Fine Literature

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  • #57672

    So, I was bored one day and took a random book from the library shelf. It was a book called Ascending by James Alan Gardner.

    In it, he discusses a few alien species, one of which can only best describe their females as "Towering Behemoths of Muscle".
    These females are sought after by another race for their beauty. For they equate broad shoulders in their women to be as attractive as
    prominent mammary glands in human women.

    A thriving business of mail order brides sprung up between the two species. One of the interesting factors that sprung up in the book
    happen to be discussed quite often in stories submitted on this board. Once the female realizes she is not just a little bit stronger than the
    male, but prodigiously stronger, how is a balance in the marriage maintained.

    In a far advanced space culture, sometimes the oldest ways are the easiest. Marriage brokers finally wind up telling the brides to be that
    as long as they behave, their brother/father/mother/stranger on the street, won't be killed horribly. The book does not resolve this unfortunate
    situation, it is after all, a passing reference of one of the supporting characters. If you would like to read the section I am referring to,
    just browse the book at your local library and turn to page 198 where the subheading reads: On being a wide woman

    On another note, I have many opinions on good authors. If you'd like to find out more about my reading tastes, or would like to post your
    favorite authors/books and give a reason why you like them, just reply. 🙂


    I have a few questions Is the supporting character one of the females and if so how much of the book is she in?  ;D


    Yes, she is one half of the two aliens that come and rescue the main character from a planet of sleeping people.

    She does a few things in the book, a few highlights include tearing through a spaceships emergency seal bulkhead, and destroying a
    nigh invincible robot with her bare hands.

    Actually through most of the book she tries to maintain an overly demure and overly feminine facade as part of the marriage brokers deal,
    which she cannot tell her husband about. (Lest unfortunate events befall a relative.) The husband is very happy to have her and is completely
    unaware of her brother's plight.

    I haven't checked to see if the author made any more books in the series, I would have liked to see her situation resolved.


    Thank you for the reply. Every now and then I read a novel. It takes me a while for me to read a book that isn't a comic book  ;D but I enjoy a good story. At the moment I am reading "World War Z, the verbal account of the zombie war.". It's really good.


    What a great find, and thank you for sharing. I've located a local library that has that title, yay.


    The Julie Velor stories website has a list of books with superstrong female characters at:


    Thanx for the info…
    Out of curiosity, what is this character's name, & how is SHE described in the book?

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