Female Transformation Update Blog

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  • #23349
    Prophet Tenebrae

    I'm not aware of anything like this – so I thought I'd create it… just a blog to facilitate easy knowledge of stuff that's going on to do with female transformation BE/FMG/TF etc.

    I'm hoping that people will sign up to be part of the team so that we can get people posting links to all the new content around the net. Just to keep everyone abreast of the latest stuff, avoiding double posting etc.



    Excellent idea! How do we sign up?


    Prophet Tenebrae

    Oh, yes – sorry.

    I should have made that more clear. Basically – make an account on blogger and then e-mail me [email]prophet.tenebrae@gmail.com[/email], I'll then dispatch an invite to you and you'll become part of the "team" and therein capable of posting on the blog.


    Great idea, and thanks for keeping it updated reqularly. Now if only I could join 'She-Hulk' playhouse, which you mention in your latest post ….  😐

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