for posterity.

    After a couple of minutes, the transfer was over.  However, Betty was still in her usual small form that was lovely but not what she expected.  "I do not understand.  Did everything work like it was suppose to?" asked Betty.

    "Everything went according to how it was suppose… what a minute!  Dr. Banner was sleeping plus does he not have the power to cause the change at will?" explained Shannon.

    "Of course he can…. oooh… I see what you mean.  Stand back and let me give it a try!", Betty smiled.

    Betty concentrated as she had seen Bruce do so many times before.  Suddenly she could feel the change starting to occur.  Betty smiled as she felt herself growing many times larger than she was before.  Her arms and legs started to accumulate muscle at a rapid pace.  Her shirt sleeves started to shred apart from the sheer mass of her limbs.  Her feet literally tore through her shoes like a knife through butter leaving them completely useless.  She could feel an increase in her height also.  Easily surpassing six feet in a matter of seconds, Betty could feel lats spreading like eagle wings as layers of muscle were added from the stolen bio-energy.  Her stomach had several ridges in it as it hardened beyond belief yet retained a gorgeous thinness compared to the rest of her growing body.  The shirt she had worn now resembled more of a makeshift halter top then a full-sized shirt that it had been before as her chest expanded to ridiculous proportions.  Giant globes of flesh formed on top of her chest causing the shirt to strain until it was almost skin-tight.  Her pants had long been shredded by her huge quads and they now looked more like shorts that Daisy Duke would've worn.

    Betty continued to grow.  Larger and large she grew.  The feeling was intoxicating as she felt more power than she could ever imagine being pumped into her body.  This was far more power than she received when she became the Harpy those many years ago.  "This is such an incredible feeling!  This is exhilarating!  I feel like I could crush anything if I felt like it!" Betty was yelling to no one in particular.

    Finally, Betty had stopped growing.  In her place stood 7 feet, 1000 pounds of the most incredible female beef ever seen on the planet.  Betty's hair had grown down to her waist and had turned green from the mousy brown that it had been before.  In fact, her entire skin tone had turned green along with her eyes.  Betty flexed her arms, which exposed biceps that were easily twice the size of the largest male bodybuilder in the world.  She loved the way the muscles in her arms bunched and gathered as if it had a life of its own.  She went into a lat spread and her (now) halter-top could barely stay on.  Betty had the largest grin on her face.  "Now it's time to see what I can do!"

    "Not yet," replied Shannon.  "Now it is time for you to wear an outfit with unstable molecules so that it will expand on contract with your changes so you won't be running around naked."  Betty chuckled at that.  Who could stop her from doing what she wanted from now on?  She decided to put on what appeared to be a latex outfit that revealed every bump and line in her musculature.

    Now was the time to see what she could do with her great strength before enacting her revenge on Bruce.


    There are millions of people in the Big Apple.  For some, crime is a way of life.  They steal, sell drugs, and embezzle while others just create mayhem and mass destruction for the sake of it.  The Rhino fits into the latter category.  Ever since he acquired his powers of brute strength and wearing that familiar grey humanoid rhinoceros suit with the large horn on the forehead, the Rhino has always sought respect.  Tonight, he is trashing a local liquor store to see what kind of heroes he can bring out into the open and challenge, all for the sake of self-respect.

    Tonight he will pick on the wrong person.

    Betty and Shannon decided to take the good doctor's car and head into the baddest neighborhood of New York City.  There, they decided, is where they can find some place to test Betty's new strength.  In order to fit into the car, Betty had to transform back into her former self, much to her chagrin.

    As they head down a side street, a brick wall suddenly flies out into the street.  Shannon steps on the brakes and sees that the entire wall of the building demolished.  It was not done by a what but by a who.  Shannon recognized the Rhino from various news stories.  Reading about him and seeing him up close was something completely different.  He was massive.  He stood upwards of 6 1/2 feet according to her estimation.  Seeing his face wrinkled that way indicated that he was spoiling for a fight.

    "Now's your chance, girlfriend, and you'd better hurry before this guy pastes us!", Shannon shouted to Betty.

    "I'm already on it.  I finally get a chance to test this new power", stated Betty.

    Betty stepped out of the car and approached the Rhino.  "So, you're looking for a little action, are you?"

    The Rhino starts to look around as if somebody else might be hiding in the shadows.  "You talking to me, sister?  Cuz if ya are… I'm yer man.  I can kill a few minutes with yas, then mop up any hero types that might show up."

    Betty started laughing at him upon hearing that.  The Rhino didn't really care too much for that and grabbed her and ripped her trench coat off her.  "I see that ya a little costume on just fer me…. now pleasure me!"

    "Oh, I will…. but not the way you want…." and with that, Betty started to transform into the gamma-strength behemoth that was her new alter-ego.

    "What the..?"

    The Rhino noticed that the small brunette was getting noticeably larger.  Not only larger but she was getting more muscular as her arms and legs were gathering more and more strength.  The costume that Betty wore was made of unstable molecules that would more than adjust to her increase in size and shape.  The Rhino saw that she was turning into a giant kelly green giantess.  Her height was surpassing that of his and her muscles were at least as large as his own.  In fact, her muscles were moving around as they were gaining more and more size.  Finally, her growth stopped and the Rhino could do nothing more but show that his mouth was wide open in shock.  Betty knocked his hands away from her costume with a swat and then proceeded to punch him in the mouth with a backhand swipe.  What Betty thought was a love tap actually struck the Rhino with such force that he flew backwards several feet into a brick wall.  Bricks were lying all over as he must have gone five feet into the building itself.

    "Oh, this is going to be fun!", said Betty with a grin.

    "Fun?  Sister, who the heck are ya, anyway?"

    "Me?  Why…. I'm the… Gammazon!!", stated Betty after a few seconds of thought.  She figured that since she now had the gamma-based strength of an Amazon she may as well have that kind of name.

    "Gammazon??  Sheesh…. what are ya, the sister of the Hulk?"  With that, the Rhino got up and charged Betty the same as his namesake.  With an incredible force, the Rhino caught Betty unprepared and drove her backwards into another building.  The entire side of the building collapsed upon her as the Rhino brushed his hands off.

    "That'll teach ya a lesson, ya dumb skirt!"

    Suddenly, the bricks start falling away as the hulking seven-foot Gammazon rose majestically above the Rhino.  Incredibly, it appears that Betty had gotten even more muscular than before.  Veins were etched throughout her body as she became more vascular than anyone alive.  Shannon was simply awestruck!  She thought to herself that it appeared that Betty had acquired the Hulk's own mantra that the madder that the Hulk got, the stronger the Hulk got.

    "Now you’ve gotten me ANGRY!  I’m FAR stronger than the Hulk!  I’m BETTER than he is!!  I'm the GAMMAZON!"

    Betty charged the Rhino knocking him on his back.  Raising her arms into a double-biceps pose that would've made grown men weep, Betty lowered them quickly into the Rhino's torso smashing him into the pavement.  Betty continued her assault upon him relentlessly pounding him into the street until finally the ground gave way and the Rhino fell into the sewage system below.

    Shannon started taking some notes.  It appears that the gamma power itself is actually creating another personality within Betty similar to that of Dr. Banner himself.  It will be a very long time before the Rhino thinks about even harming a fly, she thought.

    She turned her eyes to Betty whose heart rate must have been beating like a locomotive.  Sweat appeared all over her body and her muscles were gleaming from it.  Betty grabbed some cars that were nearby and started compressing them into little cubes.  "See this everyone?  This is what will happen if anyone dares challenge the Gammazon!!", she yelled to anyone who would dare listen.

    "Well, Betty, I think you've passed the first test and it is time to confront your husband.", stated Shannon.  As she watched Betty return to her human form, Shannon felt an inkling of fear, not only for Dr. Banner, but for anyone who would dare cross Betty.  "My God, I think I've created a monster," she thought.


    The sun was just beginning to set at the condo that Bruce Banner had rented for the weekend.  Bruce looked at the clock in the bedroom and realized that Betty had been gone for more than a few hours.  He looked at himself in the mirror and realized that he was on a collision course for disaster.  Disaster in the sense that his father had preceded Bruce on the downward spiral that lead to his own death.  Bruce looked in the mirror and saw not his own reflection but that of his father, the wife beater.  The man who threatened his own son with violence.  The man whose son could never accomplish the things that he wanted him to do.  Bruce buried his face in his hands.  "My God, Betty.  I'm so sorry.  I'm so sorry."  With that, Bruce went to the liquor cabinet and poured himself some Scotch and laid down on the bed.

    Time passed when the doorknob turned very slowly.  Outside the door, a couple of women were giggling to each other.

    "This costume you whipped up works great, Shannon.  It stretches when it needs to and shrinks back to its original shape when I do."

    "Well, that's the beauty of unstable molecules, Betty.  It's skintight no matter how large or small the skin is."  Shannon wanted to keep an eye on Betty after the incident with the Rhino.  In case anything got out of hand, she wanted to be able to recapture the bio-energy of the Hulk.  There would be no murders on her hands, not if she could help it!

    The two women entered the condo and slowly shut the door.  All was deathly still in the complex.  There was no sign of Bruce in the immediate area.  Some of the furniture was left the way it was when Betty left some time ago.  A couple of the tables had been picked up but the entire place looked very disheveled.

    "Bruce!  Oh, Brucie!  Where are you?" Betty stated in a very condescending manner.  She seemed almost too confident to Shannon.  But then who wouldn't be if you had the power of the Hulk running through your veins?

    Finally, Betty stepped into the bedroom and saw Bruce lying on the bed with the bottle of Scotch in his arms.  "So here you are, drunk again you worthless bum!"

    "Wha… huh?  Betty?" Bruce finally awoke from his stupor.  After regaining his composure, he sat up from the bed and approached Betty.  "Betty, you've returned!  I was so worried about you!  I'm so sorry for everything that has happened."

    "So now you're sorry!  Ha!  Well, I think that it's too late for that!  It's time for a little retribution, doctor."  Betty shoved Bruce onto the floor very harshly causing him to land on his posterior.

    "Now what was the meaning of that?"  Bruce's tone changed dramatically into that of a person who is used to having control all of the time.  "I demand an explanation for your actions and I want it now!  In fact, I do believe that I've finished my bottle of Scotch and I would like another.  Go get me another bottle NOW!"  Bruce was being very forceful to Betty grabbing her on the wrist.

    "You are so pathetic, Bruce.  You think that everything can be settled by using force.  Well, it didn't work for my father.  It didn't work for my ex-husband, Glenn, and it will certainly NOT work for you either!  I've taken all that I can from you and I will not take any more!"  With that, Betty shoved Bruce away from her once more.

    "Oh, you're really asking for it, Betty.  You want trouble?  I'll give you trouble!"

    Betty looked at his face seeing the anger rising and she stated as-matter-of-fact as she could, "Go for it."

    "Remember this, Betty!  I did not start this argument and what you're going to receive from me will be all your fault!  You'll be getting what you deserve from me!"

    Betty started chuckling.  "I've already got what I deserve from you!"

    Bruce ignored her last remark thinking that it was another barb at him.  Bruce concentrated and tried to start the reaction in his body that transforms himself into the world's mightiest mortal.  At first, nothing happened at all.  The smile on Betty's face could not be any larger than it was at that moment.  Shannon was off in the background taking all this in with a portable video camera that was the size of the palm of her hand.  Then suddenly, Bruce started changing.  Slowly but surely, Bruce started gaining size and the hue of green around his skin.  He slowly started gaining size.  Betty had a very shocked look on her face!  She thought that she had taken all of his power but evidently she had not.  Here was her husband turning into the Hulk and she was going to be in for the beating of her life.  The shock paralyzed her and she completely forgot about changing herself.

    When Bruce’s transformation reached that of a middleweight male bodybuilder, his growth suddenly stopped!  Bruce started looking around confused but thinking that he was going to grow even more, he approached Betty and grabbed her hand crunching some bones in her hand.  He then backhanded her which drove her back into the wall.  Blood was coming out of her nose and mouth from the force of the blow.

    The blow snapped Betty out of her stupor and made her angry.  "You think that having big guns is the solution to all of your problems, don't you?"  Betty concentrated and started her own transformation as Bruce stared at her.  Her angry had actually accelerated her growth as muscle and sinew piled upon her slight frame.  Her height started increasing and a tint of green began appearing on her own skin.  Her growth did not stop whereas Bruce's had discontinued.  Taller and taller she grew as her arms explained to such a huge size that it was twice the size of the largest bodybuilder.  Her legs gained mass as her lats flared outward at an alarming rate.  The ridges in her muscles looked as though they were carved out of granite.  The veins in her entire body started rising to the surface showing incredible vascularity.  Finally, her transformation ceased.

    Betty approached Bruce looking down at his "puny" body.  "When things got tough you kept hitting things making them go boom.  Well, what happens when you run into something that goes boom a lot louder, huh?  Betty balled up her fist and let loose a haymaker that caught Bruce square in the face sending him flying through the back wall of the condo.  Betty looked through the large-sized hole in the wall and saw that Bruce was sitting back up.  The hole in the wall was large but not large enough to contain Betty's immense bulk.  She went through the wall creating a much larger hole.

    Bruce charged at Betty and tried to ram her but it was like running into a mountain.  This mountain, however, was made of flesh, stone-like flesh that did not give on impact.  Betty grabbed Bruce's shoulders and pushed him downward into the earth up to his knees.  "Now for some warm-up, Bruce."  Betty started using Bruce as a modified human punching bag relentlessly pounding his face back and watching as he sprang back up to her waiting fist of her other hand.  "I'm just using a fraction of my power or should I say your old power!"  Betty caught Bruce with an uppercut just under the chin and sent him flying into the neighbor's lawn.  "Do you know what it's liked to be abused, Bruce?  I don't think so!  It is not fun!  It's not what a husband should do to his wife!  Well, husband, you're going to learn first-hand what it is like to be abused!" Betty shouted to Bruce even as green tears were forming under her eyes.

    Bruce was beginning to fear for his life as he tried once more to attack.  He grabbed a nearby pole, ripping it out of the ground and swung it at Betty catching her square in the face!  Betty was temporarily blinded as the pole was wrapped around her eyes.  That was quickly remedied as she tore the pole away as though it were tissue paper.  Betty leaped over Bruce causing him to turn around.  It was not quick enough as the jade giantess grabbed Bruce's head and stuck it between her enormous thighs.  Betty started to squeeze very tightly.  There was a slight cracking of the skull much akin to that of a walnut being opened.  Betty was feeling very exhilarated as she started shouting.  "Now you know the full power of the Gammazon!  Now is the time that the Gammazon delivers her FINAL judgment!"

    Shannon had crept through the hole from where she was filming.  This was going much too far!  Betty was out of control and if she killed Bruce then who knows how many people will suffer from the resulting rampage when she realizes what she has done?

    Betty released Bruce from between her legs and held his neck in her very large left hand.  "Say goodnight, Brucie!"  Betty pulled Bruce towards her by the neck at the same time that she was swinging her right fist towards Bruce's head! "Wham!  Ow!  That has GOT to hurt!"  Betty was laughing as she delivered that last line.  Bruce fell like a ton of bricks completely oblivious to anything.  Bruce looked like a rag doll lying on the ground as though all of his bones had been broken.  Blood was coming out of various parts of his body and there was no sign of breathing.  Even his color faded to his normal color of flesh tone as he lay there.

    "Betty!  Noooooo!", shouted Shannon.  She quickly slid up to Bruce and checked him for any kind of sign that would tell her that he was still alive.  She finally detected a slight heartbeat and very shallow breathing coming from his mouth.

    Her pain and anguish finally subsiding, Betty reverted back to her normal self.  There was a look of sudden realization on her face as she quickly joined Shannon next to her husband.  "Oh no!  What have I done?  Have I let my own anger get the better part of me?  I was so blinded by my hate that I never thought about the consequences of my own actions.  By doing so, I'm no better than Bruce was.  In fact, I've become Bruce by my actions!"  Betty finally broke down in tears and put her face in her hands.

    "Betty….?"  Bruce Banner finally opened one eye and looked up at his wife speaking very softly and very weak.

    "Bruce!  Thank heaven you're all right!  Oh, Bruce, can you ever forgive me?  This power is a curse to whoever wields it.  I think I have a much better understanding of what you've gone through with this power."

    "Betty, we can work through this together.  We'll find a way… but… ::cough::… I think that I need to get to a hospital first."

    Betty transforms once more into the Gammazon and scoops Bruce up in her arms cuddling him.  Shannon winced as she knew that that was probably not too wise as Bruce had broken bones.  The remaining gamma radiation in his body would probably help in the healing process she reasoned.

    Betty leaped into the air using her great legs to propel her to the nearest hospital.  Shannon stood and watched her go.  She was admiring her rippling muscles cover the ground in one mile increments.  Shannon continued taking notes of the incident.  "Well, it seems that both of them have finally come to an understanding, painful that it was", she thought to herself.  She figured that both of them will probably seek professional consoling to iron out the remaining differences.  "I guess I will be needed to remove the gamma radiation from both of them but then what?  Who will receive the bio-energy that will be collected in the device?  Will it work on all types of bio-energy in any kind of being?" Shannon mused as she walked back to her car all the while wondering if she could make a hand-held model of her bio-energy absorber.

    THE END?


    An interesting tale, dear Zespare.

    It reminds I of a What If. . .? comic in which Bruce Banner was actually a violent, angry and abusive man (such in the fashion of the Hulk) and the alterego created by the Gamma accident is actually a peaceful, gentle creature who wishes to make ammends for all of Banner's misdeeds but, due to the extreme radiantion it is in possession of, it cannot go near people and is view as a monster -where as the real monster is the human Banner.
    That is what I's do remember of the comic but, since I's read so few of them and paid little mind to it, I's may be most wrong.

    But, still, a fair work with a fair twist unpon the known and constructed Marvel universe.

    Thank you for posting it.

    The Pimp NeonBlack


    I remember this one. I enjoyed it.

    Matthew Lim

    Nice story Zespara.  😀

    I have to comment on the wonderful descriptions of the growth portions.

    Zespara Alathar

    Thanks, all.  Maniac, all of my descriptions in the story were a tip of the hat to many who came before me.  I tried to include narration for all parts of the anatomy because everybody likes different things.  🙂

    I left the ending with sort of open-ended feeling and one person actually tried writing a follow-up to it.  Eddie Delaney, Jr (of Female Juggernaut, Screw-Up and many other tales) actually wrote a sequel that was probably around 2/3 the length of mine but it wasn't finished nor was it "published".  I used to have it on my old HD but it's messed up and I'd probably have to do emergency surgery to obtain it.  Eddie himself doesn't have it any more due to the same problems.  I haven't talked to him in a while but I'm always hoping that he still has it somewhere.  😛



    good story.


    I also recalling reading this story a long time ago. I'm just glad that this time I can properly thank at the author for his great work. Thank you Zespara for this terrific story.

    I must say that I love this kind of stories when a woman thinks that she is doing the right thing and ends becoming the same thing she hates. Then, she realized her mistake and she is very sorry for that.

    I wish you good luck recovering that uncompleted sequel. I bet many people will like to see what Sharon can do with a hand-held model.


    Zespara Alathar

    Let's just say that Eddie has Sharon and a friend of hers siphoning off the powers of many super villains that had muscles and strength.  They reason that they would do better with the powers than the criminals.  Meanwhile, Betty is seeing a shrink trying to straighten herself out mentally.  Eddie had it written right up to the point of the FMG but no more.  :'(



    Oh my… 😮

    I certainly hope that piece can be recovered.

    I wish you the best.



    Excellent story. Ac ontinuation would be great.

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