Don’t Get Too Excited – Nothing New

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  • #29934

    Hi all.

    It occurs to me that I've not actually really uploaded any of my images to this site, and dagnabit, I should've by now. If only as a thank you to Lingster for being such a gracious host.

    So, I'm uploading a handful of pics, and maybe more as time goes by. Sadly, most of you will have already seen most of these pics, but maybe some of you haven't and you can enjoy it. Also, I'll include an "artist's commentary" saying whatever nonsense pops into my head. Click the thumbnail for the full-sized pic.

    … because I overdid the bicep. I haven't actually made the bicep fit actual physical anatomy. Her shoulder muscles should overtake the bicep and draw it more into her body, something that harsh black line prevents. So a bit of a mistake.

    Also, I admit, there's no way her hand can reach her forearm, like it does.

    Despite that, it's a funny picture and was intended for Fettcom, namely for the "Threads" section. Wreck Shop wanted to post all the original threads, including the thread I debuted on, on Fettcom for archival purposes. So, the title and the entire theme of the pic is a pun on the word "Threads". I'm a funny man.

    Also, the icon on the t-shirt is called "Grimace" and was an avatar option on Wreck Shop's forum and belonged to two posters I have a particular fondness for – Blargolis who seemed to love me, and jnw550, aka "Stoneyman" and "Mr Stone", who was an unbelievably nice and reasonable man, with whom I had many discussions with. Originally, I planned on putting CDR's avatar on the t-shirt since he'd been so after me to draw a picture of a woman's muscles bursting out of their clothes, but I decided to honour two posters instead of one, not because I liked them more than other posters, but simply because of the efficiency of being able to honour as many supports as possible.

    Not only that, but that emoticon's face, I think, is incredibly appropriate to the theme of the pic.

    Okay, okay. Ness asks me to tell you she wasn't happy with the t-shirt, nor my taking of the pic. She was particularly peeved about the whole thing. And who had to call up the people and demand their money back? Me. Not Ness. Me. She couldn't be bothered to "go through all that crap", so muggins here had to do it. She wasn't allowed a refund, and so she just cut the sleeves off and wears it when she works out, which makes the Grimace emoticon even more appropriate as it now resembles the wearer. (Incidentally, don't tell her I said that.)


    Whatdoyoumean, don't get excited.
    Great work!


    I'm a newbie, just got access to this forum and this is my first post. I haven't seen these pics before, so I'm glad you shared them. Thank you!

    I particularly like your manga style, and the FHM cover is really funny. Threads is also funny, and your characters are HAWT!


    Yawn. Been there seen that.  😛

    Great to see your showin these newbies some stuff. Aki still gets to be my wallpaper now and then.


    Ah, Ness is still as much of a pulse-poundingly musclebound sweetheart as the day she was drawn. 😉  Not saying I don't still appreciate Aki and Idal as much as ever either.


    Heh, actually I'm not really a noob.  Yet, this is still the first time I've seen any of those pics.  Awesome pics, and thanks for the artist commentary :p, now I won't need to pick up the DVD.


    Hey Fett can I do a mag cover too?

    I don't want any misunderstanding and having people saying I ripped you off when that's exactly what I am asking to do.

    It's like the principle of the matter, it's princibality.


    The two firsts one I see for the first time..
    Excellent !!!
    thanx for sharing.


    Gee I miss seeing "Carlie". (nod to Fett)

    Now if we could get you inspired to do new stuff. (Like I'm one to talk  :roll:)

    My Deviant Art Page (old stuff):

    My Booru Gallery (new stuff):



    Fett, wuold you marry me? 😀

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