Evil Nerds Rule

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    Cindy was a young mousy girl with all the major signs of being a geek braniac.  She was only 5' tall with blonde hair in a pony tail that gave a certain innocence to her face.  Topped off that she was nearly blind with thick huge black glasses.  She was 15 a freshman in high school but it was merely a requesite she had to face that she had to pass P/E to get a 4.0 to go on to college early. 

    At an early age she demonstrated she was no ordinary girl.  By 7 she had mastered trigonometry.  By 8 she spoke 15 languages.  By 9 she was a multibillionaire who created insanely complex algorithms to take advantage of the stock market.  Her parents kept most of this a secret as Cindy did not want to let her vast intellectual superiority out.  As they played super wealthy elites off her smarts…she played the role of the shy nerdy girl  just as well.  That was until she was 10. 

    One day a visiting professor from MIT was giving a lecture to the 6th graders on a simple explanation for a blackhole was as his daughter was in the class.  Widely regarded as the best theoretical and quantum physicist in the world he showed animations on what they believe it would be like to pass through it.  The next hour he presented an even more dumbed down version of what a blackhole was.  Cindy sat through and yawned uninterested.  She dosed off and dreamed about her younger years. 

    Her vast knowledge and intellectual capacity increased by the day when she was little.  At age 3 she surpassed her parents in intellect.  Frightened they decided to test her.  No test even high school or other was her equal.  She was mental perfection.  Her parents informed a doctor who after speaking to her was visibly shaken and stated "This girl knew more about medicine than I did, and she started asking me why I didn't know some of the answers of the top of my head.  By the end of our conversation she laughed at me and said its sad you are so mentally pathetic as I have only read a book once on medicine." At age 5 she took a day of tests set up by a government scientist who had been referred by the earlier doctor.  This day of tests was the LSAT, GMAT, and MCATs, and 2 iq tests.  The tests were supposed to be 20hrs in total long.  Cameras and 10 proctors sat in the room watching her every move.  At the end of 2 hours she finished and laughed.  She said to the head scientist, "Its perfect on all of them".  After scanning the tests into the computer 10 minutes later the tests were confirmed perfect.  The IQ was N/A as a perfect score on those two tests was widely considered impossible or cheating…but after evaluating the videos it was determined that her mind was beyond genius.

    As she woke up she decided to taunt the professor.  "Excuse me but your model is wrong".  The professor said "I am sorry little girl but the top minds in the world have been working on this diagram, its doubtful it could be wrong.  At this moment she decided to reveal to her classmates…to her teachers just how dumb they were to her.  She began stating the mathematics were wrong and how the computers didn't have the computing power to take the decimals out far enough to be right.  She then showed how a generally accepted equation by Stephen Hawking was a farce.  After she drew out on a white board 15 complex equations she then showed to the professor why he was wrong.  She laughed. "In 15 minutes I have destroyed your life's work, even better is all the worlds greatest minds and computing power was bested by me doing this in my head".  The professor was distraught and stormed out crying.  The students yelled out freak.  And the teachers were frightened that she could mentally make them inferior at the drop of a hat.

    Within 2 weeks the professor joined with lawmakers and teachers to ensure this girl was kept in check.  They instituted that to graduate high school you had to pass P/E.  This test was determined as being able to run a mile in 8 min, bench press your own weight, and varsity letter in one sport.  This law was the greatest barrier to her achieving perfection.  She passed the academic portions so easily she should have skipped to PHD in every subject and then some…but she couldn't pass the test.  From age 10 to 15 she grew to be a mousy girl but a giant intellecutally.  She hated that every year she couldnt pass the test and more and more contempt filled her. 

    Finally she decided to figure out how to make a steroid that would make her crush the test while not looking facially like a acne scarred man.  After writing compounds and complex formulas day after day she started making her steroid in her basement lab.  She took money she made from the stock market and made a lab that would make even the most advanced biotech company look like a lego set.

    After one more week her steroid was ready.  A bluish liquid with no more volume than a can of coke.  She went into a holographic imaging room.  The computer sounded off.  Subject 5', 90pds, Biceps 9", waist 22", quads 16" chest 29A.  She slammed the steroid compound and began to convulse immediately.  Wearing nothing but jeans and a tshirt she began to feel her body changing.  Computer sounded off again Subject 5'4", 140pds, Biceps 13" waist 22.5" quads 20" chest 33B.  The jeans felt tight and slightly shorter and the t-shirt a slight bit more snug but nothing too out of the ordinary.  She sighed.."maybe this was another failure".  As she finished the sentence she convulsed again.  Subject 5'8 200pds, Biceps 18", waist 24", Quads 29 Chest 46DD" She yelled I am going to own this place…then she convulsed again


    Subject 6'6, weight 800pds, biceps 30", waist 30", quads 50" chest 80EE.  What was left of her clothes were threads nearly fishing line thin.  Her body was vascular and striated everywhere with muscle.  She was the incredible hulk only female and bigger than Lou Ferrigno.  She decided then to grab some clothes from the local store.

    She ran to the local sporting goods shop to grab some clothes.  Unfortunately she didnt have pockets as she was naked and forgot to take her wallet.  She ran there in no time.  She estimated running at 30mph or more.  When she got to the store she found she had another problem.  What to do when she was wider than the entrance.  At first she tried putting her leg in and sliding through sideways.  After trying every position imaginable she decided to say f' it.  She just flexed and the mere flexing of her chest and body caused the side windows to break along with the door frame to buckle to her size. 

    Cindy laughed this metal is so weak.  She went over to the weightlifting section as a group of two security guards confronted her.  "Maam you are going to have to put clothes on.  She laughed at them "Better call back up but that is why I am here".  She grabbed on security guard with her oversized hands and palmed his head, picking him up off the ground with no effort.  She threw him across the store to the entrance nearly 100 feet away.  The other guard called out to the police, "Man down we need a police contingent down at Sports World immediately"

    Cindy walked over to the men's weighlifting rack.  She grabbed the XXXL size tank.  On a heavyweight male bodybuilder these were to be baggy as these tanks were based on the frame of Ronnie Coleman.  However on Cindy it was like fitting into a kiddie t-shirt.  These shirts were for a 60" chest.  She put it on anyways… her massive lats and tits stretched the material to the breaking point and then it split down the middle of her back as her overdeveloped back muscles streched through as she moved her arms around.  She then put on shorts made for a running backs.  Made for men with 36" legs these pants we no match for her legs.  As such it looked like she had a bikini on.

    She then heard.  Freeze!!!!  As she turned around.  She saw 15 cops ready for her.  She decided to play along and give up.  She walked over to the men and they realized she could do some damage.  She said "I will let you handcuff me if you can move my arms.".  The cops were used to this many times from the pro football crowd.  Sure it took more than one guy but they knew eventually you over power them.  3 of the largest cops moved in on her and grabbed her left arm.  3 other cops grabbed her right.  They groups were struggling to get the arms closer together.  Combined with the fact her forarms were 24" around it made for an interesting fight.  But she was superior.  She didn't even budge.  She towered over the men and her body size made her look about the size of 4 of them.  She giggled and said, "Time to fly".  She smashed the groups of 6 cops together and quickly let their limp bodies collapse.


    The remaining 9 cops were worried.  Two of them shot there tasers out.  Which seemed to Cindy more of an annoyance.  The electricity surged through her body and caused it to convulse.  She seemed to be growing.  All of a sudden a power surge shot back into the hands of the cops and they were knocked unconcsious.  Cindy looked at the remaining seven cops and with a deep voice yelled, "I will destroy you or you can leave".  The seven cops decided to protect the piece but what were they to do.  They just saw a huge monster of a female just grow.  It was estimated she was now 7'2", 1100pds, with 36" biceps, and 60" quads, her chest was probably ranging 100" or more with ENORMOUS tits.  Her nipples protruded a good 3" and her aureola was probably the size of a small dinner plate shadowing through her supposed XXXL tank.

    The cops then fired in unison.  She expected her body to be resistant but not impervious.  But she found out the bullets mainly slammed into her mass with no apparent skin breakage.  She couldnt believe it…but her mind calculated that her mass and density of skin was stronger than kevlar or even spider silk.  After exhausting their clips Cindy just stared at the cops.  Not menancingly, not even evil just like a god would look at a mortal.  She walked past the cops and said "I am not here to kill I am here to graduate high school"

    She ran home to schedule her tests…but made the caveat of lettering in more than one varsity sport.  I am going to letter in them all she thought.  She called the school board and said on monday you will wish you didn't make this rule up in the first place.  The old professor who she taunted was head of the board and said…."same statement as last year, she will fail"


    Great new story. It will be nice to see the faces of the teachers and students as Cindy presents to her test.

    Good job.



    An interesting story, dear Grow Guy, though a little too swift for my's liking.
    Though I's am a creature you does enjoy getting into the minds of characters and reading minutely detailed transformations scenes.
    Though still your tale was foudn most enjoyable and for that, Kudos shall be unto you.
    May your Pen never fail.
    The Pimp NeonBlack


    This is an interesting tale of revenge, but the story doesn't really tell much about why all these people are trying to mitigate against her success.


    This is an interesting tale of revenge, but the story doesn't really tell much about why all these people are trying to mitigate against her success.

    I think this paragraph addresses that:

    Within 2 weeks the professor joined with lawmakers and teachers to ensure this girl was kept in check.  They instituted that to graduate high school you had to pass P/E.  This test was determined as being able to run a mile in 8 min, bench press your own weight, and varsity letter in one sport.  This law was the greatest barrier to her achieving perfection.  She passed the academic portions so easily she should have skipped to PHD in every subject and then some…but she couldn't pass the test.


    It was monday after labor day.  Cindy arrived at school to start her tests.  Over the phone with the professor she decided to let her run, and bench press test be her final tests.  At the gym she was instructed to meet the professor, and the varsity letter coaches at 9am that monday.  The coaches joked with each other about what use a 5' blonde nerd would be to football, softball, baseball amongst a plethora of other sports.  The professor too joined in banter stating Cindy was unable to pass this test for years upon years.

    At 9AM the bell rung and Cindy was no where to be found.  Two min past the hours she finally made her entrance.  Wearing a sarong across her legs, tennis shoes, and tight XXXL sports tank she exuded physical prowless.  She ripped the gymnasium doors from the outside off and yelled, "Here I come".  The jaws of the coaches and the professor dropped.  Standing 7'2" was a blonde bronzed bombshell.  Her massive lats filled the broken doorway.  Her arms had cords of vascularity every where.  Each Quad was striated and veiny.  Her traps looked like an ordinary persons chest.  She ducked into the gym and put her hands at her hips in showing her complete and utter confidence in the situation.  The professor stuttered, "Cindy, is that you?"  She then walked across the gymnasium floor leaving footprints and indentations as her massive body moved toward the professor.  "Yes it is me, BIGGER, Stronger, and much more than you all could have imagined."

    The professor ran through some legal mumbo jumbo but the gist was she had to varisty letter in every sport to pass the test.  The coaches not bound by any laws or what not had the gleam of victory in their eyes.  The head football coach walked up to her and said, "The coaches have decided the terms by which you will receive a varsity letter.  These terms are that you must be on a team that wins state in every sport"  She laughed "Is that all?"  The head football coach said "See you tomorrow on the practice field Cindy".

    Coach Johnson was a winner.  He played for the NFL, lead his team to state.  But his own failure that haunted him was not being able to coach a high school team to victory.  The school located in the richest district of the state produced more CEOs than pro players in sports and as such just didn't have the bench depth to win.  As the varisty team practiced that next day the coach huddled up the team.  "Team we are going to win this year…we have a special player and she will lead us to victory."  Tim Larens the quarterback looked disinterested and said "This Girl, is she going to cheer us to victory?"  Coach yelled out "Cindy get over here".

    Wearing nothing but tennis shoes, a sports bra and lycra shorts struggling to contain her massive frame she jogged onto the field.  The team gasped.  From their view the sun shined behind her and all they could see was a silouette of someone massive.  She looked like Shaq only bigger.  Coach Johnson yelled out "Tim throw her your hardest pass"  At 30 yards off she was visibly a giant.  Tim dropped back and threw his hardest pass.  With lightening fast reflexes she held out her hand and caught the ball then squeezed and popped it.  She approached the team.  Even the tallest lineman was only 6'4.  She dwarfed him.  Her arms looked as big as some of the punters bodies.  She was as wide as 3 players.  "Alright team tackling drill." yell the Coach.  Cindy had no idea what was coming but she wasn't afraid.  These measley bodies and athletes were nothing compared to her.  The premise of the drill was simple.  The Quarterback threw the ball to a receiver and the 3 defensive backs would try to lay the person out.  The first demonstration was Roger the wide receiver catching a high lobbed pass and running toward the end zone only to get tackled and blind sided by two of the backs.  Next up was Cindy.  The coach yelled to the team "I want each an every one of you to tackle her".  Tim lobbed the ball and she made an easy catch and just stood there with her massive arms flexed with the ball in her hands behind her head. 

    The first three backs ran into her full speed only to look like they had hit a brick wall.  Cindy didn't even bulge an inch.  The fourth player who was a lineman got picked up with one arm and tossed 100 yards away.  The next 7 players tried pulling her down but it didnt matter.  Finally a dog pile emerged with 30 players trying to take her down.  Coach finally said "Cindy score".  She threw half the players off nearly 40 feet.  The rest held on for dear life.  She ran with no strain to the goalpost.  To emphasize her superiority she jumped up and slam dunked the football, and with her enormous hang time due to her 70" leap she dunked three players who were hanging on her back in a swift motion.  The team on the field was in pain all writhing strung about the field like a tornado.  She then said "Boys if you don't like a winning team i guess you don't have to have me, but check this out"  Using only a minute part of her strength she uprooted the goal post and through it across the field nearly 400 yards away into the baseball field.  She walked over to Coach Johnson and said "If you liked that wait till you see what I do in a game."


    Your latest update does remind I of the story that I's did read recently of how bodybuildrr and powerlifter, Ms. Tazzie Colomb, versed a collage Gridiron team for a Hurricane Katrina Charity match and won -by herself.
    I's am sure that someone would be able to post a link to the tale, as I's am currently unable to find it.
    And, again, Growguy, thank you for the work.
    The Pimp NeonBlack


    Nice chapter. Definetely she will have to be very careful with her strength if she doesn't want to kill at somebody by accident. Keep up the good work.


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