Dread-Girl Sculpture

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  • #55567

    Alternate title "How to spend your tax return"

    After Tigersan's post about his sculpture that he was making, I have been wanting to try it myself.  I got my tax return a few days ago, so, I bought what I needed to get started, here is what I have so far.  Mind you, this is about 10 hours of work over the last two days.


    Alternate title "How to spend your tax return"

    After Tigersan's post about his sculpture that he was making, I have been wanting to try it myself.  I got my tax return a few days ago, so, I bought what I needed to get started, here is what I have so far.  Mind you, this is about 10 hours of work over the last two days.

    Or, if you're me, about 10 YEARS work.  Lookin' good, AD!  Is there a story behind this girl?


    Very neat!  It is interesting to see one of your distinctive gals in 3D.  Very impressive arms, legs and bust on this gal!
    I think it's cool that you and Tigersan are both creating sculptures that are so stylistically similar to your drawings and renderings. 
    I look forward to seeing the finished work!


    That is really cool. The character design is really interesting and I especially like the muscle detail in the back.

    Can you please tell me what type of Sculpey you are using? All we have in Australia is that flesh colored, bubble gum crap!


    sweet 😀




    great talent!! 😮


    Well, I finished it, I had a little fun with taking the photos of it, used a unfinished painting of mine as an backdrop.

    First set is more of trying to make a somewhat interesting set up with the painting and sculpture:


    What, you finished it already? You are a machine! That is an excellent first sculpture. Well done.

    I read on the Shredia Sculpture thread that you used SuperSculpey Firm and it was very hard. I've read that some people blend about 30% of normal Supersculpy with SuperSculpey Firm to make it a bit softer.


    Beautiful!  I especially like the views from 3/4 behind, like this one:

    She's just really cool looking with her extreme changes in body thickness- the waist to the bust change is just incredible, to name one. 😮

    Just beautiful.  I'll stop gushing, sorry!  😛

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