FAvourite story

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  • #7089

    The Librarian Series by the Power Company is definately one of my favorites. [Linked to Above]

    Compounding Interest by Hunter S Creek is easily my favorite new story

    Tim Doogan’s Little Sister is another story of his that I really like.

    Building Brand and Will’s Power are my two favorite Lingster stories.

    Popped! by Warren Vehec is one of the stories that got me in to this genre in the first place.

    Sharon by Marknew is another story that really got me into this FMG cult.

    With that said, Marknew is consistantly one of my favorite authors. The Serum, The Spell, What I want, VR Muscle, The Good Witch, and Jilly Milly are all in my favorites folder.

    My hat is off to these absolutely fabulous authors and stories.



    well, actually all of the above are in my list definetly.

    but the one i trully liked was the librarian saga by the Power Company.

    and also donnt forget about Jeremy Wilson



    Marknew’s library would top my personal list, with The Spell and Pendant Changes being two of the most memorable.

    I also like Nomdreserv’s Balance of Nature and Tennis



    Top five are:

    5. Building Brand – Lingster

    4. The Spell – Marknew

    3. New Women -Marknew

    2. Tara – Marknew

    and the envelope and the muscle girl goes to Marknew for:

    1. Alternate Universe


    😀 Hey one of mine made someone’s list.

    Of course I love sories by Marknew, the Power Company and Lingster as well as an author named Phylogyna who used to wander around Wreck’s.


    After such mentions, the only story that cames into my mind that haven’t being mentioned yet is ‘The Wish Book’ part 1 and 2 posted in Diana’s site.


    Matthew Lim

    Masschine, I think all your best literary work are the contributions you made to LH-Art 😀


    I tend to like long drawn out where you can see all the ramification of a premise, so of course MarkNew’s the spell is one of my favorites (and the story that gave me a whole new fetish back when I cataloged it from aawa, (In the last days of the usenet republic, before the darktimes, before the spampire . . .))

    There’s a similar style story called "A new world order" by Kowalski (I think) on the BEarchive that I like for the same reasons – anybody that like Marknew would probably like it, though it goes a bit far for my taste (But then, so doth Mark sometimes – <G>), and journeys through TG towards the end, which does absolutely nothing for me, so I’ll give a squick warning for anyone else that wants to check it out. (Correction – Can’t find it there anymore – I’ve seen it other places – anyone have a link for a different website for people?)

    Valerafon has some great stories too – I particularly like the mixture of good and evil women in them – Want more "My Bavarian Assignment"!

    I believe I came across the fact that the author passed away (sadly – we corresponded a few times), but one of my favorite sites when he was among us was The Amazing Adventures of Sara Corel a well written story about an amazing powerful gynoid being placed on earth by the "Cryptonians" (so named because they’re a mystery to us) as a test – how will we react to something that has enough power to destroy us, save us, or do pretty much whatever she likes.

    And there’s one called Five percent, about a man that gives away 5% of his size everytime he makes a wish for his wife to become sexier in some way that builds into a nicely twilight zonish adult story – he ends up a sex toy in his wifes handbag. It used to be on an old ftp site that’s long since defunct – I suppose I could post a copy if I can find it and people are interested.


    There’s a similar style story called "A new world order" by Kowalski (I think) on the BEarchive that I like for the same reasons – anybody that like Marknew would probably like it, though it goes a bit far for my taste (But then, so doth Mark sometimes – <G>), and journeys through TG towards the end, which does absolutely nothing for me, so I’ll give a squick warning for anyone else that wants to check it out. (Correction – Can’t find it there anymore – I’ve seen it other places – anyone have a link for a different website for people?).

    Is this it?



    So i want to know your favourite story (with muscle girl of course).

    i want to know what are the best stories on the net.

    Thank you 😀

    Excluding those written by myself and since I prefer stories that have storylines of depth / character development – I’d next have to go with the stories by Hi-Standard, Silent One, Kate (aka JenWalters, GTSKate), Cashia, Hunter S Creek, Terry (aka Terry19d), Crow Magnon, Paul Bunyan, Au Goose and Panther.

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)

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