female wrestling game system…

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  • #89390
    the fell bat

    Ok I don't know if this is the right category to post in… in fact I'm not even sure if this is the right forum… I'm posting this on several forums I visit.

    As a side hobby I've been working on a dice, paper and pencil (although in this day and age it's all on computer, including dice number generator, and just using something convenient like Excel in place of paper and pencil) game system that can be used for female wrestling matches.

    I'm currently trying to simplify it without compromising too much on the comprehensiveness of the system. In fact I'm aiming to make it simple enough that I can plug it into a gamebook format, like that old series Way of the Tiger… anyone read that? *reveals nerd childhood… hell, nerd adulthood*

    But failing that, it could function very well as an e-wrestling league system. Or I hope so anyway.

    So… is anyone on this board going to be interested in such a thing..?

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