Evil Nerds Rule

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  • #22646

    Awesome stuff, I love stories where hyperintelligent girls grow  :mrgreen:


    I agree with Thortelan, I love to see super intelligent little girls, so smart they just blow you completely away in the smarts department from a young age, there aren't a lot of stories like this, so I'm very glad to have read this one, and hope that the action gets even better in the next part!


    Coach Johnson after the spectacular demolishment of his team walked over to Cindy and looked up at her towering imposing frame.  "Cindy, I can't wait to take on Andrew Jackson High.  They have the best players and equipment.  You are going to make a real difference around here, but I was wondering if you could meet tomorrow at the batting cages."

    "Sure thing coach".  Cindy liked Coach Johnson because he knew his place in the scheme of things and they had a symbiotic relationship.

    The next morning Cindy showed up for baseball practice.  She wore an oversized track suit from the mall she was at earlier in the week.  Ripped and tatter was all she could find.  She had ordered clothing based on her new frame but it was a few days away from being tailored.  Alas looking like a bronze she hulk with shredded clothes and body was all she could do.

    Cindy had never played baseball and never even cared to watch.  As she got to the field she saw Coach Johnson and the players.  Outside of the field were some scouts for minor leagues and college ball.  "Cindy you are pitching, Taylor Martin grab a bat".  Taylor was an all american jock who was heavily recruited by many major league farm systems.  Standing 6'5 240 pounds, with blonde hair, ice blue eyes and a tan he looked every bit the part of a future pro athlete.  He had set the school's bench record with 600 pds. 

    Taylor got up to bat and saw the figure of muscularity.  The rest of the team went to field home runs as it was typical for Taylor to hit most his balls out of the park.  Cindy didn't really know what to do.  Her massive hands made the baseball feel like a golfball in an average person's hands.  She wound up and the pitch only went 2 feet.  "GOD DAMMIT" the Coach yelled.  Cindy shot back a glance that said shut the f up and help me.  Coach Johnson walked to the mound and explained the mechanics and how a pitch should be thrown and to start off slowly to see how it should be done. 

    The next pitch was an ok fast pitch that wasn't very fast.  Taylor cranked at line drive that would scare off most shortstops directly at Cindy.  She didn't flinch she didn't even move.  The ball hit her massive tits and the impact was absorbs and dropped.  She then using her impressive mind calculated how to use her body and mass properly to throw the ball.  She grabbed the ball and put in a split finger pitch.  This time it was a scorcher.  At 130MPH the ball clocked on the scouts gun.  Taylor using his amazing reaction hit the ball only to have his ball flung from his grip.  "Holy shit Cindy" he yelled amazed.  The next pitch didn't even register on the gun.  It was too fast.  Taylor didn't even see it.  All he saw was a catcher slammed through the backstop wailing in pain about his hand and chest.  The bleachers behind the backstop even slid back a few feet.  She yelled to the scouts "In case you were wondering the speed of the ball to cause that reaction was 500mph, and I am not even using all my strength".  The scouts frantically dialed agents on their phones, "yeah get me Jeter's agent…I don't care where he is…I don't care what deal we have to cut you have got to see this."

    Taylor stood in shock but being the team player he was he was excited to not have the burden of leading the team to another subpar year.  He went up to Cindy and said lets see you hit.  Taylor was a jack of all trades.  He routinely pitched 100mph fast balls.  He decided to pitch as fast and strong as he could.  As he released the ball it clocked 120mph faster than he ever had thrown before.  To Cindy and her enhanced body it looked like it was coming at 4mph.  When she swung she swung poorly as a first timer but still connected with the ball.  The ball made a wheezing sound as it left for the speed of sound and then some.  A sharp line drive it went nearly 1000 yds before slamming into a house across the other side of the field.  Luckily no one was in the house but the resulting impact might as well have been an artillery shell.  THe house exploded and debris shattered everywhere.  She smirked "Coach trust me I have the money to fix it"  She then realized it was going to be fun to do this.  Coach Johnson knew that this year was his year, "Alright hit the showers".

    Taylor and Cindy walked to the showers by the weight room.  Cindy coyly asked "So you're the one who is considered the top athlete and has the bench press record."  He replied "Yeah I have the bench press record but I doubt I am the top athlete anymore."  He gazed at Cindy and said lets see what you can do. 

    They walked into the weights gym where a group of football players and cheerleaders were toning up and working out.  As they walked in it was obvious she was a giant.  The football players and cheerleaders looked like gnats to her.  Her hearing which was enhanced heard the cheerleaders snidely comment "Oh my god its her, I heard she was a man, her neck is bigger than my chest".

    Courtney Johnson was the coaches daughter and every bit of a jock.  She stood 6'1 tall had a tight 140pd muscular body.  She could have easily been a top athlete but instead just wanted to look hot and be a cheerleader.  She walked over to Cindy with an air of confidence "You may be taller, you may be stronger, but I am the queen around here".  Her arrogance annoyed Cindy.  Here was a tall toned girl with a 36" D chest with tight 20" legs and 13" arms telling her who was in charge.  Cindy dwarved the girl.  Her arms were bigger than Courtney's waist her nipples as big around as Courtney's tits.  Each massive vascular vein in her body was wider than a power cord and getting bigger as the anger built inside her.  "Taylor load up the bench press full."  He put on 1000pds. and she walked over to it.  Most people would bench it but not Cindy she started repping curls.  Not 1, not 10, but well over 100.  Her body was glistening with sweat.  She was so focused on form that she didn't notice that her pheremones  were causing a massive orgy in the gym.  Girls were making out with girls.  Guys with girls.  Taylor with Courtney.  She had hoped Taylor would be hers so she could at least lose her virginity.  Courtney was fucking Taylor on the floor and laughed "I get what i want dork".  Taylor knew her time in the spotlight was up and thought to herself, "I better figure out how she got this way or I am going to be dead in no time"

    Distraught Cindy left the self caused orgy.  On the walk to her home she flipped cars parked on the street with one hand to relieve her anger.  A path of destruction covered 5 miles and looked like a tornado hit.  The police from their earlier incident knew it was no use confronting her.  They merely tried driving ahead of her asking for residents to move vehicles from her path.

    When she got home she realized burst into tears.  Brilliance, brawn and superiority had still left her empty in romance.  She had been a nerd all her life and with her hormones raging she didn't even know what to do or how to act. 


    Cindy decided now was the time for her to lose her viginity.  The all star basketball game was in her town that weekend and many players came ahead of time for fun and women.  She decided to stake out the local clubs and bars to find her man.

    Her clothes she ordered arrived at her parents home earlier that day.  She decided a bikini top and tight lycra pants over high heels was the look to go with.  She put on make up and went out to hit the town looking like the worlds most muscular female hooker.  She decided to go to Flirt the hottest new club in town.  Her body looked ravishing with abs corded with veins and deep cuts nearly 4 inches deep.  Her bronze skin was flawless and her bikini top allowed her massive lats to sweep far from her tiny waist.  When she arrived at the club she saw a line 300 people deep.  Apparently Diesel Bortray the Croatian super cent was there.  At 7'8" he made all the players look like midgets and routinely scored 80pts a game.

    Cindy walked up to the front of the line much to the dismay of everyone.  Her massive physique made men and women uneasy.  The doorman said "ID" to her.  She flexed her lats to a point where she was twice as wide as him and jutted her massive tits in his face. "I'm 15 and you can't stop me".  The cops to her right nodded in agreement.  They glanced and said "Don't her anybody you have caused enough damage as is"  She grabbed the cop in one swift motion and said "Kiss me lover."  She held the cop up with one hand and started french kissing him.  The excitement aroused his member which she fondled with the other hand.  "12 inches seems a little small for me pig".  She inhaled her last breath while french kissing and evacuated his air from his lungs and discarded the unconscious cop while walking in.

    At the back of the VIP booth she saw the imposing Diesel.  He was being pleasured by two women stroking his massive member.  From the looks of it 18" wouldn't be a stretch, and a soup can might have been considered thin.  She walked up and said "Take me big boy" to which Diesel said "bitches leave."  He stood up to evaluate Cindy.  While he was taller she was wider and more fit in every way.  She grabbed him by the shoulders with both hands and began force herself on him.  His cock broke her hymen and she was grinding on him in the club.  Her excessive mass flailing on him left holes in the wall and broken furniture.  He eventually came after 2 hours of lovemaking.  Her pupils dialated with lust.  She wanted more but she realized her body was just too powerful.  Here was the perfect male specimen and underneath her was a man unconscious from exhaustion with broken ribs, bruised arms and snapped legs. 

    She finally climaxed a few seconds later.  She let little yelps out but with each yelp she pushed parts of the clubs walks down.  She clinched her legs and cracked parts of the flooring with her feet.  By this point the club was empty.  Her ferocious sex show was creating a structural hazard.  The only people that remained were the paramedics waiting to take the now retired pro basketball player away on a stretcher.

    She walked away from the club in pure ecstasy.  No one could ruin her mood.  She went home to go to bed and dream of Taylor and how to get him. 

    That night at the Johnson household Courtney began asking a myriad of questions to her dad.  Her dad dismissed the questions as pure curiousity as who wouldn't be curious about a 15 year old girl with such power.  But underneath the questions was an ulterior motive.  Courtney secretely wanted to be queen of the world.  Unstoppable, powerful and sexual.  She finally asked her dad to find out how Cindy got that way and he agreed to find out for her.

    The next day was the first football game against Johnsonville High.  Not a ranked team but had always beat her own schools team.  This was about to change.  As Johnsonvilles bus drove up to Cindy's teams football field the felt something odd.  The bus was moving backwards.  Cindy was wearing a joke of a uniform.  While most uniforms were made for pads it looked painted on her massive frame an left no imagination to the strength of her body.  The sleeves were slighly split across her boulder like shoulders and her massive tits stretched the fabric to breaking and revealed her grapefruit sized abdominal muscles.  Her massive quads and hamstrings split appart the seams of her football pants revealing tan sinewy vascular muscle that looked translucent. 

    The Johnsonville football players were dismayed.  Bus was tilted up off the ground.  Cindy was pulling the bus back with little to no effort.  She yelled "Rides over boys" and slammed the uplifted wheels to the ground snapping the axel.  The team got off the bus and she stood next to the front entrance of the bus flexing every muscle as they walked by.  The coach of Johnsonville had a suspicion that he would be coming home with a few less players if not losing the entire team in battle.


    Another interesting part. It's good that Cindy wants to have a lover, but it will be nice if she learns to control her strength. Otherwise, he will be death after their first night.

    The inclusion of Courtney sounds promising. I can't wait to see how much of Cindy's secret she can discover.



    In the Johnsonville locker room the whispers of the team had repetitive "What was she" and "was that the girl?".  Tommy Martin was the coach of Johnsonville never in his 30 years of coaching had he seen a display of muscularity like that.  He knew that Cindy had to be shut down.  For offense he decided short pass routes.  Being Cindy had never played football he assumed she wouldn't be on offense.

    As both teams took the field it was Cindy who went up for the coin toss.  She was physically imposing with her uniform barely containing her mass.  The coin was flipped and she called tails.  It was heads and Johnsonville elected to receive the ball.  The ball was kicked for a touch back by her team's kicker. 

    Coach Johnson said to Cindy, "Alright just sit back in the linebacker position and have the rest of the team tell you where to stand.  Then when the ball is hiked tackle whoever has the ball as hard as you can and don't let anyone stand in your way."

    The first play started and Johnsonville lined up against Cindy's team.  The Johnsonville QB hiked the ball and dropped back and saw his running back toward the sideline's for a perfect slant.  He threw it and completed.  What happened next defined demolition.  The Johnsonville RB caught the ball and heard heavy footsteps coming at him.  Out of the corner of his eye he saw Cindy.  He tried juking but it was to no avail.  Cindy's large and lengthy arms left no escape.  When she connected for the tackle she jumped into the running back.  About 1100 pounds of she hulk hit the running back at faster than 40MPH.  Cindy flexed her bicep into the tackle crushing the pads and chest of the running back.  The play was over and the running back held onto the ball albeit he was 11 yards behind the line of scrimmage.  Cindy got up from the tackle and walked back to her team.  There was no crowd cheering or anything.  It was dead silent.  The running back looked like a giant tube of toothpaste.  Mangled bones and a lump of flesh buy hardly a shape of a former kid.  The paramedics rushed the field and took him off.  Cindy thought to herself I am going to send this team to the stone age.

    The team of Johnsonville was visibly shaken.  Their running back was 6'0, 200 pds of muscle.  No one wanted the ball to be thrown.  THe receivers said "She is just too fast man, she covered 15 yards in less than a second".  THe QB said "Fine QB draws" but protect me.  Little did he know that would be his last word.  2nd and 21.  As the ball was hiked it was obvious the entire team was going to block Cindy.  Cindy ran up from her position to the line and pushed open a hole that a truck could drive through.  Cindy's oversized hands pushed the two lineman out of bounds.  The rest of her team just stood and watched the display.  As the QB went deeper into the pocket the rest of his team tried to block Cindy.  Two receivers came back into the backfield and tried blocking her.  As they approached she hugged them both off the ground.  THeir pads buckled under the pressure and they fell limp to the ground.  Another lineman tried to slide infront of Cindy's feet to take her off balance but he merely bounced of the massive calve of this female juggernaut.  As the QB made his way to his own end zone Cindy jumped.  In a split second she was vertically 10 feet above the QB.  As she landed on top of him he fell limp.  His body left imprinted into the endzone.  SAFETY.  She laughed at the Johnsonville sideline.  On that play the Johnsonville Coach couldn't take it anymore.  Team pack up.  He had just seen 5 players hospitalized on the second play.  He went up to Cindy and said "You win, i can't let my boys die out here".  She shook his hand and he let out a scream.  "Oh sorry loser I guess I don't know my own strength", she snidely replied as she broke his hand. 

    Coach Johnson was pleased.  He couldn't believe what was happening.  In less than 2 plays his team shut down and gained a forfeit.  His daughter Courtney was less than pleased.  Although probably in the top 10 in strength at her school she just saw a complete massacre occur.  After the game Cindy decided to talk to her coach.  "Hey coach your daughter is a real pain in the ass and she better watch herself".  Coach Johnson acknowledged "I know, just don't kill her she is all i have, I will try to make her better".  After the team left the locker rooms Courtney went in and scammed the lockers of Cindy.  She was perplexed.  No steroids, no supplements, nothing.  Just a ripped uniform covered in sweat.  "Dammit", well i better get to the party before i get noticed.  Suddenly she felt woosy.  But it passed as she drove to the party.  Wearing tight jeans and a tube bikini top and high heels she was sexual perfection. 

    As she drove along she felt her jeans acting more restrictive.  She didn't think she had gained weight after all her body was nearly seven percent body fat.  She dismissed the idea as she must have put the wrong drying cycle on the jeans.  When she got to the party she got out of her car and noticed her heels were a little tight and the jeans slightly shorter.  Her abs felt more defined.  As she walked into the party she found Taylor sitting on Cindy's lap.  She had be replaced.

    One of the lineman cat called Courtney "Damn girl looking fine".  Unbeknownst to Cindy her body had grown 2" on the way over.  She looked like a Maria Sharapova look alike except with larger and more defined muscles.  Cindy was obviously occupied.  Half the baseball team was serving her drinks and jello shots.  Althought it did take 4 kegs and 35 shots eventually she got drunk.  Someone yelled "OH SHIT COPS are here"



    Very good chapter, man, although I'm not into the death and dismembering parts, I love how strong Cindy is, and how strong Courtney could grow to, if that storyline continues. I love your descriptions, and the fact that Cindy is so cocky, and yes, evil, but I prefer them to be a little bit less evil, not killing the people would be nice, hurting them is fine, killing, just one little step over the line for me. But great story dude, I can't wait for the next part.


    The cops rang the door bell and the teens got worried.  Courtney decided to handle the situation.  Now at 6'3 160pds she was an even more ravishing beauty.  She opened the door.  What the cops found was a crazy party.Cindy was making out with Taylor and other members of the team.  They say all the alcohol and decided to take action.

    "You are all getting tickets for underage consumption"  Courtney just laughed.  "Seriously officer we have a freak here who can probably pick up a car with one arm, and I tower over you both.  Half the football team is bigger than you two".

    At 5'11 both cops realized they were not on the same size scale as the teens but they knew they had to take some sort of law enforcement action.  As they reached for their tickets Courtney quickly grabbed their hands.  She eyeballed them and gave a look of chances are you will lose.

    She giggled "I benched 400pds for reps, you two look like maybe what 200pds max.  This means I am as strong as you two.  See that muscle bound freak.  She just crushed an entire team to hospitalization.  Not only that she fucked the brains out of some NBA player and put him in intensive care.  Earlier in the week she made a trail of destruction and you two want to make a big deal of this"

    The two cops were entranced by Courtney's beauty.  They realized physically she was superior and wanted to obey what she told them subtley to do by getting lost.  At this time Cindy came out of her make out session and got up.

    She was wearing a mini skirt and what seemed to be the remnants of a XXXL shirt made to look like a bra.  While the party drank 1 keg and was drunk her 4 keg bender made her drunk and feisty.  She walked over to where Courtney was.  Her massive frame filled the doorway.  She was wider and taller than the frame. 

    "Hey cops no one wants you here or there will be hell to pay".  The cops had two goddesses one muscle one traditional in their face.  The two officers didn't know what to do.  But it was Cindy who decided for them.  She walked through the door frame and pushed the cops out of the way with her mass.  She walked over to the police car and said "Isn't this a no parking zone"

    As they turned to watch Cindy, Courtney wrapped her arms around their waist and picked them up.  They struggled to no avail.  This beauty was too much for them.  They were captive as Cindy beat the car into a pulp.  First she ripped the doors off.    Second she took a forearm smash to the hood.and collapsed the front of the car.  Finally she picked up car over her head.  Her glistening muscles straining to hold the vehicle.  She did and overhead soccer throw and sent the car flying 200 feet down the road.

    Courtney released the officers who ran off.  "See ya chumps"

    Cindy walked over to Courtney full of sweat "Interesting team we make"

    Courtney laughed and gave a fake hug to Cindy "Yes indeed"

    That night Courtney tossed and turned in her bed.  She woke up twice only to clear the entire contents of the refridgerator.  She fell back asleep.  In her dreams she found herself morphing to larger than cindy's size, taking on armies of men and winning.  The next morning she woke up to go to school.  She decided to put on a sexy tight t-shrit and jeans.  As she tried her clothes she noticed something different.  Her shirt was shorter on her body and very tight.  She tried getting into her jeans and they just wouldnt fit.

    "Dad something weird is happening"

    Her dad rushed up the stairs only to find his daughter in her panties in t-shirt.  "Courtney what the hell happened to you"

    "I don't know is it bad," Courtney inquired not having seen herself in the mirror.

    "I wouldn't say its bad but interesting"  Coach Johnson looked up at his daughter for the first time in his life.  Every muscle on her body was toned and ripped.  "Honey i don't know how to tell you this but you are about 6'6 and look like you have no body fat."

    "Dad, lets see what this body can do"

    Coach Johnson was worried.  Did his daughter get roids of some sort.  Was she on human growth hormone.  His worried nature subsided when they got to the school gym.  On the way to the gym she skipped through the basketball gym performing a standing jump that allowed her to touch the top of the back board.  Holy shit she thought even Jordan would pay money for these hops.  Finally they got to the weights gym.  Taylor was in there benching 400pds for reps.  Cindy in her previous days would train with him.  Until Cindy she was one of the few that could keep up with his workouts.  Taylor finished his reps and stood up only to find Courtney was taller than him

    "Hey shrimp lets see if you can keep up"

    Courtney got under the bench.  4 reps were her max at 400pds.  As she lifted the weights off the bar she slowly lowered them.  What the hell she thought this is really light.  She did 10 reps, then 15, then 20, then 30, until she repped 100 times.  She slyly glanced at her dad and taylor.  "I think things will be changing around here." she stated putting the bar back up.  She whispered to her dad "its the sweat".  Coach Johnson realized in that moment that Cindy's sweat was some sort of growth and strength enhancer on his daughter.  While he liked Cindy he loved his daughter more and set out to get as much of it as he could for his daughter.  He planned to strain entire towels into vials.  If just hugging a sweaty girl was making Courtney a goddess just imagine what vials upon vials would do.


    For the next few weeks it was more of the same.  Cindy demolished teams into the ground.  One school Bakers High School the 2nd place team put up more of a fight but still lost by 100pts and had their entire 44 person team end up in the hospital.  Baseball was no different.  Cindy pitched constant no-hitters and hit the ball out of the state consistently.  For the Coaches it was fantastic but for her teammates it was boring.  Using her amazing mind she memorized every play offense and defense over the past 10 years.  This allowed her to predictively guess what play would be called and make her crush defenses and offenses quicker. 

    Through all the games Coach Johnson would wipe up all of Cindy's sweat with a towel and strain it.  He also went into her locker and strained the sweat from her shower towels.  After one month had passed he had accumulated a milk jug of the sweat.  From subtley testing on students he found the sweat had little or no affect on men.  To test on women he dumped 1 vial of the drink into Karen Anderson the head volleyball coaches drink.  Karen was a looker although she was around 57.  About 5'9 she still had a body that most girls in school envied.  Her breasts remained firm after all these years and she still had a semi-defined 6 pack.  Her long legs were defined and shown off as she always wore a mini skirt.  At school her team called her Angry Anderson because she tended to join the team in working out and if the team complained she would increase the workouts till she was the only woman left standing.

    When Coach Anderson was in the teachers lounge Coach Johnson poured a vial into her coffee when she wasnt looking.  Hmmn this tastes watery she thought.  "Hey Johnson is it hot in here, I feel like I am burning up."  Johnson just shrugged and watched.  As Coach Anderson sweated like she had a fever and started convulsing.  "Excuse me I have to go to the bathroom".  What the hell is happening to me she thought.  When she reached the bathroom she found herself becoming aroused.  Her nipples on her 34 D breasts seemed more sensitive.  She thought good god I am going to have a mid day orgasm or somthing.

    First she heard a rip.  Her nylons split down the sides.  Then her blouse felt constrained.  Her back arched and the blouse split down the back.  Her bras was digging into her body trying to restrain her breasts.  Her mini skirt hiked up her leg some more.  Her open toe heels couldn't restrain her growing feet.  Her hair went from white to a golden blonde and her skin went to be less aged.  Finally it was done.  She looked at herself in the bathroom mirror.  Standing 6'4 and ripped she looked like a 20yr old bodybuilder.  Her arms were filled with volumenous muscle.  Her tattered blouse couldn't hold her arms when she flexed her 20" arms the sleeves shredded. Her chest went out to being about a 60EE.  Her already long legs became longer and about 32" around.  Her semi defined abs became hard and corded with muscle.  Each abdominal was now baseball sized.  Her forearms looked to be about 15" corded and defined with mass. 

    "Coach Anderson?"  It was Megan Jones the star volleyball player.  She stood a beautiful brunnette at 5'11 and was the only one who routinely could keep up with the coach.  Coach Anderson turned around and saw the now smaller Megan.  Megan was worried.  At 57, Coach Anderson outran, outlifted and had more endurance than girls nearly 40 years younger.  Now here was this behemoth of a woman.  Megan could tell it was Coach Anderson due to her face.  But it was how the Coach must have looked at age 35.  "Megan, tell the girls volleyball practice is going to start early this year, meet me in the gym after classes"  Coach Anderson walked to the gym passed the teacher's lounge.  Coach Johnson caught a glimpse of her and decided to run up to her.  "Hey there what the hell happened?" Coach Anderson slyly said.  "Not sure but I have to go run off this energy want to join me?"

    The coach said no but decided to watch her to see the improvement.  "That was 2min, 24 seconds and you are barefoot." Coach Johnson shouted out to Coach Anderson as she completed her mile.  "I don't even feel winded, I feel like I could do this all day at this pace"  Here she was about the size of a giant lineman now moving faster than any olympic athlete with no visible fatigue.  "Lets go over to the Golds Gym, and we will race, you drive, I will run". 

    Coach Anderson had a reason to go to Gold's Gym.  Her ex husband was a top ranked bodybuilder.  While only 30 she at 50 managed to catch his eye.  After aging 5 years he divorced her for a tall younger beauty.  Vengence was constantly running through her mind.  About a year  ago she ran into her ex and his wife Tatiana.  Tatiana was a stunning 21 year old russian model/kickboxer.  Words were said and Tatiana sent Coach Anderson to the hospital with broken ribs.  While she held her own the young russian was just too quick and too versed in martial arts.  Eventually she was wore down and beat.  Coach Anderson thought "This time things will be different"


    They sped off to Golds Gym located about 5 miles away.  While it was no contest Coach Anderson did make it in around 15 minutes.  Coach Johnson waited for her and saw she was now a little fatigued, but not enough to stop her from wanting to try her body out.

    Coach Johnson said "Karen lets get you some clothes"  Karen was barefoot, still in tattered blouses and ripped mini skirts.  As they entired into the gym they stepped into the shop to pick up some workout shorts and a shirt.  Being very feminine she loved the colors and  look of the female workout clothes the only problem is the largest female size shirt was for a 48DD.  She decided she liked the ripped look.  She tore a rip down the front of the shirt to where the logo was.  Even then her boulder sized shoulders caused the sleeves to split.  Her ample chest was too large.  It looked like she was wearing a half shirt with basketballs underneath.  She put on some spandex shorts and found mens size 12 shoes to wear.

    She checked in with her key card and her and Coach Johnson decided to hit the bench first.  She filled it up with 10 45 plates on each side making the total 945.  She went under and slowly benched 1 rep.  Something happened.  Instead of tiring her body rejeuvenated.  This process went on until she was able to do 15 reps.  Next was the leg press.  She had 1 ton on there.  She alternated legs and completed 20 reps per leg.  She then went over to the curls where she found her ex husband.

    Milo Garscon was a top ranked bodybuilder.  Standing 6'2 400pds of raw steroid injected muscle.  The fact he took so many drugs only made him elegible for a few contests.  However his mass made him the envy of many men.  His 74" chest was enormous, combined with 26" arms, and 40" legs.  His body was a living cartoon of muscle and vascularity.  He liked to work out in just a speedo.  Even after all the steroids he was a horse among men with a 12" flaccid cock.

    Milo was repping 200pd dumbells when he saw out of the corner of his eye something odd.  Some female was curling a bar with 5plates of 45 on each side.  He couldnt believe it someone was curling 500pds.  "Hey stud, lets have a race" the female cat called to him.  They stood next too each other although she was a few inches taller.  For the most part his body parts were bigger.  They started in the down positition.  Coach Johnson yelled "Go".  At first it was equal but on rep 10 it was starting to become a blow out.  Milo stopped and strained at 15 reps.  Karen kept going until she had completed 45.  "Whats a matter honey, can't keep up with older women?"  It finally dawned on Milo.  This sexual goddess was his ex.  "Karen? wha wha what happened?" stuttered Milo.  "Not sure honey but want to test drive" she replied.  THey went into the pool where the two muscle bound freaks kicked members out to have sex.  After 3 straight hours Milo was exhausted and near passing out, it just so happened Tatiana was done teaching aerobics and walked by the pool.  "Milo what z fuck are you doing?" she screamed with anger.  "The best body he has ever done, sweetie is what he is doing" Karen replied in a sultry manner.

    Karen got up off her man and out of the pool.  The russian stunner stood 5'11 and was shrredded with limber defined muscle.  Even while faced with a much larger opponent she wasn't even in the slightest bit afraid.  Karen stood naked in front of Tatiana with her arms outstretched as she yawned.  "Give it your best shot you little hussy", taunted the she hulk. 

    Tatiana gave a initial roundhouse that would send most people to the hospital.  Most people except Karen.  Karen flexed her massive next muscles to the point that the blow barely moved her head and absorbed the impact.  Karen laughed and said "Your turn again".  Tatianna attacked with barrage of kicks, knees and elbows to Karen's abs and chest.  Nothing seemed to work and after 2 minutes she was worn down.  Karen just cackled.  "My my what a difference a year makes now its my turn".

    Karen grabbed Tatianna by the neck using pure power to go through her blocks.  Holding her up with one hand she squeezed.  Tatianna used both of her shredded arms to try to pry open Karen's hand but to no avail.  Coach Johnson tried to intervene but was tossed across the room.  Karen had the look of a killer in her eye.  Then suddenly it subsided.  Using her free hand she punched a hole into the concrete wall and threw down Tatianna.  The giant spoke softly "Just remember sweetie, he is a cheater, and remember that everything you had tossed at me felt like a gnat."  Tatianna was in tears.  Tears of joy streamed down her face as she realized she and her husband could have been killed in a second.  Karen put on her clothes and jogged back alone realizing she had come to closure with her past.

    Meanwhile back at the school people were talking about the new and improved Courtney Johnson.  Standing 6'6 and tight as could be.  She exuded sexuality and confidence.  Something also changed, she became more of a bitch.  Aside from Cindy she was now the 2nd Strongest person in the school male or female.  Her sexual appetite was needing satisfaction almost every 4 hours.  She would routinely walk down the halls of her school and grab 4 or 5 guys to fuck in an orgy in passing.  If she was ever late to class she offered the teacher male or female a chance to have at her.  It was pretty obvious her body and confidence was slowly taking over the school.  Any male or female who looked at her wrong would end up with a black eye or even have their boyfriend or girlfriend stolen and fucked in front of them while they were held captive by Courtney's powerful hands.

    Courtney knew however how to play the game.  She would never go after boys Cindy had an interest in.  While she was powerful, she did realize that at anytime Cindy could crush her, even an army of her.  That was up until her dad came home one day.

    "Courtney honey…i have good news" Coach Johnson excitedly said.  He explained to his daughter the massive change in Coach Anderson, the reversing of the age, and the power she had.  Courtney was semi excited.  She liked what she heard but she was apprehensive.  I mean what they had a school was an event off of one vial.  Courtney was going to try drinking the whole gallon of sweat.  Her dad tried to stop her but even his strength was too little.  After 1 min of straight gulping it was done.

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