First Lieutenant Rachel Washburn, former NFL cheer

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  • #131751
    Nick Furry

    Happy Veterens Day

    First Lieutenant Rachel Washburn, former NFL cheerleader for the Philadelphia Eagles, now a Lt in the US Army, and twice assigned to Afghanistan.

    (FYI – Her arms were not enhanced in the Cheer images, that’s how buff she actually is)

    And as cool as she is, all our Veterans are Equally Cool!



    Nice photo but you need to check your calendar presuming you mean those living in the USA. Today is Labor Day, not Veterans Day (though the needs of veterans should be addressed more than once a year).


    She’s gorgeous even wearing that military gear

    Nick Furry

    I know that. But I saw it and wanted to post it. And I never said it was veterans day and I know its labor day.

    Since we are currently at war. Every day veterans day in my opinion.

    Nice photo but you need to check your calendar presuming you mean those living in the USA. Today is Labor Day, not Veterans Day (though the needs of veterans should be addressed more than once a year).

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