FBB on Taboo

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  • #109984

    On Sunday, Sept. 23, Taboo: Extreme Bodies will feature a segment on Female Bodybuilders.

    Here’s a clip:



    Thanks for the update. That’s going to be very interesting just from watching that clip.


    Looks alot like the other recent shows on fbbs. The sport is dead as far as making money in the sport itself. Sponsors are long gone from roided out women. They left years back and even Hollywood backed away.

    The money is in the websites, videos, and sessions. That is what it looks like the theme was on that special. Some girls obviously go further than just wrasslin and some do not. That is old info. The girls that do the specials are always the ones who don’t offer sex. I believe them, but they’d be stupid to admit if they did since that is a crime.


    Jennifer Scarpetta looks like a TOTALLY different woman with that sexy new bob-haircut.
    She looks like a poor man’s Nicole Ball! I might just have to set up a session with her.


    Kinda excited to see them interview FBBers who are not Lauren Powers
    I see Jennifer Scarpetta is wearing a wedding ring again
    Guess Megan really is gonna marry her


    Looks like they’re replaying it Tues. July 16, 2013, 5AM EDT
    Click here for preview


    Looks alot like the other recent shows on fbbs. The sport is dead as far as making money in the sport itself. Sponsors are long gone from roided out women. They left years back and even Hollywood backed away.

    The money is in the websites, videos, and sessions. That is what it looks like the theme was on that special. Some girls obviously go further than just wrasslin and some do not. That is old info. The girls that do the specials are always the ones who don’t offer sex. I believe them, but they’d be stupid to admit if they did since that is a crime.

    Hollywood still uses FBBers here&there
    just never in a positive light
    Look at compiled list of movies in Topic:Re:Scavenger Hunt
    you’ll notice the roles get more demeaning in the movies filmed after 9/11


    Kinda excited to see them interview FBBers who are not Lauren Powers
    I see Jennifer Scarpetta is wearing a wedding ring again
    Guess Megan really is gonna marry her

    Megan&Jen Announced on Twitter last week they shipped off to boston to get married.
    Even pics of the roadtrip&wedding ring

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