Elena Oana Hreapca (Romania)

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  • #33262

    Facially and structurally, she's long reminded me of another well-known FBBr – who incidental, also shares the same first name, Elena Seiple.  ;D  8)

    They could play close cousins, or even sisters, in a movie . . . is Awefilms listening?  ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Strange then, that I'm not a huge Elena Seiple fan… ::) …then again, I always was strange (anyone for iced Swonnicles?) ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ??? ;D ::)


    They could play close cousins, or even sisters, in a movie . . . is Awefilms listening?  ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Sorry, they couldn't hear you because my head just exploded.


    Sorry, they couldn't hear you because my head just exploded.

    You've really got to watch out for that sort of thing, you know.  ๐Ÿ˜‰  8)

    โ€œI like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.โ€
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    His head exploded and my swonnicles did the same – Elena is obviously human TNT. ;D


    I still find Hreapca far, far, far superior to Seiple now.  She's lost a lot of appeal with, um… changes… to her face/voice.  I'm praying the Romanian TNT doesn't go the same way because she is one of the very best in my eyes as is right now.

    Not that I'm some authority, but nearly every picture I see of her puts my brain at critical mass.


    I still find Hreapca far, far, far superior to Seiple now.  She's lost a lot of appeal with, um… changes… to her face/voice.  I'm praying the Romanian TNT doesn't go the same way because she is one of the very best in my eyes as is right now.

    From what I've heard, she intends to steer clear of heavy drugs, if that's what you mean.

    Not that I'm some authority, but nearly every picture I see of her puts my brain at critical mass.

    LOL – same here!


    That was exactly what i meant.  I think she's evolved past the need for them!


    OK guys, for my 1800th post, I'd like to announce that I'm hoping to get permission from Marc Lobdell, who runs Elena's Yahoo! Group (and her YT channel) to publish herein photos from a couple of recent videos of hers, called "Oiled and Posing" and "Ripped and Ready" in which her upper body is simply awe-inspiring.  In the meantime, I would urge anyone who isn't already a member to join her Yahoo! Group http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ElenaOanaHreapca and go to the Files section.  Once there, any hulking and clothes ripping fans need to watch "RIPPthatShirt" and "ThatPoorShirt" to see a grinning, beautiful musclebabe muscle her way out of a shirt with her oiled skin glistening and….sorry, drifted-off there for a moment. ;D 8) ::)


    OMG That was one of the sexiest things I have ever seen. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

    Her boy friend is one of the luckiest men on the planet!!!


    OMG That was one of the sexiest things I have ever seen. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

    Her boy friend is one of the luckiest men on the planet!!!

    He's actually her husband.

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