Fairchild by AH!

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    I'm with DaveW. Gen13 got shafted. But now that I think about it – the only issues I ever enjoyed were Adam Warren's run, his two 3-issue minis on Grunge and on Roxy, as well as Adam Hughes' Wham! and Ordinary Heroes.

    The rest I didn't care for.

    I love Wham! though. I think it's really fun. 😀


    yeah, Fairchild was one of the first comic-muscle-chics I layed eyes on (besides shulkie). And I was also really pleased with the stories. The mini was nice and interesting, and got me to read the regular series. I got tired about issue 50 (the last I bought) and then, i heard the were all killed. I guess they got the 15 minutes hippe. I believe that the change of artists is what made the series fail. There were so many different approachs to the characters, that one could never actually get used to one, that it was suddenly completly changed.

    I also believe that AH! interpretation is one of the best, and he was able to approach her like Lee and Choi had originally designed her.

    I feel that she deserved a better fate in the Comic Universe she was trully a FMG case in comics, and she was comfortable with that. That I like.

    On a side nite, I heard some news about a possible relaunch in 2006. Anybody got any news?

    I beleive that Ann O'Brien is worth of a different topic around here, what do you think?


    Caitlin remains to this day my favourite comic book babe.


    Mine to…

    Jon Saul

    Man, I'm sorry to hear they jerked her character over. I used to grab a few Gen13 issues just for her, and I still have some of the small graphic novels. Oh well, it's the fate of most truly strong comic ladies, I suppose I should just deal with it.  🙁


    Since we are on this Fairchild theme..

    and someone meantioned She-Hulk…

    I am re-posting this pic from a trading card I got a while back..
    Apprarently it was a one-shot, and never a comic, just a trading card.
    Shame huh…?

    These two gals looks pretty buff.

    Nick Furry

    What issue are these pages from?

    Just before I leave for my holidays I post quickly those scans:


    Great artwork.

    ze fly
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