EJ Morges ( Wreck Shop / Rough House / Press Oblivion )

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  • #80887

    It looks like it draws much more attention if Elee opens a topic, even if I tried the same (a topic about him) a week ago…

    If you'll recall, I posted to that topic (Wreckshop?) and mentioned I'd do a write-up:

    I contacted EJ (aka Wreck Shop) a few months ago because I had the same questions you did.  I was going to write up a more detailed post, but forgot about it for some reason.  This topic has reminded me of it, and I'll put something together. 

    I could have just posted all the info into that topic, but chose not to because of EJ's preference on the spelling of Wreck Shop.  It's not an attempt to hijack your thread, just an attempt to address him correctly.  Thanks for reminding me of EJ.


    I wasn't complaining. Just strange.

    And another strange thing: Why aren't others are posting?


    I'm not posting because I agreed to Ed's restrictions on broadcasting the artwork he did for me. Sorry.


    EJ just posted this comment to the journal entry on DeviantART:

    Thanks for the write up and to everyone for the comments.:)

    The Wreck Shop era was an interesting one and for me there was a lot of confusion. I'm still confused about a lot of things and I still haven't followed any of my dreams after that period, an ambition that I thought that I would be free to follow after relinquishing the notion of Wreck Shop but my problems with drawing as a whole became the nexus of my failure, not the Genre that I chose to follow.

    Thanks for the write up, which I feel honors the material I contributed to over the years, in a positive light. I've only ever wanted positive things from the work that I did.

    Thanks again.

    "Ambition is the last refuge of the failure."
    Oscar Wilde


    Wreckshop is one of my favorite FMG/Female Muscle Artists ever in my opinion.  I would have loved to see the man's artwork in mainstream comic books.

    Sure I would have liked to have seen She Hulk comics drawn by him.  But I also think he could draw male super heroes as well.

    Hopefully the man will get a break someday, because in my opinion he is very talented.

    Zespara Alathar

    Okay, I found the sketch drawing in my garage that Mr. Morges did way back and since there is no logo on it I am posting it here.

    This is a post-transformation drawing of a very muscular Mary Marvel.  You'll have to excuse the slight discoloration on the pic as some water dripped on the paper.

    I thought that this was one fantastic piece of artwork but Ed didn't think that it was that good.  I guess we'll see what the masses will say.

    This link is clearly NSFW.

    Mary Marvel Wreck Style – NSFW!!



    A recent EJ piece:


    New to his Devart page:


    😮 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮
    Do my eyes deceive me?

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