FAvourite story

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  • #7099

    [quote="Pug"]There’s a similar style story called "A new world order" by Kowalski (I think) on the BEarchive that I like for the same reasons – anybody that like Marknew would probably like it, though it goes a bit far for my taste (But then, so doth Mark sometimes – <G>), and journeys through TG towards the end, which does absolutely nothing for me, so I’ll give a squick warning for anyone else that wants to check it out. (Correction – Can’t find it there anymore – I’ve seen it other places – anyone have a link for a different website for people?).

    Is this it?


    Yeah, that looks like it looks like it – also found a copy of Five Percent – On Diana the Valhyrie’s site of course – <G>.

    Hope y’all enjoy. I’ll also take this moment to second the recommendation of Au Goose – I’ve only read a couple of his stories, but the ones I’ve read have been fun.

    Also – Jason Thorn’s For Want of a Nail is one of the better comic book stories written. Actually – I’ve never come across a Jason Thorn story that wasn’t excellent – any genre, any style – I think I’ve run across three or four of them on the ‘net in various odd places, but the only other one I remember the name of at this moment is "Djinn and Tonic"



    While it does not include muscle growth per se, it is mentioned, and there is certainly growth in other areas. An older story:



    well, actually all of the above are in my list definetly.

    but the one i trully liked was the librarian saga by the Power Company.

    and also donnt forget about Jeremy Wilson


    Well, thanks for remembering me Fasola, I am glad someone likes my stuff. As for my favorite growth stories, I like some by GBM, although not all, I like a couple from Marknew, I like the Librarian Series from The Power Company, and Gribble has some very good ones too.


    While this story was listed previously, http://www.thevalkyrie.com/stories/1misc9/morph2.htm ,

    I wanted to mention it due to the fact it is one I had always hoped for a continuation. I wanted to see what would happen when the two Japanese,(twins?), were "given" the "Power". I can only see it as a great muscle growth story addition if done well. πŸ˜‰








    I made it to someone’s list! πŸ˜€


    How’d THAT happen? 😯 πŸ˜•

    Heheh. Anyway, glad you enjoyed it. ^_^

    While I’m at it acouple my favorites are;

    –some of Marknew’s stories (you see antagonists all the time, but rarely do you see one’s that can actually get under your skin. Those girls manage to do just that, and it’s pretty unique),

    –Redneck Gaijin’s "Hulk-chan" series, (never laughed harder at such a type of story)

    There’s more, but I’m bad at recalling, so I may put them in later.


    Wow I get mentioned again. 😳 Thanks. I hadn’t thought of continuing the story, I thought it was a nice place to finish. I have a tendancey to go on and on in a story instead of just finishing it. I’ve more in the works, hopefully some with LH-Art. Most of the stuff I’ve posted at Diana the Valkyrie has been continuations of someone else’s story but I might post some others there in the next month or so.

    rick powers

    First, a big thanks to Kiss, Yates, Fasola, Masshine, and others who’ve enjoyed my stories over the years. I’ve enjoyed writing them. And in the end, I’m not getting paid for this stuff, so it must be that I’m doing it just for the attention.

    Second, I guess it’s time to put away some of the other psuedonyms I’ve used over the years. I started out as Mac, but then that got too close to home when guys at work started calling me that. Then I took on Mick Powers and quickly got it confused with Rick Powers so I thought, what the heck, why not be three or four people and call it a Company. But I’ve pretty much settled on Rick Powers and the Power Company, so that’s who I am (OMG – I guess that means I’ve come out of the closet – well sort of – okay maybe I’ve opened the closet door just a little …) (Diana tV once wrote me that she hated elipses […] but I can’t help myself … I use them constantly!)

    Third, I’ve got to send a shout out to the Mighty One for his Amazon Artifact and Amazing Morphin’ Amazon Cheeleaders (or sumthin’ like that). These stories were some of the first I read lo those many years ago that let me know … I was not alone!!!

    And Fourth, no one has made mentoin of Sharon Best (or whatever he’s calling himself these days). The Aurora series – especially when the Bo Derek-type character goes through some growth along with members of her staff – was another of the great first reads I found while surepticiously browsing the ether.

    And lastly, thanks to all of you great storytellers who have taken the time to share your dreams and fantasies with us. It makes life a little bit more interesting.

    -Rick (really, that’s the name I’ve settled on – at least for the time being)

    Michael Pouliot

    I’m surprised that my all time favorite didn’t make this list:



    I like the stories that develop the players and make me care for and about them…Marknew’s LillyLane is very good as is The Spell.. The Power Company has alot of really good stuff and very readible and literate and I like Rick Power’s general tone about his work… Hunter Creek is awesome…he writes some awesome stories with great roles…Tim Duggan’s Little Sister and Compounding Interest come to mind as classics…








    I made it to someone’s list! πŸ˜€


    How’d THAT happen? 😯 πŸ˜•

    Heheh. Anyway, glad you enjoyed it. ^_^

    While I’m at it acouple my favorites are;

    –some of Marknew’s stories (you see antagonists all the time, but rarely do you see one’s that can actually get under your skin. Those girls manage to do just that, and it’s pretty unique),

    –Redneck Gaijin’s "Hulk-chan" series, (never laughed harder at such a type of story)

    There’s more, but I’m bad at recalling, so I may put them in later.[/quote]

    You wrote them????

    It was great the humorous gags you put between the f/f story!!! , sometimes I just couldn’t stop laughing

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