Dyna Meets M15+4 H4X0R!!!11oneone

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  • #4258
    David C. Matthews

    Well worth the wait, JD! It'll be fun drawing it.

    BTW, as you can tell, I was able to move this topic to Fan Fiction. I tried to restore the missing text from Chapter 1 with my own backup version, but ran into the same problem you did. Makes me wonder if a limit on message length was instituted since that chapter was first posted.

    UPDATE: Well, it's not a message-length limit; I tried posting just the missing part of the text (and the few lines preceding it – only about 13 or so lines of text) in its own message… and the text got cut off again at exactly that same spot! I hereby declare myself officially mystified.


    Thanks for the efforts anyway, D.C.  I got the compleat, edited, shined up version back at my deviantArt site.

    And thank you much more for the permission, encouragement, advice, good tips… and for Dyna.  😀

    To borrow a fellow Amaz0id's quote, your pictures are the ones that inspire a thousand words.

    I'm trying to gear up for M15+4 H4X0R's return.  And the wheels in my noggin are a-turnin' with more adventures for Dyna, with your OK. 🙂

    So many ideas, not enough time. ^_^;;;


    really awesome story

    David C. Matthews

    And the wheels in my noggin are a-turnin' with more adventures for Dyna, with your OK. 🙂

    My OK? I'm close to naming you "official chronicler of the adventures of Dyna"! I'd love to see what you can do with Mezaros, the malevolent Mage-Master of lost Atlantis! (hint hint!)


    Great stuff, JimmyDimples! Two Dyna-mite thumbs up.  😆


    OK, I decided to make an author's decision, and I decided to make this story happen BEFORE Deena/Dyna reveals her secret ID to her beau Scott.  And I tweaked and edited the chapters appropriately.  No major shifts in the time-space continuum, but I thought youse guys would want to know.

    STILL won't add the missing bit on the tail end of chapter 1, though.  YOU figure it out.  😕


    I found out what was going wrong:  When I double-checked to see how beautiful this story looked in the Stories section… I noticed a big gash of it was missing between Chapter 1 and 2 with Mista Haxor's leet taunts.  I'd used a vertical broken bar and a greater-than sign  to make a leet K.  And I also used a broken bar and less-than sign for a leet D

    I guess the system here interpreted the stuff between the signs as HTML code and kept it out of the text.

    Sometimes you can be too 1337 for your own good… ^_^;;;;

    Jon Saul

    |00 l33t? Say it ain't so?  😛

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