- This topic has 20 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 17 years, 5 months ago by
August 22, 2007 at 7:08 am #53026
‘Yes, Mr. President, someone is trying to steal the reality distortion field’ said Mr.Roarke in the hot line.
‘What the fuck are you saying?!’ the American president was panicky shouting at the phone ‘you know that United States annexed the Hawaii only because of this damned device!? A machine that never worked properly as your grandfather promised!’
‘Mr.President, the truce was to protect the machine, not to use it’
‘I know, I know. Well, I already sent the intel to the island. They will arrive in a hour. The military is getting ready’
‘We have a storm coming in some hours, Mr.President. The sooner, the better.’ Tattoo looked at Mr.Roarke apprehensively as he puts the phone down.
‘We need to shut down the island… go to the lobby, tell them it’s because of the storm’ Mr. Roarke said to Tattoo and sees a lightning far in the ocean behind the fire of the decorative torches as a signal of the things to come.
In the main resort bar, Tom was dealing with the stunning female guest. She was a blend of all his fantasies, of all beautiful women he ever knew, and she seemed to be more striking beautiful each minute.
‘I… h…have….a girlfriend’ Done. He managed to say it.
‘She doesn’t have to know…’ she smiles as somehow she improves herself even more.
‘She will know… I’m sure of this.’ He glimpses her breasts again and the attire support splits.
‘Oops!’ she said holding her too small dress. Her seduction game was plain and simple: to shove her giant breasts in his face. At the beginning she was a little disgusted of how men overreacted to her new amazing body and face; she couldn’t stand to think on what they were thinking. Now she wanted to manipulate it, to squash it, to chew it and spit. She didn’t care if it would destroy a man’s life, to make him lose his girlfriend or wife, family and kids. In this island she was a goddess. She ruled.
In this moment, Tattoo interrupts the band and makes an announcement: ‘Ladies and gentleman, sorry to cut short the night, but we have a storm coming in our direction’ the people became nervous and already standing up ‘for your safety please stay in your rooms, the staff will give directions and more information. Thank you.’
‘well, that’s… bad’ he says
‘Do you mean bed?’ she says
‘I really have to see if my girlfriend is okay…’ to her, this guy who couldn’t stop gawking at her breasts was leaving her alone, she only have some days left, she wouldn’t let this first night to be unaccompanied.
‘It wa…’ he was almost saying goodbye when Nat grabs him up and kisses him like she never done before. His feet were trying to find the ground, his arms didn’t know what to do, to repeal or to embrace it. People were running around to their rooms as her dress starts to rip.
‘Wow, you’re an amazing kisser…’ she said, she was wet, drunk and wet.
‘I didn’t do anything’
‘You don’t need to…’ and she savages his mouth again. And then he holds her back, climbing more on her as her breasts collapses the rest of her dress.
In an absurd gust of wind, the windows shattered, tables and people were flying to the opposite wall. Gripping on a column Natasha held Tom with her.
‘Is the storm?’ she yelled
‘No! Is far worst!’ Tom yelled back. He knew, he screwed it up big time. The wall started grumble, the electricity was cut, the emergency light goes up as the wall collapses outwards with a deafening explosion.
Lara floats inside, coming in Tom’s direction ‘YOU FUCKING LIAR! HOW COULD YOU! HOW COULD YOU! I loved you’
‘I… I…’ Tom tried to save the world with the right phrase, but nothing came into his mind.
‘That’s it? Just bigger breasts? I though that you were different. I feel so stupid’ her eyes focus on the floor, between his legs, the beams travels in the direction of his balls setting fire on the carpet.
‘No, please, you cant do this to me, please!’
She talks without interrupting the killer rays ‘You fucking maggot… you could have anything on the world and just trashed it' Lara let her own breasts grow up in size, changing its shape, destroying her upper nike outfit. ‘anything… even these… bigger than anything in your life! Any fantasy! Your fucking twerp!’
‘You are the fucking twerp!’ Said Natasha ‘I remember you, that midget in the plane!’
Lara stops her heat beams very near of Tom’s sweating balls ‘Do you have any idea with you are dealing here, bitch?’
‘With a immature teenager that cant handle to be dumped. If you want to know, he was delicious.’ She looks at him over the floor ‘you are so tasty, darling’
‘You bitch’ Lara wanted to finish this woman with her bare hands, with her superpowers it would be easy as breaking fortune cookies. In a second Lara takes her throat and sees her struggling ‘time to die, cow’
‘Stop it’ Mr.Roarke says lifting a shiny piece of metal. In a fraction of a second, everything was like before, including Lara and Natasha. Lara falls to the floor, and Natasha didn’t take any second thought before picking her hair up and smashing Lara to the column. Both were normal again, Lara was little as four and a half feet tall, and Natasha, as the plain ordinary looking woman she hated.
Tom runs to stop Natasha of beating the hell of the little girl. Lara, crying, lift her extra baggy clothes and tries to escape.
‘Tattoo, catch her!’ said Mr.Roarke. Tattoo tries to, but she kicked in his balls first and run away.
‘Thank God, Mr.Roarke’ said Tom ‘she almost killed me’
‘We are not safe yet’
‘We are in a bubble, here in this room, all the fantasies are all annulled. This piece of metal are protecting us from her. Tell me, Mr.Davis, does she know anything about the reactor?’
‘Reactor? Well, she said something about lava rocks’
‘Shit. I never said shit in my life… she is trying to steal it for her. And if she does, she can have godlike powers’
‘Shit. She's still superpowered… we can’t stop her, you saw what she can do. Why don’t just pull the plug on everything?’
‘There is no plug Mr.Davis. Is auto-sustained. We can only configure it, and all our access to it is blocked by her’
‘What is it?’
‘Something older than mankind itself, why is here on this remote island is a mystery for generations.’
‘How do you access it?’
‘Bluetooth 2.0’
‘It accepts any frequency signals’
‘And you keep a resort based on an alien technology?’
‘This resort is a disguise to protect it. We must hurry now, Mr.Davis, this metal can maintain the reality bubble for some hours only.’
‘But how we going to protect ourselves after this? No military can stop her’
‘Was her fantasy to be superpowered?’ asked Natasha, using her large red dress to hide her small breasts.
‘No, it was Mr.Davis fantasy’
‘Are you nuts?’ she asked ‘You feel attracted to superpowered girls?’
‘Yes. Yes. Are you happy?’
‘So I can be superpowered too’ Natasha says to herself.
‘What did you just said?’
Outside, a huge helicopter dropped two feds and a small elite group of mercenaries, known as the Protectors…
To be continued
August 29, 2007 at 11:03 am #53027crazyfck
ParticipantThat’s why I should not drink and write at the same time, in the last chapter is not Mr.Davis, is Mr.Jones, I swapped, it’ll never happen again… let me open another beer now…
‘The metal is getting hotter, we have less time that I thought’ said Mr.Roarke holding it a towel.
Natasha, normal as human can be, was looking outside the windows, when the superpowered ex-girlfriend Lara shows-up in her taller form floating outside looking back, waiting with cold eyes.
‘It’s her! Like before!’
‘We are safe in here’ said Mr.Roarke.
‘For how long?’ she asked out loud. ‘We need a plan, Mr.Roarke’
‘We have to talk to her… to bring reason…’ he tried to articulate.
‘Are you kidding me? She almost killed us! She will. I know what to do…’ said Natasha very focused on the young Mr.Jones hiding, fearing for his own life ‘So, you like girls with superpowers, don’t you?’
‘What you are trying to do?’ interrupted Mr.Roake.
‘You know my contract, you wrote it’ she replied back.
‘No! I will not repeat my mistake’ he said blocking Natasha from Mr.Jones.
‘You already did’ said her.
The metal in Mr.Roarke’s hand is too hot to handle and it falls. He alerted Tom: ‘don’t let her use your sexual impulses, Mr.Jones’
‘He can’t do anything about, Mr.Roarke. I already sense it coming to me’ she said looking at him, tossing Mr.Roarke to the side. She lifts Tom from the floor, and her body was starting its metamorphosis.
The metal that protected their reality, that maintained the bubble of their protection melts in the floor. Tom could see her returning to the breathtaking goddess she was and being more, her eyes started to shine, it would scare anyone. Soon her breasts would be bigger than before, and everything would grow as them, her muscles started it first lines of definition as their mass were strikingly evident in any movement.
‘I need to be more than her’ Natasha caught all his brain activity by her voice alone. Manipulating him like a puppet, she started to grow fast, reaching seven feet and not stopping. Her skin seemed to shine some alien radiation; Tom was too baffled to even think.
‘Is almost a sexuuuual feeling’ she says as she sees the ground changing its perspective, she feel it slowing and urges him ‘I need more Tom, think of me as a goddess, think of me as the first woman… on the first day of creation…’
Her hair starts to float, unaware of the earth’s weak gravity, it was like dancing in the water. She was floating letting Tom over a table, to let him worship her by his eyes only.
Naked above the floor she looks at him with a monalisa smile ‘That’s it… my lover, worship me. I’m mother, sister, lover, friend, angel, devil, earth, home.’
The Mr.Roaque’s metal started to flame the ground as it consumes itself. The reality bubble burst as Natasha’s uncanny perfect body is surrounded by light completing her metamorphosis with every glass and metal in the room dissolving as the emergency lights go down. The light from her body dimmed, leaving everything dark except for the decorative torches of the resort.
‘…Natasha?’ Tom asked, he was afraid to do anything now, even blink.
‘…call me…Supernova’ she said lighting the room with a small star at her finger ‘…I read somewhere about a girl who makes a wish to a supernova that was exploding…’
‘Hey, I read it too! I didn’t knew that,,,’
‘I read in your mind…you all are an open book to me, I know everything just by looking at you…you little pervert, I should squash you like a bug’
‘…w..hy? What did I do…’
‘just kidding’
‘Ok… And…’ Tom was about to ask her about her nemesis outside, but somehow she creates a mirror in front of her.
‘You have an epic taste on girls’ she said flexing her arms ‘it gives me respect’. She spins like a ballerina and makes the Wonder Woman outfit to appear in a flash. She looks herself in the mirror laughing ‘It’s so eight’s, I always dreamed of being Wonder Woman’.
‘Stop with this nonsense, Ms.Morgan!’ said Mr.Roarke at once.
‘Is Supernova’ she says.
Mr.Roarke was hold by an invisible force ‘Supernova. Supernova. Supernova…’ he repeated endlessly.
‘Do not contradict me, ever, Mr.Roarke, no one in this world will contradict me again… speaking of.. Thank you Mr.Roarke for giving me your wonderful treasure.’
‘Welcome’ he said unwillingly.
‘And that girl outside?! Don’t you want to do nothing about?!’
‘What I have to worry?’ she asked changing her outfit to Powergirl ‘and your outfits only work in cartoons, look at me’
‘You are fantastic!’
‘It is cheap, let me see another one…’ And she kept changing her outfits using Tom’s mind as a catalogue of uber girls. Tom could only stay there quiet, and then they listen to an explosion far away, and another one, the ground shakes a little.
‘What is that?’
‘Is your ex-girlfriend trying to find the device, she listened to us. She know I so much more than her’ she said not really caring about it.
‘And if she find it?’
‘She is in the wrong volcano, don’t worry, I control it now’
‘So… stop her, right now!’
‘Why should I to do something? It’s her life.’
‘And me! She’ll kill me!’
‘I’ll talk to her… can I find some clothes first, please? Thank you’. She said as more explosions shake everything.
‘You will let her destroying the whole island? She maybe killing people out there’
‘You are annoying, you know that?’
‘Come on, do something, now that you are a supreme goddess’
‘All right, all right’ she just put a spandex, some boots ‘too kinky’
‘I know, look, picture this…’ and he thinks at Black Cat.
‘Yes… is simple. I like it, but not the mask, I don’t have anything to hide, pretty much the opposite’ and makes her cleavage a little more apparent.
‘Can we go now?’
She looks at him nodding her head ‘You stay here, I don’t want you to be crushed’
‘That’s good. That’s good’
The Protectors were in the direction of the explosions; they knew that it had to be their enemy. In the shore, they left the boat and go to the direction of the volcano with all their military light equipment.
Lara grew her size to find it more quickly, to dig further into the rocks, she was a giantess now, a superpowered giantess. With her teeth locked, she crushes a tree in hand asking herself ‘where is it! Where is the fucking machine!’, she smashes the instable volcano one more time and lava starts to surround her naked skin, flooding all around her ‘that’s great, just great’ she said with a voice that could be heard for miles.
‘You will never find it’ said Natasha floating above her. She entered the mind of the writer and corrected him: is Supernova. He was severely punished by that. Supernova resumes: ‘you don’t have slightest idea of what it is, or where it is… you grew up this time!’
‘You are lying! I know it is here! Somewhere…’
‘No, you don’t have a clue, I guarantee that, if you want, I leave you here smashing rocks for years, is not here.’
The Protectors look up with their infrared googles the voluptuous flying amazon talking with the unthinkable beautiful naked giantess in the lava lake. ‘Backup, sir?’
The amazon and the giantess heard them.
‘shit, we don’t have any option! Shoot to kill! We are the Protectooooooors!’ and the small troop opens fire to the godly girls. Lara fried them right away with her heat rays.
‘You cannot do that! They are human beings!’ said Supernova looking at their outlines graved on the rocks as the wind took their ashes away. They look each other.
‘self-defence’ Lara snorted.
Supernova said laughing ‘Ok, this time will pass. It was funny.’
‘They are like ants…’
‘If you do it again, I’ll show you who is the ant.’
‘Okay, ok’
You will remain in this size?’
‘No, of course not, but is fun, I always wanted to be tall. Infinitely tall. Sorry about trying to kill you, it was wrong, I overreacted’
‘That’s ok, I already forget it, men are jerks.’
As the two supergirls were getting along, Mr.Roarque and Tattoo were trying to find Lua, their last hope. ‘Only her good heart can save us now, Tattoo’
August 30, 2007 at 9:09 am #53028g-man
ParticipantI'll admit, I'm not a fan of where it's going. I've never been into giantess stuff, and it's starting to get a bit depressing. But ignore me! Writers should write what THEY want, and only listen to reader requests if they like them.
Don't let your poor English dissuade you! It's the ideas that matter, not the grammar. Besides, somebody can always edit it for you. For example, I'm a horrible creative writer, but I've got a decent grasp of the language. Here's an example of how some of your work might look like with a bit of editing:
"Yes Mr. President, somebody is trying to steal the reality distortion field" Mr. Roarke said into the hotline handset.
"What the fuck are you saying?!" the American president shouted into the phone in a panic, "Do you realize that the United States annexed Hawaii JUST because of this damned device!? Which, might I add, has NEVER worked properly as your grandfather promised it would!"
"Mr. President, the truce was to protect the machine, not to use it for your gain."
"I know, I know. Well, I've already sent a team to the island. They'll arrive in an hour. The military is also preparing for a sortie."
"We've got a storm approaching, Mr. President. It'll arrive in a few hours. The sooner your men get here, the better." Tattoo looked at Mr. Roarke apprehensively as he placed the phone back in its cradle.
"We need to shut the island down. Go to the lobby and inform everyone that they should seek shelter due to the storm." Mr. Roarke said to Tattoo. Roarke could see lightning far off on the distant ocean, beyond the fire of the decorative torches outside. It was surely a sign of things to come.
In the resort's main bar, Tom was dealing with the stunning female guest. She was a blend of all his fantasies, of all the most beautiful women he'd ever seen, and she seemed to grow more strikingly beautiful with each passing minute.
"I… I have… a girlfriend," he squeaked, managing to marshal his resolve for a brief moment.
"She doesn’t have to know," she said, smiling, as she somehow grew even more attractive. Her breasts pushed outwards, stretching the fabric of her dress to its limits.
"She'll know, I’m sure of it." He couldn't help but take another glimpse at her breasts as her clothing tore open.
"Oops!" she said, holding her dress, now too small to contain her growing bosom. Her plan to seduce him was plain and simple: shove her giant breasts in his face. In the beginning, she was a little disgusted by how men reacted to her amazing new body and face. She just couldn’t stand to think about what was going through their heads. Now she wanted to manipulate them, to squash them, to use them, to chew them up and spit them out. She didn’t care if she destroyed their lives, made them lose their girlfriends or wives, their family and kids. On this island, she was a goddess. She planned to rule over it.
Tattoo chose this moment to interrupt the band and make his announcement over the PA.
"Ladies and gentleman, sorry to cut your night short, but a strong storm is approaching,"
The patrons eyed each other nervously.
"For your own safety, please return to your rooms. The staff will give you instructions, and more information will follow shortly. Thank you for your cooperation."
"Well, that’s… bad." Tom said.
"Don't mean bed?" she purred sexily, with a mischievous grin.
"I really need to check if my girlfriend is alright…" he said to her. This guy, who couldn’t stop gawking at her growing breasts, was still thinking about his girlfriend? She only had a few days left like this, and she wouldn’t let the first night in her glorious new body be wasted.
That's all I had time for, and it's really just a quick pass. My punctuation isn't perfect, but it's an example of what an editor can do to try to make your work take better advantage of the language. Perhaps somebody here would like to pick up where I left off, and make your work really shine. I hope you like what I've done with it 🙂
August 30, 2007 at 11:09 am #53029g-man
ParticipantI can't for the life of me figure out how to edit my previous post, so here it is.
Upon further reflection, I realize that my previous post was a bit insulting. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to come across that way! My intention was to:
1) Note that while your latest chapter had diverged from my tastes, not being in to giantess stories or doomsday scenarios, remained an excellent piece that was still worth of praise.
2) Note that while your English may not be perfect (being a second language), this wasn't something to worry about, as it is the ideas that matter more than the words. And that if you wanted, somebody would probably be willing to act as an editor.Even professional authors have editors! 🙂 I'm sorry if my post came across as too negative. That wasn't my intention.
September 3, 2007 at 12:03 am #53030crazyfck
ParticipantI can't for the life of me figure out how to edit my previous post, so here it is.
Upon further reflection, I realize that my previous post was a bit insulting. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to come across that way! My intention was to:
1) Note that while your latest chapter had diverged from my tastes, not being in to giantess stories or doomsday scenarios, remained an excellent piece that was still worth of praise.
2) Note that while your English may not be perfect (being a second language), this wasn't something to worry about, as it is the ideas that matter more than the words. And that if you wanted, somebody would probably be willing to act as an editor.Even professional authors have editors! 🙂 I'm sorry if my post came across as too negative. That wasn't my intention.
I'm aware of my limitations… you should know that! And I will not stop because of this. I didn't feel any negativity… to me it's the opposite
and is impossible to please everyone, so I try to at least please myself. Since I believe someone share the same things as me, I put it here. Of the giantess thing, what can I say? Why not? 🙂
And thanks for your effort in showing me how the proper grammar changes some things for better (way better). I try to be dynamic since I don't have the full scope of the vocabulary, to not giving too much space for descriptions, my weak point.
I don’t do it because want to write a story, but because I want to tell a story. In Portuguese would be very few people to tell this kind of fantasyWhat I wanted the most was someone who could give some time to do what I cant accomplish. To do exactly what you did, so I could be freer to tell a story
Is hard to tell how doomsday it will be near the end. But will be very b-movie. It’s a farce after all 😉
September 3, 2007 at 2:53 am #53031crazyfck
Mr.Roarque and Tattoo arrived in Mr.Naumanburg’s bangaloo, it was destroyed, like something had burst it from inside.
‘Look, boss! It is a giant feet’ he pointed various barefoot footprints in the sand with a length taller than him all across the beach.
‘There is another one, and it’s bigger’ and this one was bigger than Mr.Roarke ‘she entered into the woods’ he pointed to the wrecked trees. They follow the giant footprints and her devastation path.
‘Mr.Naumanburg have peculiar fantasies indeed, boss’
‘Look, there she is’ The giantess Lua, illuminated by the moonlight, muscular as a bodybuilder, voluptuous as a shameless pornstar, was toying with her little tourist in a waterfall. The german guest was wrapped in a collar between her naked giant, wet breasts. She seemed like a kid playing with new christmas toys.
‘Hmm-hmm’ Mr.Roarque interrupts the giantess.
Feeling busted, Lua hides her breasts (something really impossible to accomplish) and takes her giant jungle top from the trees, putting it forgetting about the small german fella buried in there.
‘Didn’t you heard the explosions, Lua?’
‘Yes, Mr.Roarke, I was protecting my guest’ She lied whispering a voice reverberating deep in their lungs. She felt Mr.Naumanburg trying to speak and compress him even more between her breasts. ‘What was that, Mr.Roarke?’
‘Our guests! They are out of control, and we need to reestablish order in the island!’ he said tightening his fist ‘they locked our access to the core, we can’t change its configuration, you, Lua is our only hope, because by of Mr.Naumanburg fantasy you have limitless power to do what is necessary!’
‘I never could dream that a day like this would ever exist’
Lua indeed love power, Mr.Naumanburg showed it to her young heart. Helpless men tuned her on, just the thought of being overwhelming powerful would make her salivate, her pupils to swollen, to her clit aches, to her nipples to be urgently touched. To her power is sexual, they are the same thing.
She goes closer to them, her billboard face occupies all their eyesight ‘What I need to do, Mr.Roarke?’
‘Our core configuration can make you stronger at every sense by your will… different than Mr.Morgan, that relies only on attractiveness and Mr.Watson can be only larger at will… but she also has superpowers from Mr.Davis fantasies…’
‘How powerful they are?’ She asked the final question.
Mr.Roarke could see her giant nipples getting unexpectedly hard, and started to have second thoughts about his plan direction ‘…unthinkable powerful’
A gust of wind alarmed them of the storm coming, spreading, and clouding the stars and the moon. Mr.Roarque screamed ‘we need to be fast, Lua! Before they start to manipulate the core themselves and then we will be doomed!’
As Lara returned to her normal height of seven feet, she listened to Supernova, or Natasha, about the future, floating back to the resort ‘we can make the world a so much better place, we have the real power to fight poverty, injustices, global warming, we can stop the war, any war! A world without frontiers, to listen one voice’
‘…you mean, yours?’ asked Lara.
‘The world needs leadership, more than ever. I have the will, now I have the power to do it’
‘But how you will define ‘justice’? Do you think people will accept it at all?’
‘I read minds, I can know everything about anyone, and I don’t need proofs to do justice, just my word’ said Supernova with static eyes.
‘But who will read your mind? To know if you are lying?’
‘They will have to trust me… do you like your superpowers? You want to keep them? So… you have to trust me’
‘And the device, the reality distortion device, what we will do about it?’ asked the amazon Lara.
‘My transformation destroyed anything electrical in the island. There is no route to the core. I will make another one, but that’s my job, keep out of it, I know everything you know, and you are far to find a route… dear.’
‘You know what it is?’
‘Yes, I read Mr.Roarke’s mind, it’s just an alien probe… it uses reality distortion to say “greetings”
‘The aliens killed the dinosaurs and left this device to tell all universe mysteries to our race in the future’
‘Like 2001!’ said the geek inside of the beautiful amazon Lara.
‘Yes, and looks like I need one thousand years to learn everything… it seems’
‘I want it too… Can I?’
‘Calm down, I will think about it. Maybe we need an immortal race after all… and we both are the first ones’
‘Do you think they will call you of… Queen?’
‘Yes, and they will worship me, poor little ones… they will try to think about your differences, between them and us, thinking of my power over them, our powers, Princess’ Supernova knew that it would give a massage in Lara’s ego. Supernova needed the first soldier for her great cause: herself.
September 3, 2007 at 3:10 am #53032crazyfck
Fantasy Island – A FMG episode
Fantasy Island – An FMG episode
September 3, 2007 at 1:06 pm #53033stmercy2020
Fantasy Island – A FMG episode
Fantasy Island – An FMG episode
That depends. If you are saying the words "Female Muscle Growth," then it's "A." If you are simply saying the names of the letters, "Eff Emm Jee," then it is "An." As I'm forever explaining to my students: English is weird (althoug in this case there's actually a degree of logic behind it.)
September 4, 2007 at 9:45 am #53034g-man
ParticipantI'm aware of my limitations… you should know that! And I will not stop because of this. I didn't feel any negativity… to me it's the opposite
and is impossible to please everyone, so I try to at least please myself. Since I believe someone share the same things as me, I put it here. Of the giantess thing, what can I say? Why not? 🙂
And thanks for your effort in showing me how the proper grammar changes some things for better (way better). I try to be dynamic since I don't have the full scope of the vocabulary, to not giving too much space for descriptions, my weak point.
I don’t do it because want to write a story, but because I want to tell a story. In Portuguese would be very few people to tell this kind of fantasyWhat I wanted the most was someone who could give some time to do what I cant accomplish. To do exactly what you did, so I could be freer to tell a story
Is hard to tell how doomsday it will be near the end. But will be very b-movie. It’s a farce after all 😉
Well, there are people here who have a far better grasp of the language than I do, but perhaps some day I'll take a crack at it, starting with the first chapter. After all, if it's done a little bit at a time, it doesn't seem like such a daunting task. You're a very prolific writer! Err, no promises though 😉
September 24, 2007 at 5:29 am #53035crazyfck
ParticipantI'm going to do a pause on this one (this is the the type of story that I write while drunk…
and gman, if you get some time to do it, would be great ;D really
spelling errors or wrong meanings are like a microphone appearing on a movie shot…
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